cailei110 发表于 2024-3-14 03:07


本帖最后由 cailei110 于 2024-3-14 03:09 编辑

Game NameGame IDStatus Compatibility Notes

.hack//LinkULJS00266PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
3,2,1 Supercrash MiniNPUZ00189Playable
100-in-1 MegamixNPUH10088UnplayableCrashs after profile name set.
300 - March to GloryULUS10241PlayableWorks as a Remaster. Mini not tested.
4x4 Jam MiniNPUZ00104Playable
5-in-1 Arcade HitsNPEZ00174Playable
5-In-1 SolitaireNPUZ00086Playable
7 Wonders of the Ancient World?Playable
7th Dragon 2020NPJH50459UnplayableBlack screen as a Remaster & mini.
7th Dragon 2020-ⅡNPJH50716UnplayableBlack screen as a Remaster & mini. This game was reported previouslly as Playable with notes: decrypted PGD File (req: either additional EBOOT or EMU patches), save works
SMS Plus PSP (Homebrew)N/APlayable
VICE-PSP (Homebrew)N/APlayable

Game NameGame IDStatus Compatibility Notes

A Space Shooter for 2 Bucks MiniNPUZ00190UnplayableBlack Screen / Freeze.
Ace Armstrong vs Alien Scumbags MiniNPEZ00218UnplayableBlack Screen / Freeze.
Ace Combat X: Skies of DeceptionULUS10176Minor IssuesSubtitles are too fast during cutscenes, everything else is fine.
Ace Combat: Joint Assault?UnplayableRandomly Hangs During Some Missions.
Ace Combat: Joint AssaultULUS10511UnplayableTested as a Remaster: Freezing on the black screen during the boot.
Activision Hits RemixedULES00640Minor IssuesMissing graphics in game selection menu. Games play fine.
Aedis Eclipse Generations of Chaos?PlayableUsing default minis2 settings
After Burner: Black FalconULUS10244Playable
Age Of Hammer WarsNPUZ00178Playable
Age Of Zombies MiniNPEZ00044Playable
Air Conflicts: Aces of World War 2ULUS10404PlayableRemaster, no issues PS3 Minis 2.1.2
Airu to Puzzle?Playable
Akiba's Trip?Playable
Akiba's Trip PlusNPJH50563UnplayableBlack Screen as a Remaster & mini.
Akumajou Dracula X ChronicleULJM05287Minor Issues
Alien Havoc MiniNPUZ00008Unplayable
Alien Syndrome?PlayableWorks as a Remaster
Alien Zombie Death MiniNPEZ00115Playable
Aliens vs Predator RequiemULUS10327Minor IssuesWorks as a Remaster. There are reports of issues with vision mode.
Amagami ebKore+ULJS00339PlayableWorks as a Remaster. Very minor portrait glitching. Tested English patched version.
AmnesiaULJM05931PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Amnesia LaterULJM06044Minor IssuesCrispy sound as minis (eboot needs resign).
Angry Birds MiniNPEZ00232Playable
Another Century's Episode Portable?UnplayableBlack screen as Remaster.
Another Century's Episode PortableULJS00322PlayableNo problems as Remaster. Make your own EBOOT.PBP, Re-sign EBOOT.BIN & 0-out ALLDATA.EBN (unneed install data)
Apache Overkill MiniNPUZ00098UnplayableBlack Screen / Freeze.
Ape Academy 2?UnplayableRemaster and minis: black screen and freeze.
Ape Escape AcademyUCUS98619PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Ape Escape PULUS00045Playable Requires Custom Config to remap the camera to the right analog stick. Works as Remaster,
Ape Escape On the LooseUCUS98609PlayableMay rarely get stuck at "Loading...". A relaunch fixes the issue. 3 levels have framerate issues but are otherwise perfect.
Ape QuestNPEG00005Major IssuesWorks as a Remaster. Missing text from all dialogue and menus, rendering the game largely unnavigable.
Aqua Panik?PlayableWorks as Remaster and as mini. Remaster works better.
Arcade Air Hockey & BowlingNPUZ00103Major IssuesSome do work / some do not (conversion issues with eboot.pbp).
Arcade Essentials EvolutionNPUZ00258PlayableNone
Arcade PoolNPUZ00281PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Archer Maclean's Mercury?UnplayableTested as a Remaster.
Archibalds AdventuresNPUZ00115Major IssuesSome do work / some do not (Black Screen / Freeze).
Arctic Adventures: Polar's PuzzlesNPUZ00114Playable
Armored Core: Formula Front Extreme BattleULUS10034PlayableNo issues
Armored Core: Last Raven Portable?PlayableRemaster method.
Army of Two - The 40th DayULUS10472Major IssuesCrashes after starting new game on loading screen. There is a ps3 version of the game.
Asphalt - Urban GT 2ULES00719Major IssuesRuns as a remaster, but save data cannot be loaded. Black textures during speed camera shot.
Assassins Creed Bloodlines (US & EU)?Major IssuesStarts and comes to a "Loading..." screen and freezes. Worked further as Remaster, but Altaïr glitches and the game has major framerate slowdowns.
Asterix & Obelix XXL 2?PlayableWorks as a Remaster, with resign boot.bin, not eboot.bin resign.
Astonishia StoryULUS10083Playable
Astroboy?PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
ATV Offroad Fury Blazin' TrailsUCUS98603UnplayableBlack Screen After Minis Logo: No freeze.
ATV Offroad Fury ProUCUS98648Major IssuesWorks but textures have Major Errors.
Audition Portable?Playable
Auditorium MiniNPUH10069UnplayableBlack Screen / Freeze.
Avatar: The Last AirbenderULUS10165Playable

