sjy9652500 发表于 2024-3-27 09:09

MAMEUI64 0.264.0 发布

MAMEUI64 0.264.0 has been released.

Available at

A newer compiler is used: GCC 11.2 (mamedev version)

Added some previews of improvements that might appear in MAME in the near future

- Sinclair computers: zx80, pc8300, pow3000, lambda: fixed the display, are now playable.

- Added Colecovision SGM (Super Game Module) support (from PR#10816)

- In dkong TKG-02 board, fixed a regression with the background colour (from PR#11170 and MT05052)

链接: 提取码:i6oj

CNkook 发表于 2024-5-29 00:48

MAMEUI64 怎么设置中文啊?
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查看完整版本: MAMEUI64 0.264.0 发布