http://pic.pspper.com/bbspic_up/01_A/2008_02a/08-09-18-311.JPG游戏名称:疯狂水管工 / 疯狂管道工 / 疯狂水管 / 水管通
英文名称:Pipe Mania
制作厂商:Empire Interactive Ltd. / XPLOSIV
代理发行:Empire Interactive Ltd.
游戏类型:PUZ - Puzzle Game(益智游戏)
对应主机:Play Station Portable / Play Station 2 / XBOX 360 / PC CD-ROM / Nintendo Wii / Nintendo Dual Screen
游戏简介:(以下内容出自“21CN.COM - 游戏频道”)
由美国Empire公司制作、发行,预定2008年秋季于PS2、PSP、XBOX360、PC、Wii和NDS等主流游戏机平台上推出益智游戏新作:《疯狂水管工》(Pipe Mania),目前官方网站已正式开通,并且放出了游戏最新画面与信息,供玩家参考。 http://pic.pspper.com/bbspic_up/01_A/2008_02a/08-09-18-344.JPGPSP版《疯狂水管工》是以是原PC平台热门的迷你经典游戏为基础,以充分发挥PSP主机性能而重新制作的益智游戏。游戏规则很简单,玩家需要改变厨房的污水槽,必须在绿色液体流出前(官方称为Flooze),通过选择不同管道线路,将水管接好,让液体顺利导向流到下一个平面直到流向终点,是一款简单却又容易让人紧张的反应型益智游戏。值得注意的是,在接通水管零件后,是不能后悔改变方向的,游戏关卡将考验玩家的瞬间判断能力。 http://pic.pspper.com/bbspic_up/01_A/2008_02a/08-09-18-345.JPG本次的PSP版《疯狂水管工》中,将比PC版增加3倍左右的内容,游戏中共收录五大模式以及七个主题舞台,还有超过70个等级设定,并且各等级关卡并非随机产生,游戏变化相当丰富。PSP版的关卡都是经过精心设计的,届时将会给玩家带来非凡的游戏体验。故事模式是游戏的主要模式,背景有污水沟、铁路、玩具厂,甚至是互联网。房间模式将是永无止境的关卡游戏,此外还可通过 Ad Hoc 模式(无线模式)以及 GameSharing(游戏分享)实现两名以上玩家联机对战。游戏目前预定2008年9月底在北美地区发售,喜欢这种益智挑战类游戏的玩家不可错过本作。
游戏画面:(PICTURE×37) http://pic.pspper.com/bbspic_up/01_A/2008_02a/08-09-25-323.JPG
圹氨圹 佰?
圹 ? 圹?郾
圹 舶 圹?郾
郾 舶 佰鄄槽?
鄄 膊?佰? 槽卑 ?
?辈舶 安郯圹卑? ?圹
佰?辈脖佰郯槽郾? 安鄄
鄄 氨膊舶 安圹? 佰郯北? 臂 ?
? 氨辈舶辈圹?脖圹脖 安舶?
鄄 鞍卑辈脖? 臂鄄?佰脖郾 佰舶槽
?辈舶卑膊氨氨圹圹圹槽? 佰 臂 ?
臂 舶辈鞍辈舶膊臂 佰臂?槽? 佰 佰 辈
臂氨脖 膊氨舶 辈鞍 圹? 槽? 佰 佰 佰
圹 辈?氨 臂脖 舶 圹 ?槽鄄 佰? 佰?郾 臂?
佰 氨鞍辈圹膊 舶 氨? 槽圹 佰 圹 膊 安?
槽 辈? 安鄄舶卑 舶 佰? 圹圹?? 辈?鄄 臂
臂 ? 辈槽脖氨北??氨圹?圹圹? 圹 膊?槽?
佰? 辈槽鄄氨北膊膊 卑氨槽?槽郾 臂 槽佰? 郾
郾 辈舶圹脖圹圹圹圹鄄脖氨槽郯槽郯 槽? 槽 鄄 佰?
郾膊槽圹圹圹脖卑安圹圹鄄膊脖槽圹圹 佰? 膊 鄄 臂
圹圹圹圹鄄卑?安?鞍膊圹圹鄄鞍槽圹?臂? 佰佰?佰?