Game NameGame IDStatus Compatibility Notes

B-Boy?Minor IssuesWorks as a Remaster. Menus have flicker but ingame is fine.
Bakugan - Defenders of the CoreULUS10536Playable
Bashi Blocks?Playable
Batman Arkham Asylum The Road to Arkham Digital Comic?Playable
Battle Poker MiniNPUZ00020Playable
Battle Robot Damashii?UnplayableFreezes.
Battle vs. Chess (Feb 6, 2012 prototype)?PlayableFrom Hidden Palace: 'Battle vs. Chess was the subject of a lawsuit by Interplay as it was essentially a modernized version of Interplay's late 1980s Battle Chess, created without permission. ... This prototype seems to be finished, and was recovered from a factory pressed UMD with a real serial number (ULES-01517), so it seems that it nearly made it to the finish line before being canned.' This game lends itself to being played with the PS3 controller and, as described, seems to have been a finished retail game. There is also a separate PS3 version of this game.
Beam 'em up MiniNPEZ00081UnplayableBlack Screen / Freeze.
Beaterator?PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Bee WarsNPEZ00034PlayableNone
Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax AttacksULES01358UnplayableSave Game problem; run as Remaster.
Ben 10: Alien ForceULES01189PlayableWorks as Remaster
Ben 10: Protector of EarthULES00906Major IssuesWorks as a Remaster, very slow.
ULUS10307PlayableWorks as a Remaster, Version 1.01 tested.
Ben 10 Ultimate Alien: Cosmic DestructionULES01471UnplayableSave Game problem, freezing as Remaster.
BeowulfULES00992UnplayableFreeze as mini or Remaster.
Best Of Solitaire MiniNPEZ00188UnplayableFreezes after choosing "New Game" in the main menu, haven't tried loading a PSP save to see if it works. Freezes as remaster.
Beta Bloc?UnplayableFreeze after first logo.
Black Rock Shooter: The GameNPJH50448UnplayableFreezes after choosing "New Game" in the main menu, haven't tried loading a PSP save to see if it works. Freezes as remaster.
NPUH10126UnplayableBlack screen as remaster. Gets to minis logo, then hangs on black screen.
NPEH00138UnplayableGets to minis logo, then hangs on black screen. Have not been tested as remaster.
Blade Dancer: Lineage of LightULUS10124Playable
Blast OffNPUZ00021PlayableMini
Blazblue: Continuum Shift?Unplayable
Blazblue: Continuum Shift 2ULUS10579Minor IssuesGame runs faster than normal making combos hard to do.
Blazing Souls Accelate?Playable
Bleach: Heat the SoulUCJS10008Playable
Bleach: Heat the Soul 2UCJS10017Unplayableblack screen.
Bleach: Heat the Soul 6UCJS10093UnplayableFreezes. This game was reported previouslly as Playable with notes: needs properly signed eboot.bin + eboot.pbp, use sign_np
Bleach: Heat the Soul 7UCJS10110PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Bleach: Soul Carnival 1NPJG00008Playable Requires Custom Config
Bleach: Soul Carnival 2NPJG00070Playable
Bliss Island?UnplayableFreeze on load screen.
Blitz OvertimeULUS10200PlayableWorks perfectly without using compression, game doesn't act right compressed.
Blokus Portable - Steambot ChampionshipULUS10332Playable
Blood+ Final Piece?UnplayableFreezes. Unable to handle: "disc0:/sce_lbn0x%04x_size0x%04x" -> Black Screen
Bloons MiniNPEZ00045Playable
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai (Haganai) PortableULJS00459Playable
Bomberman LandULES00959PlayableWorks as Remaster.
Bounty Hounds?Major IssuesBlurring and blue overlay make it unplayable.
BrainpipeNPUZ00009UnplayableMini. Black Screen / Freeze.
Brandish: The Dark RevenantNPUH10195Playable Requires Custom Config to remap R+L to analog stick. Works as a Remaster.
Brave Story: New TravelerULUS10279Playable Requires Custom Config to fix the save problem and the little slowdowns
BreakQuest MiniNPEZ00011UnplayableBlack Screen / Freeze.
Breath of Fire IIIULES00193Playable Requires Custom Config. Perfect as remaster.
Breath of Fire IIIULJM05029UnplayableNonstop blinking. Freezes at NOW LOADING screen.
Brothers in Arms D-Day?Major IssuesFreezes at difficulty selection screen.
Bubble Bobble Evolution?Minor IssuesWorks as a Remaster. A few minor graphical glitches but is totally playable.
Bubble Trubble MiniNPUZ0007UnplayableBlack Screen / Freeze.
Burnout DominatorULES00703Major IssuesSome slowdown during loading. Freezes when loading profile with Minis and Remasters, runs when a new profile is created but default name must be used or game will freeze during name input. Autosave does not work but manual save does; loading a save freezes the game.
Burnout LegendsULUS10025Minor IssuesWorks as a Remaster. Few texture glitches but for the most part plays fine. Cannot autosave but manual save works fine. Some tracks run slower than normal.
Buzz Brain_Bender?UnplayableBlack screen after Minis logo.

