gfcyl123 发表于 2024-4-20 10:19


本帖最后由 gfcyl123 于 2024-8-28 14:27 编辑


Lubricating Grease v2.3.0.0 LS22The lubricating grease helps to keep theperformance of the mechanical parts high.Changelog
– changed the unit from kg to gChangelog
– added game settings for activation of the consumes and for usage scale of thelubricating grease
– added configuration for AI Worker
– added possibility for changing consumption scale for a single vehicle
– fixed refill issues
– fixed multiplayer issues
– removed grease configuration for mod without configuration because causes acrash of the game when load save game without this mod
– fixed other little mod issues compatibilityChangelog
– added new barrels of SKF: LAGT LGMT LAGG with capacity 18, 50 and 150 kg
– increase support and compatibility for vehicles
– added new configuration in the store to add the SKF LincolnIf you check that you are constantlyusing the lubricating grease, the wear will be less and the life of the modwill be greater otherwise the wear and the life of the mod will get worsefaster.
This package adds the management of the lubricating grease and it’s addedautomatically in all supported vehicles with the default lubrication values oryou can add the specific lubrication value for each mod by adding the specificvalues.Configurations:
– Consumption quantity for each lubrication point (default is one gram)
– Seconds of interval for lubrication when the vehicle is used (default is 30seconds)
– Identification for a tool of a vehicle (default is false)
– Grease lubrication points for basic use of the vehicle
– Grease lubrication points for the working mode of the vehicle
– Optional and changeable hydraulic wear sound when use the mod and grease ismissingThis package includes:
– Added the lubricating grease for vehicles
– Added a new HUD that show the lubricating grease fill level
– Added configuration in the store for adding and positioning the SKF Lincolnto the mod
– Added the SKF Lincoln with lubricating grease animated when working andanimated fill level
– Added a new pallet and barrels with the lubricating grease for refilling yourmods
– Added the trailer Fliegl ASW 271 of the game edited for working withlubricating grease
– Added a new store packs: “Lubricating grease” here you can find all mods thatwork with the specific values of lubricating grease
– The lubricating grease used is calculated based on the settings and when themod is used
– The factor amount of the life and wear of the mod is changed when is used ornot the lubricating greasePallet and barrels of lubricating grease:
– LGMT + LAGG 18 contains 18 kg of lubricating grease and the price is 150 $
– LGMT + LAGG 50 contains 50 kg of lubricating grease and the price is 450 $
– LGMT + LAGG 180 contains 180 kg of lubricating grease and the price is 1.500$
– LAGT + LGMT + LAGG 18 contains 18 kg of lubricating grease and the price is150 $
– LAGT + LGMT + LAGG 50 contains 50 kg of lubricating grease and the price is450 $
– LAGT + LGMT + LAGG 180 contains 180 kg of lubricating grease and the price is1.500 $