圹鄄卑 氨?氨 辈鞍??鞍臂圹卑氨圹郯? 脖臂臂?郯
圹膊卑??安膊?鞍辈辈卑脖鞍 安圹卑辈圹槽 舶臂佰?郾
圹圹圹圹郾卑舶鞍膊?氨舶膊?安膊舶臂郾氨圹圹 臂?安?鄄
圹? 佰鄄?北卑脖 安?安膊?北膊?氨圹氨圹圹 臂 佰舶?郯
? 圹?舶鞍脖 脖膊卑 北鞍北卑辈圹郯臂圹 槽?鄄?臂?
槽?氨安 脖脖鞍北?氨膊圹圹圹圹辈鄄? 臂氨鄄 膊臂
臂?辈?脖脖? 氨槽圹圹? 辈脖臂? 佰辈?膊辈圹
膊卑?脖氨脖安圹鄄? 氨辈圹鄄臂鄄? 圹圹 臂佰?脖佰
鄄北 脖氨?槽鄄 鞍北槽圹圹圹槽圹臂鄄北槽 臂佰?舶?
鄄卑脖氨?佰? 鞍卑辈圹鄄膊 氨槽鄄?北佰圹臂 臂 鄄 ?槽?
圹 氨脖?佰?安膊佰圹膊? 臂圹郯氨圹郯?郯?圹 鄄 舶郯
鄄 鞍辈 佰?安卑圹膊舶氨圹鞍圹圹圹 圮圹臂?鄄 脖槽?
鄄 氨膊 佰?安臂圹膊氨?辈? 圹圹脖? 槽圹? ?臂安舶郯 膊郯
圹 辈?佰?北圹槽膊氨?臂?佰郾? ?咣 圹佰?臂?佰?
圹 ?辈鄄 臂鄄北鄄北?辈?臂? ? 脖圹??膊鄄臂?
圹?佰鄄 臂脖?圹脖氨安?槽? ?郯?臂鄄??臂辈鄄郾
圹卑鄄?佰脖?安脖?氨膊 鄄 郾鄄?鄄?圹舶 辈槽郾?
舶槽舶 佰脖??膊??臂 佰? 鄄圹鞍舶郾槽鄄膊圹臂
圹臂舶 佰郯 ?卑辈舶 辈?圹 ? 安?臂佰?圹臂脖 辈鄄? 鄄
郾槽?槽鄄?膊?佰膊安? 鄄 郾 鄄氨郯 郾 郾膊 郾槽? 卑
臂郯 佰鄄?脖辈?臂脖槽 ?槽佰?郯 佰??? 圹膊
佰?佰郯 安辈脖?佰鄄佰 ?佰?鄄槽安佰 佰 安 佰?圹
佰?臂圹圹圹圹鄄辈 辈圹郾 ?佰槽槽??舶郾 ? 辈臂? 郾
臂 槽郾 鞍北槽槽脖?辈槽?卑 臂?脖鄄圹?? ?佰 苒?
辈臂鄄 安鄄安?膊郯 卑佰槽?郯 鄄 ??辈??苒哕?
佰圹? 佰脖脖氨槽卑 辈鄄鄄 郯 郯 ? 鄄圹 稗圻臂
佰圹 鄄卑脖安圹卑臂膊 脖苒圹?圹 臂? 苒 佰?
圹? 佰脖安 辈郾辈鄄?苒脖脖臂圹? 圹 佰?
佰 鄄卑鞍 膊佰安郯圹脖脖鞍臂佰 圹圹?
佰 鄄 辈?槽郾臂佰鄄鞍脖鞍佰佰?圹臂佰
佰 佰槽?槽郾鞍臂鄄氨氨脖氨郯?捋臂辈?
臂 圹?槽脖卑安圹脖?氨脖郯 苘圯臂辈?
鄄辈郾郯氨圹膊卑 氨臂 苒弑策圹鄄鞍?
佰郯臂臂鄄鞍辈卑臂 ?薇? 佰?
臂佰安圹舶 氨脖臂郯斑? 苒郯?
苘圹哌圮馨?郯臂鄄北? 安臂? 苘圻安?
斑圹馨圹馨 佰氨圹辈脖鞍氨郯 苒圻咣圹
咣郯臂鄄 圹舶郾卑膊膊郯 苒咿槽 郾
边鄄安圹郾槽圹氨鞍氨郯捋薇郯郯 ?