cailei110 发表于 2024-3-14 03:11

本帖最后由 cailei110 于 2024-3-14 03:20 编辑

Game NameGame IDStatusCompatibility Notes

Cabela's Dangerous Hunts - Ultimate ChallengeULES00550PlayableEurope version works.
Cake Mania: Baker’s Challenge?PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Call Of Duty: Roads to Victory?UnplayableGame loads past the main menu, once in the campaign the FPS GUI loads but the rest of the screen is black.
Capcom Classics Collection ReloadedULES00377UnplayableBlack screen as Remaster.
ULUS10134UnplayableBlack screen as either mini or remaster.
Capcom Classics Collection RemixedULES00347UnplayableSave Game problem as Remaster.
Capcom Puzzle WorldULES00647UnplayableTested as as Remaster. Black Screen after Game Logo.
Carnivores: Ice Age (v2)NPUZ00236PlayableWorks as Remaster.
Carol Vorderman's SudokuULES00647UnplayableBlack screen as Remaster.
Cars Race-o-Rama?UnplayableNone.
Castlevania The Dracula X ChroniclesULKS46155PlayablePlayable as Remasters. Slow in FMV SOTN does not load. You have to wait ~20 seconds at the beginning of each stage. The "Original Games" does not work (black screen).
Championship Manager?PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Chaos;Head NoahULJM05692UnplayableFreezes at first video after intro
Chessmaster The Art of Learning?PlayableTested as a Remaster.
Chikyuu Boueigun 2 PortableULJS00374Minor IssuesWorks as a Remaster and control scheme 'B' lends itself to being playable on the PS3, however, the low frame rate makes the game far too easy. Many of the graphical problems can be fixed using the same settings as Evangelion Jo.
Chili Con CarnageULES00629UnplayableFreezes as Remaster.
Cho Aniki ZeroNPUH10031UnplayableBlack screen on load Remaster then reboots.
ClaDun x2NPUH10114PlayableWorks as a Remaster. Trying to take a screenshot freezes input.
ClaDun: This is an RPG!NPUH10072PlayableWorks as a Remaster. Trying to take a screenshot freezes input.
Class of Heroes?PlayableNone
Class of Heroes 2?PlayableWorked as MINI. Must decrypt EBOOT.BIN and save a copy as BOOT.BIN, manually resign EBOOT.PBP, make replacement (zero-byte) OPNSSMP.BIN, and replace each of these three in the ISO to get it converted and running properly. As a Remaster, soft keyboard input (such as character naming) will only allow for numbers ( it is otherwise playable).
Code Lyoko Quest For InfinityULUS10351PlayableNone
Coded Arms?UnplayableRemaster method.
Colin McRae Dirt 2?PlayableRemaster method.
Colin McRae Rally 2005?PlayableRemaster method.
俺の子供を産んでくれ!?PlayableRemaster; must decrypt EBOOT.BIN and save a copy as BOOT.BIN, manually resign EBOOT.PBP, make replacement (zero-byte) OPNSSMP.BIN, and replace each of these three in the ISO in order to get it converted and running properly.
Corpse PartyNPEH00130Minor IssuesWorks as a Remaster. Minor glitch: Only audio is playing on the black screen during the intro movie.
Corpse PartyNPUH10117Minor IssuesWorks as a Remaster. Minor glitch: Only audio is playing on the black screen during the intro movie.
Corpse Party Book of ShadowsNPEH00143PlayableWorks fine as a Minis, the game freezes as if launched as a Remaster.
Corpse Party Book of ShadowsNPUH10187PlayableDecrypt EBOOT.BIN and rename BOOT.BIN to EBOOT.BIN sign with SIGN_EBOOT and replace EBOOT.BIN and OPNSSMP.BIN (0kb) with WQSG_UMD_R31.exe.
Crash of the TitansULES00915PlayableRemastered is too slow. Runs flawlessly as minis. (Tested By CodedXtreme).
ULUS10304PlayableRemastered is too slow. Runs flawlessly as minis. (Tested By CodedXtreme).
Crash: Mind Over MutantULUS10377Major IssuesWorks as Mini without using compression. SAV temp Fix Applied: No. UI won't appear at all as well as the loading screen, but the game is possibly completable from start to finish. (Play the PS2 version on PS3 for better compatibility and multiplayer feature). (Revised by CodedXtreme).
Crash Tag Team Racing?UnplayableTested as a Remaster. Black Screen after game logo.
Crazy Taxi: Fare WarsULUS10273PlayableCT1.PRX need to be signed (for Crazy Taxi 2 you need to sign CT2.PRX) with SIGN_EBOOT and relinked to EBOOT.BIN so from this game you need to make 2 separate packages (one for CT1 and the second for CT2).
Tip: If you're converting only CT1 - files related to Crazy Taxi 2 can be dummied (and if you're converting CT2 files related to CT1 can be dummied too).
Very little graphics glitches. Compression enabled.
Criminal Girls?UnplayableFreezes after minis logo. Same with Remaster method.
Crimson Gem SagaULUS10400Minor IssuesText missing on most menus including status and save loading, making the game difficult to play.
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VIIULES01046PlayableGerman release
ULUS10336PlayableUS release - Compression Used: No, SAV temp Fix Applied: No. Works as remaster or mini, save OK. Character shadows are grey (alpha bug). The Mission 9-6-4 is bugged, when defeating Great Malboro the game will freeze, cannot complete the Missions 9-6-5 and 9-6-6 (Minerva).
ULES01045PlayableFrench release
ULES01047PlayableItalian release
ULJM05275PlayableJapanese release
ULES01048PlayableSpanish release
CrushULES00765PlayablePatchet Eboot.bin
Crystal Defenders?UnplayableFreezes.
Cubixx MiniNPEZ00101Playable

