添加发动机油v1.0.0.0,功能是减少发动机磨损,使用5小时或者剩余10%容量的时候需要更换发动机油,没有发动机油,车辆是无法启动的,这一点要注意,有问题加置顶帖QQ群说明,玩的愉快:lolMotorex Oil Addon v1.0.0.0 LS22
High-quality Motorex Oil keep enginescompletely clean and offer maximum shear stability and long-term wearprotection.This mod adds the ability to add and changeengine oil on machines with a diesel engine. It is added automatically in allsupported vehicles. You can enable the engine oil by the configuration screenin the shop or take your existing vehicle to a workshop and enable the addon.
You can find pallet with Motorex PremiumOil barrels in the shop:– One barrel, 205L: 1.500 $– Two barrels, 410L: 3.000 $
NOTES:– Oil change is needed after 5 hours of operating time.– You can change the oil if the fill level is at 10% and below.– Once the oil is empty the vehicle will completely turn off.– Oil capacity is calculated based on vehicle mass and max speed, tosimulate bigger capacityfor larger vehicles.– You can modify any mod to have custom oil capacity, and oil changeinterval by followingthe PDF guide included with the mod.
MotorEx Oil Addon v1.0.0.0 LS22。高品质的MotorEx油可保持发动机完全清洁,并提供最大的剪切稳定性和长期磨损保护。此模块增加了在装有柴油发动机的机器上添加和更换发动机油的功能。它会自动添加到所有支持的车辆中。您可以通过商店中的配置屏幕启用发动机油,或者将您现有的车辆带到车间并启用该插件。您可以在商店中找到带有MotorEx Premium油桶的托盘:-一桶,205升:1.500美元。-两桶,410L:3.000美元。备注:-运行5小时后需要更换机油。-如果注油量在10%及以下,您可以更换机油。-一旦机油耗尽,车辆将完全熄火。-根据车辆质量和最大速度计算油量,以模拟更大的容量。适用于较大的车辆。-您可以通过以下方式修改任何MOD,使其具有自定义油量和换油间隔。包括在MOD中的PDF指南。
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