槽鄄佰舶 氨槽圹圮 氨郯苒? 薨圹?佰圹圮?苒圮?
佰?佰卑 氨臂卑臂苒稗 佰 ?圹苘鄄?安佰舶安郯
圹? 舶辈 鞍 郾北圹拜佰 ?鞍 槽?卑?苒槽
槽舶 郾?槽? 佰?鄄脖郯??佰 臂槽佰圹? 鞍卑?臂
安圹 佰佰舶鄄 郾圹鞍辈卑掭 佰 鞍辈 辈膊圹 槽圹 ??
槽鄄槽圹佰 鄄边?鞍脖鞍咣?郯圮 卑臂鄄臂 佰佰
槽脖氨安圹舶膊卑鞍脖辈郾 圹脖安郯臂草??
槽舶鞍臂鄄辈北膊膊膊舶郯槽氨鄄? 卟?
鄄辈圹卑安圹脖脖? 安卑臂? 郾?
圹鞍舶槽脖卑圹舶辈脖 辈北槽??
槽 ?郾鄄槽北? 氨鄄槽郾北膊圹鄄辈?
郾 鄄圹鄄北?臂鄄 圹槽圹鄄氨辈?
郾 鄄郯鞍郾?安?北鄄鞍郯圹膊氨氨槽
? 圹北膊圹卑 氨?氨鄄 ?槽臂脖鞍氨?
槽槽膊臂脖 氨?氨郾 槽郯臂脖安氨?
郾郯臂卑? 辈 臂脖圹郾氨鄄舶 佰?
? 槽卑郾? ?脖辈圹圹鄄鞍北??佰?
?捋圹郾卑 鞍安圹圹槽脖?鞍 佰?
佰圹鄄 郾 掭鄄卑舶 鞍北槽圹圹槽? ?辈?
鄄卑氨臂?槽? ?郾脖安氨辈槽鄄圹舶舶 鞍卑?
圹圹圹舶臂膊郯 郾辈脖辈膊圹脖?郾脖? 氨鞍臂
圹?佰舶槽圹 捋北氨膊圹郯鄄臂郾辈脖辈卑卑?
郯 槽北槽 捋郾北辈鞍槽脖槽咣北膊脖氨氨?
臂 鄄鞍臂? 圹郾脖脖氨郯臂? 圮北卑卑辈?
佰 郾郾郯槽 圹鄄舶 佰北氨坜?圹鄄郾辈?
? 郾鄄臂圹 ? 佰槽荼卑郾卑?圹郾安佰膊?
郾氨圹舶? 佰槽北?鞍圹捋臂卑氨槽
槽佰圹膊? ? 圹槽北鞍甙臂?郯 哌 臂舶
臂北槽槽 佰 郾鄄舶 ? 馨臂 臂? 佰稗?
鄄氨圹?臂 郾佰膊 ? 佰安?槽鄄 捋?
郯臂槽膊圹 郾佰脖佰 佰辈? 郾?氨槽郯
脖郾鞍辈鄄??? 郾舶鄄圹脖槽 ? 捋鞍 安鄄?
郾鞍辈辈槽 ? 臂脖舶 ?圹槽槽 郾鞍 安圹?
氨槽郯郾臂槽佰? 郾舶 卑圹郯? 捋北鞍 ?安圹?
圹北郯臂膊郯 佰膊圹辈?脖佰氨? 郾鄄卑佰卑槽鄄
郯鞍辈圹脖槽 臂佰鄄氨 脖郯脖? 臂槽脖舶圹槽槽圮
佰安鄄郯臂槽 安舶佰?脖鄄鞍臂? 佰 圹 辈鄄圹莅?
郯圹北槽郾郾舶郯槽?膊卑氨膊 ?槽舶槽边?
圹郾鞍槽膊臂圹郯臂卑舶郾氨? 佰圹? ?
圹鞍氨圹圹安安郯臂膊郾氨郾 ?
臂 氨辈 辈? ? 臂 郯
圹北 ? ?氨? 佰圹鄄 鄄? 槽 圹氨
臂?? 安鄄 郯 安鄄 膊圹鄄臂氨槽?? 鄄? 佰? ?