Game NameGame IDStatusCompatibility Notes

Danball Senki Boost?UnplayableFreezes as mini. Tried uncompressed and compressed. As remaster, stuck on loading screen.
Dangan Ronpa Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no KoukouseiNPJH50372UnplayableBlack screen.
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy HavocNPJH50515Major Issues Requires Custom Config (experimental). Game boots up as a remaster, but you can't interact with objects, which makes it impossible to continue past the starting point
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye DispairNPJH50631UnplayableBlack screen.
Dante's Inferno?UnplayableTested as a Remaster: Black screen.
Darius BurstULJM05558PlayableWork as Remaster.
Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos TowerULES00016UnplayableMinis: Black screen after minis logo.
Remasters: Only background is visible in battle, character/arena select screen only background is visible (default minis2.txt).
Dave Mirra BMX Challenge?UnplayableTested as a Remaster.
DaxterUCUS98618UnplayableWork as Remaster. Tried few MINIS2 settings and floor is OK, but text near to NPCs doesn't show ("??? text missing") and after talk with old guy (start of game) game freeze. Unable to handle: "disc0:/sce_lbn0x%04x_size0x%04x" -> Texture loading problems and text doesn't display correctly at all.
DaxterNPEG00025Minor IssuesWork as Remaster. The cinematics do not work and it has fps drops and has problems with some texts but it is playable.
Dead Head Fred?PlayableIs working flawless.
Dead or Alive ParadiseULUS10521Major IssuesSlow, graphics issues, and seems game scripts aren't working properly.
Dead to Rights Reckoning?UnplayableBlack screen after player profile selection screen.
Death JR. 2?UnplayableTested as a Remaster. Goes through menus then black screen.
Def Jam FFNY: The Takeover?UnplayableBlack screen, Tested as a Remaster.
Deflector MiniNPEZ00127PlayableNone
Densha de Go Pocket - Chuuousen Hen, Yamanote Hen, Tokaidosen Hen & Osaka Kanjousen HenULJM05039PlayableFirst levels playable on all 4 Densha de Go games without glitches, save OK - Tested as ISO.
Despicable MeULUS10534UnplayableBlack screen, not run.
DeSmuME PSPN/APlayableWorks as a PSP Remaster, must create your own EBOOT.PBP or game will freeze console at black screen requiring a reboot.
Die Simpsons - Das spiel?UnplayableFreezes.
Digi-Tiles MiniNPUX80407PlayableNone
Digimon AdventureNPJH50686Playable1.74 now works, slow down.
Diner DashULES00755PlayableWorks as a Remaster. See notes for minis2.txt
Disgaea 2: Dark Hero DaysULUS10461PlayableWorks without a hitch even using compression.
Disgaea InfiniteULUS10522PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Disgaea: Afternoon of DarknessULUS10308PlayableRemasters work fine. Minis works fine. Occasionally save data will display incorrect information (usually, Chapter 1. Playtime 0hrs) but will still save/load correctly. (Make your EBOOT.PBP, or you'll get only a "Now Loading" screen)