– LGMT 18 contains 18 kg of lubricating grease and the price is 150 $
– LGMT 50 contains 50 kg of lubricating grease and the price is 450 $
– LGMT 180 contains 180 kg of lubricating grease and the price is 1.500 $
– One barrel contains 180 kg of lubricating grease and the price is 1.500 $
– Two barrels contain 360 kg of lubricating grease and the price is 3.000 $INSTRUCTIONS ONLY FOR BARRELS WITH HOSE(Screenshot 3)
1. Place the vehicle’s tank as close to the hose as possible
2. Without leave the vehicle, attach the hose of the lubricating grease barrel
3. Turn on the pump of the lubricating grease barrel
4. Start refilling the SKF Lincoln tank in the vehicle
5. When finished refueling, detach the hose of the lubricating grease barrelWARNINGS:
– For barrels with hose, you can refill the SKF Lincoln ONLY when the hose isattached to the SKF Lincoln. (Screenshot 3)
– You can refill the mod with lubricating grease, only when the mod has usedmore than 50% of the lubricating grease
– Always check that you have lubricating grease in the tank of the machinebefore using it
– The use of the lubricating grease is interrupted when the option for the“Helper Refill – Grease” has been activated with “Buy” and therefore the needto refill is also disabledREMEMBER: for customization of the useof the lubricating grease, you must add the settings inside your mods. For thelast, add the dependency in your modDesc file. 润滑脂 v2.3.0.0 LS22 润滑脂有助于保持机械部件的高性能。 更改日志–将单位从 kg 更改为 g 更改日志–添加了用于激活消耗和润滑脂使用规模的游戏设置–添加了 AI Worker 的配置–增加了更改单辆车消耗规模的可能性–修复了重新填充问题–修复了多人游戏问题–删除了没有配置的 Mod 的 Grease 配置,因为在加载没有此 Mod 的游戏时会导致游戏崩溃–修复了其他小 Mod 问题兼容性 更改日志–增加了新的 SKF 桶:容量为 18、50 和 150 公斤的 LAGT LGMT LAGG–增加对车辆的支持和兼容性–在商店中添加了新配置以添加 SKF Lincoln 如果您检查是否一直在使用润滑脂,磨损会更少,模块的使用寿命会更长,否则磨损和模块的使用寿命会更快地恶化。此软件包添加了润滑脂的管理,并且它会自动添加到所有具有默认润滑值的受支持车辆中,或者您可以通过添加特定值来为每个模块添加特定的润滑值。 配置:–每个润滑点的消耗量(默认为 1 克)–使用车辆时润滑间隔秒(默认为 30 秒) –车辆工具的标识(默认为 false)–用于车辆基本用途的油脂润滑点–车辆工作模式的油脂润滑点–使用模块和缺少润滑脂时,可选且可更换的液压磨损声音 此套餐包括:–增加了车辆的润滑脂–添加了一个新的 HUD,显示润滑脂填充水平–在商店中添加了配置,用于将 SKF Lincoln 添加和定位到 mod 中–添加了 SKF Lincoln,在工作时带有润滑脂动画和动画填充水平–添加了一个新的托盘和带有润滑脂的桶,用于重新填充您的模组–添加了预告片 Fliegl ASW 271 的游戏编辑用于使用润滑脂–添加了新的商店包:“润滑脂”在这里您可以找到所有适用于润滑脂特定值的模组–使用的润滑脂是根据设置和使用模块的时间计算的–使用或不使用润滑脂时,mod 的寿命和磨损系数会发生变化 润滑脂托盘和桶:– LGMT + LAGG 18 含有 18 公斤润滑脂,价格为 150 美元– LGMT + LAGG 50 含有 50 公斤润滑脂,价格为 450 美元– LGMT + LAGG 180 含有 180 公斤润滑脂,价格为 1.500 美元– LAGT + LGMT + LAGG 18 含有 18 公斤润滑脂,价格为 150美元– LAGT + LGMT + LAGG 50 含有 50 公斤润滑脂,价格为 450美元– LAGT + LGMT + LAGG 180 含有 180 公斤润滑脂,价格为1.500 美元– LGMT 18 含有 18 公斤润滑脂,价格为 150 美元– LGMT 50 含有 50 公斤润滑脂,价格为 450 美元– LGMT 180 含有 180 公斤润滑脂,价格为 1.500 美元–一桶含有 180 公斤润滑脂,价格为 1.500 美元–两个桶装有 360 公斤润滑脂,价格为 3.000 美元 仅适用于带软管的桶的说明(屏幕截图 3)1. 将车辆的油箱尽可能靠近软管放置2. 在不离开车辆的情况下,连接润滑脂桶的软管3. 打开润滑脂桶的泵4. 开始在车内重新加注 SKF Lincoln油箱5. 加油完成后,拆下润滑脂桶的软管 警告:–对于带软管的桶,只有当软管连接到 SKF Lincoln 时,您才能重新填充 SKF Lincoln。(截图 3)–只有当 mod 使用了超过 50% 的润滑脂时,您才能用润滑脂重新填充 mod–使用前请务必检查机器油箱中是否有润滑脂–当“Helper Refill – Grease”选项被“Buy”激活时,润滑脂的使用被中断,因此也不需要重新填充 请记住:要自定义润滑脂的使用,您必须在 Mod 中添加设置。最后,在 modDesc 文件中添加依赖项。

**** Hidden Message *****


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