郯 ? 槽郯? 圹 ?鄄卑 槽郯? 鄄氨郾 郯 佰?郾 ? ? 臂? ?
辈? ? 槽? 佰??郾圹?槽? 佰 郯鄄 ? 佰?郯? 佰槽? ?
臂? 郯 槽 佰??郾鄄郯 佰 郯佰佰 佰? ? 佰鄄? 臂
臂? 圹 ? 佰??郾圹 佰 郾 鄄??佰?佰佰?郯 圹
佰? 佰???佰氨?郾? ?佰 郾 佰??佰?臂佰?郯 安鄄 辈
臂?安圮 辈 ? 槽?佰? 郯郯?槽?佰郯 ? 郯 舶佰?槽佰?郯鄄辈?佰
槽?佰 ??鄄 佰 ?佰?佰槽? ? 佰 ?佰郯 ? ? 郾佰?槽佰?槽? 郯 ?
槽? 圹??郾 ??佰 佰??佰 辈? 鄄佰?臂佰? 安 ?佰
槽? ?郯 ? 佰 佰 氨槽? 佰 佰 槽? 鄄安? 郾 安? 佰 ?臂
槽? 圹?郯圹? 佰槽圹?郯圹? 佰槽?槽?佰 臂圹? 安?鄄 槽
槽? 臂辈? 佰郯臂郯槽 佰佰郾 臂郾 佰? 氨? 氨??佰
臂? 圹? 臂?槽 佰?佰郾 槽 佰佰咣臂咣? 槽卑 臂槽?佰
郯?圹 佰佰圹舶圹 臂鄄 圹鄄 郯?咣?? 氨槽郾鞍 槽 郾 臂
圹郯槽哌 圹?佰 槽 槽鄄 佰?佰鄄氨? ? 佰佰圹圹郯 鄄? 槽
脖? 安圹臂?卑?鄄 郯臂臂 郾圹? 郾 氨鄄? 辈??鄄鞍?
?圹郯 臂圹圹鄄圹鞍槽槽鄄 圹圹槽圹 槽 佰 槽圹 槽 圹膊 ?
?郾败? ? ? ? ? ?
膊 圹? ...BAHAMUT has been summoned to proudly bring you... ?膊
圹圹 ? 圹圹
? Pipemania_USA_PSP-BAHAMUT ?
? ?
?Title: Pipemania ?
? ?
Country......: USA Languages....: English/French
Release Date.: 2009/03/09 Street Date..: 2008/10/03
System.......: PlayStation Portable Format.......: .iso
Size.........: 10 * 20 MB Filename.....: b-pmania
Disc Serial..: ULUS-10359
苒圮 苒圮
? 咣?卟圹圹圮 卟圻咣?卟?苒 卟圹圹?咣?卟圻咣?卟圹圹?卟圹圹圮 圹? ?
捋?槽圻 ?槽?苒?槽圻苓槽 槽? ? 槽?槽? 圹 槽? ? 槽圻 咣?槽?
苒蒇 槽? 咣?槽圻 圹 槽?槽 槽圻? 槽?槽? 圹 槽圻?槽?圹 坜圮
圹坜? 槽圮苒?槽? 圹 槽?槽 槽圮苒?槽?圹? 圹 槽? 槽圮圹?掭圹?
捋圯 圮哌哌? ? ? ? ? 哌哌哌 ?? ? ? 哌哌?苒 捋圯
圹圮?哌哌苘苘苘苘? 苘苘苘苘苓哌?苘圹?
咣圹圹圹苘苘苘?哌哌哌哌?哌 哌 ? ?哌 哌 哌哌哌哌?苘苘苘苒圹圹圹?
哌咣鄄鄄脖脖北卑卑?? ?鞍卑北北脖膊鄄圹哌?
Join alfonso junior and his sister fawcett in a race against time to save
their paradise island Home from pollution and cowboy plumbers. Pipe mania is
a frenetically charged puzzle game that will challenge your mental skills to
the maximum across intense, fast-paced levels. Beat the puzzles set by the
island residents and become a pipe mania puzzle master.
卟圻圮 卟圹圹?卟? 卟圹圹?卟圻咣?卟圹圹?卟圹圹?