Dissidia Final FantasyULUS10437Minor IssuesGame goes to white after completion of story branch. You must quit and restart, but does not affect gameplay. Also, very minor graphical glitches.
Dissidia: Final Fantasy Universal Tuning?Minor IssuesWorks using minis mode, but has some minor graphical glitches.
Dissidia 012 Final FantasyULUS10566UnplayableTested: Freezes in either Remaster or Mini
ULES01505UnplayableBlack screen after Minis screen, when converted to Remaster, save works but stuck after loading. unable to spawn other elf files
Dissidia 012 Prologus Final FantasyNPEH00108Major IssuesBlack screen as Remaster. Works fine until after setting up your profile and the first video clip starts up, then it black screens.
DJ MAX PORTABLE 2?Minor IssuesWorks, but playing near dead graphical glitches and black screen.
DJ MAX PORTABLE BLACK SQUAREULKS46189PlayableSave & Load working. Includes English language.
DJ MAX PORTABLE CLAZZIQUAI EDITION?PlayableSave & Load working. Includes English language.
Dongfang Queshen?UnplayableStuck in a doom loop of asking you to enter your name and then refusing to let you. Possibly something to do with cross / circle being the other way around in Asian region games. Attempted ADDITIONAL_KEY_ASSIGN = 8000000000000000, however, this doesn't actually swap cross / cirlce.
Donkey XoteULES00836PlayableFreeze after first level as mini. Remaster works fine.
Doodle FitNPEZ00391Playable
Dr Maybee and the Adventures of ScarygirlNPEZ00237Playable
Dracula: Undead Awakening MiniNPEZ00124Playable
Dragon Ball Z Shin BudokaiULES00309Major IssuesNone
ULUS10081UnplayableFreezes at character selection.
Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai - Another Road
Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai 2ULUS10234Major IssuesRemaster with graphics glitches.
Dragon Ball Z Tenkaichi Tag Team?UnplayableBlack screen, forces hard reset.
Dragon Ball Z Tenkaichi Tag TeamULUS10537UnplayableBlack screens, then crashes immediately!
Dragon's Lair?Playable
Dragoneer's AriaULUS10291PlayableWorks as Mini. Compression Used: No, SAV temp Fix Applied: No.
Driver 76ULUS10235UnplayableTested as a Remaster. Music works, but no video. Only screen is black.
Driver 76ULES?????UnplayableTested as a Remaster. freezes the game but then locks up the console instantly. You must use the Driver 2-3 for this PS1/PS2 Games instead.
Duke Nukem: Critical Mass (Jul 30, 2010)N/AUnplayableHidden Palace ISO. Doesn't boot, black screen. This might be fixable with config, however, it's likely to be complex working out what the right config is.
Dungeon Siege: Throne of AgonyULUS10177UnplayableRemasters/Minis: Freezes on startup, soft resets (Default minis2.txt).
Dungeon Travelers 2NPJH50744UnplayableBlack screen.
Dungeon Maker - Hunting Ground?PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Dungeons & Dragons: TacticsULUS10232PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Durarara!! 3-way StandoffULJS00318PlayableTested as remaster with resigned eboot.
Dynasty Warriors?UnplayableFreezes as minis and Remaster.
Dynasty Warriors Vol. 2?UnplayableFreezes as minis and Remaster.
DynoGems MiniNPEZ00117Playable

