【mod汉化】N网发现的mod,感觉蛮有趣的,发现没汉化,我就汉化一下,分享大家 (请版主大大设置回复可见)
N网原址:E3 Wolf Follower plus Xtra (Next Gen) at The Witcher 3 Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com)没汉化,我就汉化一下,支持次世代4.0.4
cn.w3strings 汉化文件复制到mod文件夹下即可。具体路径:《《前置路径》》\mods\modwolfie\content\
**** Hidden Message *****
What This Mod Does
You can change his appearance/speed/size/immortal in game menu
Press a key to call him.Press again to have him wait/follow or if you double tap the key it will despawn him
He scales with your level
Stuff in Xtra version:
You can craft bandages to heal, stews to restore morale, boil dirty water from searching and dismantle basic stuff (helps other mods too)
Hold O to Dismantle;B to Search.(Crafting and Bestiary buttons).Crafting unlocked for recipes found at The Crow's Trader (and maybe realistic torch).
Double Tap Hold = Aggressive Stance. Triple Tap = Defensive Stance. Triple Tap Hold = Passive Stance. Triple Tap Hold again = Hunter Stance.
Single Tap Hold = Toggleable temporary Aggressive or Passive Stance (Until your next fight ends.Affects their movement)
Six Taps = Kill NPCS Stance (best I could come up with) do near guards too (your pet attacks you for a second, aggroing them; So try not to die)
Six Taps again will turn your pet into a regular monster so you can fight it (necessary to refill spent whistles from perma-death mode by sacrificing a tamed)
do Defensive Stance twice (while you're not in combat) to heal them. (Recipes for a Bandage from Crow's trader are best, otherwise uses food)
do Aggressive Stance in combat to start taming opponent instead. (Having Axii selected, or no weapons held / lowering their health and torches help)
Summon: Dismiss:
Single Tap = Summon. Press Again while summoned to toggle Waiting and Following Mode.Press in Combat to flee.
Double Tap = Dismiss. Or if set menu option to not disappear it will release them to Wander
Four Taps = Re-recruit a previously released companion
Four Taps Hold = Re-recruit all released companions
Five Taps = Release (or Dismiss) your nearest companion
Five Taps = Bury a fallen companion you're standing on
Five Taps Hold = Summon one extra companion
Six Taps Hold = Forcibly Dismiss all followers (good if you're using the 'followers won't disappear' thing in the menu)
You have 3 charges (Refills one every 10 minutes,changeable in menu.Set Charges to 0 if you want to turn it off)
If enabled in the menu it slowly drains. Recipes from Crow's Trader to restore.At -85% followers start acting a little strange.
Whistle / Quest Mode:
Makes it so you can only use whistles you find or companions you've tamed. (I haven't learned how to save tamed companions yet btw)
Makes it so once your looted whistler dies your whistle dies (unless you sacrifice a tamed companion while holding said precious item of course)
New Console Command:
You can typewolf(ent_name)to spawn any follower (can unlock directories by uncommenting lines at bottom of wolfCompanionPlusXtra.ws.)
Voice Commands:
Use Roach voice commands to command your followers.
This is just pretty simple basic stuff but hopefully somebody likes it :) (and feel free to improve it however you want)
Things that don't work: flying monsters.minimap icon. loud animal sounds and Roach lines in voice commands. hiding focus ripples.
If you get Better Torches it might allow you to parry with your torch
Thanks to Kalel9 and Marsu88 and ReaperAnon and Regolas91 and ElementaryLewis
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