槽圮圻 槽? ? 槽? 槽? ? 槽?苒?槽? 哌 槽? ?
槽?圹 槽圻?槽? 槽圻?槽圻 圹哌咣圮 槽圻?
槽?圹 槽圮苒?槽哕苒?槽圮苒?槽? 圹 槽苘苒?槽圮苒?
苒圮 ?? 哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌? ? 哌哌哌哌哌哌 苒圮
? 咣? 卟圻咣?卟圹圹圮 卟圹圹?卟圹圹?卟圹圹? 圹? ?
捋? 槽? 圹 槽圻 咣? 槽 槽? ? 槽? 哌 槽?
苒蒇 槽? 圹 槽?圹 槽 槽圻? 哌咣圮 坜圮
圹坜? 圹? 圹槽圮圹? 槽 槽圮苒?槽苘苒? 掭圹?
捋圯 圮 ? ? 哌哌? ? 哌哌哌哌哌哌 苒 捋圯
圹圮?哌哌苘苘苘苘? 苘苘苘苘苓哌?苘圹?
咣圹圹圹苘苘苘?哌哌哌哌?哌 哌 ? ?哌 哌 哌哌哌哌?苘苘苘苒圹圹圹?
哌咣鄄鄄脖脖北卑卑?? ?鞍卑北北脖膊鄄圹哌?
Today we bring you one of the forgotten USA PSP titles.
苒圮 苒圮
? 咣? 卟圹圹?卟圹圹圮 咣?卟圻咣? 圹? ?
捋? 圹槽圻 咣?槽?槽? 圹 槽?
苒蒇 圹槽?圹 槽?槽? 圹 坜圮
圹坜? 槽苘圹 槽圮圹?槽?圹? 圹 掭圹?
捋圯 圮 哌哌? 哌哌? ?? ? 苒 捋圯
圹圮?哌哌苘苘苘苘? 苘苘苘苘苓哌?苘圹?
咣圹圹圹苘苘苘?哌哌哌哌?哌 哌 ? ?哌 哌 哌哌哌哌?苘苘苘苒圹圹圹?
哌咣鄄鄄脖脖北卑卑?? ?鞍卑北北脖膊鄄圹哌?
Interested in joining one of the most active console groups? We are looking
for talented and motivated new members to help us on our goal. We are a group
built on friendship, devotion, respect and fun. If you are interested only in
the glory and releases, then you are not welcome. Hard work and dedication is
what has brought us to where we are today and we aim to continue that method.
It is preferable that you work at a game store or have access to games on the
day of release. We are looking for suppliers from Hong Kong, Japan, Korea,
USA and all European regions who are willing to contribute. One time suppliers
are not welcome, as a steady and consistent supply is required.
We are still interested in older, unreleased games from any region, so if you
have a game that has no release yet, and you match the consistency criteria,
you may be welcome. Suppliers must be able to do any of the following systems:
* PSP * PS3 * Wii * PS2 * X360 * NDS *
Anybody interested in creating intros, trainers, cracks or anything else game
related are welcome. If you can code an application or tool designed for
Windows based systems that can provide a benefit or aid for us, we are also
interested. Knowledge in C/C++/ASM is a must and experience with coding in a
game related field is not required, but preferable. If you have experience
with utilities or the game scene, dealing with encrypted files, we could also
use your help. If you are a demo maker and can do intros, trainers or even
prods, we want you!
If you run a dedicated site, on a 100mbit line or faster, with good up-time
and decent affiliation. Then your site might be of interest to us.
If you can provide game systems, memory sticks, flash kits and even beta
versions of games, there could be a spot for you. We are also interested in
people with access to the latest SDK's and relevant programming tools, so
feel free to contact us.
If you fulfill any of the above criteria and are interested in joining us,
or if you want to contact us for any other reason, then feel free to do so.
Requests for files or anything related to our releases are automatically
ignored through a filter, so you can send them, but we won't receive them.
EMAIL : team.bahamut@hushmail.com
卟圻圮 卟圹圹?卟? 卟圹圹?卟圻咣?卟圹圹?卟圹圹?
槽圮圻 槽? ? 槽? 槽? ? 槽?苒?槽? 哌 槽? ?
槽?圹 槽圻?槽? 槽圻?槽圻 圹哌咣圮 槽圻?