Game NameGame IDStatusCompatibility Notes

Earth Defense Forces 2 PortableULJS00374PlayableTested eboot resigned and as Remaster.
Echoes MiniNPUZ00022Playable
Eragon?UnplayableTested as a Remaster
Evangelion Jo?Minor Issues Requires Custom Config to fix saves, blur, and to remap the D-pad to the right stick. Resign eboot with seboot, pack as minis + minis2.edat
Evangelion Shin Gekijouban 3nd Impact?Major IssuesWill play but can't see menu & has low FPS.
Ever 17: The Out of InfinityULJM05437PlayableTested as a Remaster with English fan translation vBeta4 patch applied.
Every Extend ExtraULES00468Playable
Everybody's Golf?PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
UCES00012PlayableFully functional as ISO, but input lag may affect playability.
Everybody's Golf 2UCES00767PlayableFully functional as ISO, but input lag may affect playability. A bright yellow power bar may be hard to see on some displays.
Everybody's Stress Buster
Everybody's SukkiriUCAS40290PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Everyday ShooterNPUG80224Playable
Exit 2ULES00620Major IssuesWon't work past level 4.
Exit 2 Kanagaeru ExitULJM05161Playable Game NameGame IDStatus Compatibility Notes

F1 2009?UnplayableStutters in menu. Loading onto track causes game crash/freeze
F1 Grand PrixUCES00004PlayableRemaster method.
Fading Shadows?PlayableNeeds save fix.
Fairy Tail?Major IssuesSlow in game.
Fairy Tail 2?UnplayableBlack screen.
Fairy Tail 3?UnplayableBlack screen.
Family Guy Video Game!ULES00601PlayableMini works, Remaster does not work.
Fat Princess: Fistful of Cake?PlayableWorks as Remaster and as mini.
Fate/Extra?Major IssuesNeeds EBOOT fix. Has major shadow issues, hardly playable.
Fate/Extra CCC?PlayableFreezes.
Fate/Unlimited Codes?Playable
Field Commander?PlayableWorks as Remaster.
Field Runners MiniNPUZ00014Playable
FIFA Manager 2012?UnplayableBlack Screen / Freezes.
FIFA Soccer?Available
FIFA Soccer 06?Available
FIFA 07?UnplayableTested as a Remaster.
FIFA Soccer 08?AvailablePS3 version available.
FIFA Soccer 09?UnplayablePS3 version available.
FIFA Soccer 10?AvailablePS3 version available.
FIFA Soccer 11?AvailablePS3 version available.
FIFA Soccer 12?AvailablePS3 version available.
FIFA 13?AvailablePS3 version available.
FIFA 14?AvailablePS3 & PS4 versions available.
FIFA Street 2?Unplayabletested as a Remaster.
Fight Night Round 3?Unplayable
Final ArmadaULES00661PlayableMenus flicker, otherwise fine.
Final Fantasy?PlayableMinor graphical issues.
Final Fantasy I - 20th Anniversary EditionULUS10251Minor IssuesWork with remaster and mini, minor issues, save OK.
Final Fantasy IIULUS10263Minor IssuesWork as a Remaster and mini, save OK. Minor graphical issues.
Final Fantasy IIINPJH50626PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Final Fantasy IIINPUH10125PlayableWork with remaster and mini, save OK.
Final Fantasy IV: The Complete CollectionNPJH50414UnplayableFreezes on both discs. Default remaster didn't work. Unable to handle "disc0:/sce_lbn0x%04x_size0x%04x" -> loading screen forever.