槽?圹 槽圮苒?槽哕苒?槽圮苒?槽? 圹 槽苘苒?槽圮苒?
苒圮 ?? 哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌? ? 哌哌哌哌哌哌 苒圮
? 咣? 卟? 圮 咣?卟圹圹?卟圹圹?卟圹圹圮 卟圻圮 卟苒 圹? ?
捋? 槽圮苒?槽?槽? 哌 槽 槽圻 咣?槽圮圻 圹苘咣 槽?
苒蒇 槽? 圹 槽? 哌咣圮 槽 槽?圹 槽?圹哌咣? 坜圮
圹坜? 圹? 圹 槽?槽苘苒? 槽 槽圮圹?槽?圹 槽苘圹 掭圹?
捋圯 圮 ? ? ?哌哌哌 ? 哌哌? ?? 哌哌? 苒 捋圯
圹圮?哌哌苘苘苘苘? 苘苘苘苘苓哌?苘圹?
咣圹圹圹苘苘苘?哌哌哌哌?哌 哌 ? ?哌 哌 哌哌哌哌?苘苘苘苒圹圹圹?
哌咣鄄鄄脖脖北卑卑?? ?鞍卑北北脖膊鄄圹哌?
497 Pipemania PSP USA 2oo9-o3-o9
496 Disney Friends NDS EUR-DUT 2oo9-o3-o8
495 Littlest Pet Shop - Spring NDS EUR 2oo9-o3-o6
494 Horse & Foal - My Riding Stables NDS EUR 2oo9-o3-o6
493 Jewel Quest - Expeditions NDS EUR 2oo9-o3-o5
492 Imagine - Movie Star NDS EUR 2oo9-o3-o4
491 Golden Eggs - Nori Nori Uta Dekichatte Kei NDS JPN 2oo9-o3-o2
490 Saru Saru DS NDS JPN 2oo9-o3-o2
489 Kemeko DX DS - Yome to Meka to Otoko to Onna NDS JPN 2oo9-o3-o2
488 Wall-E Wii AUS 2oo9-o2-26
487 Wall-E PS3 EUR-GRE 2oo9-o2-26
486 Rugby League 2 - World Cup Edition PS2 PAL 2oo9-o2-22
485 Unou Ikusei - IQ Breeder NDS JPN 2oo9-o2-19
484 Tank Beat 2 - Gekitotsu Deutschgun vs Rengougun NDS JPN 2oo9-o2-19
483 SuperLite 2500 Quiz no Tabi Tetsudou RyojouhenNDS JPN 2oo9-o2-19
482 Shiseido Beauty Solution - Project Beauty NDS JPN 2oo9-o2-19
481 Petz - My Monkey Family NDS EUR 2oo9-o2-19
480 Petz - My Kitten Family NDS EUR 2oo9-o2-19
479 Petz - My Baby Panda NDS EUR 2oo9-o2-19
478 Mind Your Language - Lern Deutsch! NDS EUR 2oo9-o2-19
477 Layton Kyouju to Fushigi na Machi - Friendly NDS JPN 2oo9-o2-19
476 Koharu no DS Uchigohan (Not For Sale) NDS JPN 2oo9-o2-19
475 Jake Power - Policeman NDS AUS 2oo9-o2-19
474 Jake Power - Handyman NDS AUS 2oo9-o2-19
473 Jake Power - Firefighter NDS AUS 2oo9-o2-19
472 Allied Ace Pilots NDS EUR 2oo9-o2-19
471 007 - Quantum of Solace NDS EUR 2oo9-o2-19
470 Lock's Quest - Arkinia no Hyakunichi Sensou NDS JPN 2oo9-o2-19
469 Dragon Quest - The Hand of the Heavenly Bride NDS EUR 2oo9-o2-17
468 John Woo Presents Stranglehold PS3 EUR 2oo9-o2-16
467 SingStar - Country PS2 USA 2oo9-o2-13
466 Disney - Sing It PS2 USA 2oo9-o2-13
465 AC/DC LIVE - Rock Band PS2 PAL 2oo9-o2-13
464 Impossible Mission Wii PAL 2oo9-o2-11
463 LEGO Batman - The Videogame PS3 USA 2oo9-o2-o5
462 Chrono Trigger NDS EUR 2oo9-o2-o3
461 Crash - Mind Over Mutant PSP EUR-M22oo9-o2-o1
460 Jetix - Puzzle Buzzle PS2 PAL 2oo9-o2-o1
459 Hiiro no Kakera Portable PSP JPN 2oo9-o1-27
458 V8 SuperCars Australia 3 - Create And Race NDS AUS 2oo9-o1-25
457 PokerDome - Poker Master NDS AUS 2oo9-o1-25
456 Deal or No Deal NDS AUS 2oo9-o1-25
455 Narnia Koku Monogatari 2 - Caspian NDS JPN 2oo9-o1-25
454 Oshare ni Koishite 2 - Oshare Princess NDS JPN 2oo9-o1-25
453 Puzzle Mate - Oekaki Mate NDS JPN 2oo9-o1-25
452 Waku Waku DS 1 Nensei NDS JPN 2oo9-o1-25
451 Wall-E NDS JPN 2oo9-o1-25
450 Wall-E NDS EUR 2oo9-o1-25
449 The Legend of Kage 2 NDS EUR 2oo9-o1-25
448 Tak - The Great JuJu Challenge NDS EUR 2oo9-o1-25
447 Puzzler Collection - 1000's of Puzzles! NDS EUR 2oo9-o1-25
446 Peter Pan's Playground NDS EUR 2oo9-o1-25
445 My Japanese Coach - Learn to Speak Japanese NDS EUR 2oo9-o1-25
444 My Chinese Coach - Learn to Speak Chinese NDS EUR 2oo9-o1-25
443 Monster Jam NDS EUR 2oo9-o1-25
442 Madagascar - Escape 2 Africa NDS EUR 2oo9-o1-25
441 M&M's Break 'em NDS EUR 2oo9-o1-25
440 Guitar Rock Tour NDS EUR 2oo9-o1-25
...and many more still to come. If you have a game that hasn't been dumped yet,
let us know and you may be rewarded!
苒圮 苒圮
? 咣? 卟圹圹圮 卟圻圮 卟圹圹?卟圹圹?卟圹圹?卟圹圹? 圹? ?
捋? 槽圻 ?槽圮圻 槽? ? 槽? ? 槽 槽? 哌 槽?
苒蒇 槽? 咣?槽?圹 槽圻?槽圻? 槽 哌咣圮 坜圮
圹坜? 槽圮苒?槽?圹 槽圮苒?槽圮苒? 槽 槽苘苒? 掭圹?
捋圯 圮 哌哌? ?? 哌哌哌哌哌哌 ? 哌哌哌 苒 捋圯
圹圮?哌哌苘苘苘苘? 苘苘苘苘苓哌?苘圹?
咣圹圹圹苘苘苘?哌哌哌哌?哌 哌 ? ?哌 哌 哌哌哌哌?苘苘苘苒圹圹圹?
哌咣鄄鄄脖脖北卑卑?? ?鞍卑北北脖膊鄄圹哌?
? ?
哕 苓
掭 ~ ARTiSAN ~ Booster ~ Caravan ~ DMU ~ LiGHTFORCE ~ 掭
哕? ~ PARADOX ~ pSyPSP ~ REAL ~ Start2 ~ WRG ~ 哕?
苓懿? 薏苓?
掭 槽 鄄 掭
曹 咣苘 ? ? 苘圻 懿
?咣苘圹圹圮苘苘 懿圹圹圹圹苘 苘圹圹圹圹鄄 苘苘苒圹圹苘圻 ?
哕苓哌槽哕???槽圹?苒? ? ? 咣?咣圹???哕咣策哌苘?
懿?苓懿圯掭 懿? ?槽圯 捋?懿? BAHAMUT懿?捋?捋鄄 ? 懿?掭捋曹哕 懿?
? 哕咣膊苓???薏圹?咣???2k9 ??苒?苒鄄???苓懿槽哕? ?
? 哌哌哌哌哌? 卟槽圮?哌 ? 哌 苘圹膊? 圻哌哌哌哌? ?
圮苘?哌卟圹圮苘? 哕苘圹鄄哌?苘苘?
? 哕 苓 ?
懿?? ?懿?
? ? ? ?
? ?
? ?