Final Fantasy IV: The Complete CollectionULUS10560UnplayableDoesn't work with remaster or mini.
Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the LionsULUS10297Major Issues Requires Custom Config to fix slowdowns. Requires EBOOT patch to fix saves. Works with remaster or mini, action scenes too fast, gameplay fine.
Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the LionsULES00850Major Issues(PS3minis 2.1.2 Remaster, "add save_tmp fix" enabled) This EU region has same issues as US (above entry). On the game save screen, persistently says, "Memory Stick Duo not found."
Final Fantasy Type-0 (ファイナルファンタジー零式)NPJH50443Minor IssuesResigned EBOOT. Shadow/lights issues.
Final Fantasy Type 0 v2 English TranslationNPJH50443
merged with
NPJH50444PlayableWorks as iso in Remaster Launcher. Packages created as Remaster or Minis will work but certain movie files will be corrupted due to file size limitations, is possible to skip said movies. In theory, this is fixable if certain assets are heavily down-sampled.
Fired Up?PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Fish Eyes Portable?PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
FlatOut Head OnULES00968PlayableFPS droping in race. Tested minis and Remaster.
Flying HamsterNPEZ00151Playable
Ford Bold Moves Street Racing?UnplayableTested as a Remaster.
Formula One 06?Major IssuesRuns at about 30-40% speed in-game. Tested on both Minis and Remastered. Sound is fine but some flashing graphic glitching on your car model in-game. On screen glitching can be greatly reduced by turning off camera effects but is largely unplayable due to the slowness.
Free RunningULES00704Playable
Freekscape - Escape From HellNPUZ00013Minor IssuesSome do work / Some do not (conversion issues with eboot.pbp).
Frogger Helmet Chaos?PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
From Russia with Love?UnplayableRemaster. The stage title demo is very slow and the "Original Games" does not work.
Frontier Gate Boost+?UnplayableFreezes.
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood?Playable
Funky Punch MiniNPEZ00004Playable

cailei110 发表于 2024-3-14 03:16

本帖最后由 cailei110 于 2024-3-14 03:17 编辑

Game NameGame IDStatus Compatibility Notes

GachiTora! Abarenbou Kyoushi in High SchoolNPJH50409Minor IssuesErrors about memory stick size.
Gangs of LondonUCUS98617Unplayable
Generation of Chaos
New Demon World: GOCIV Another Side?Playable
Generation of Chaos: Pandora's Reflection
ジェネレーション オブ カオス6?PlayableRemaster method.
Gensō Suikoden: Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki
幻想水滸伝 紡がれし百年の時NPJH50535Unplayable Requires Custom Config to fix blur. This game was reported previouslly as Playable
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
Kokaku Kidotai: Stand Alone Complex - Domain of the Hunters?UnplayableStarts up fine & you'll see logo, but freezes on a black screen. UnloadModule main.prx because there is no "flash0:/font/jpn0.pgf" in "dev_flash/pspemu/flash0/font/" ?
Ghost Rider?PlayableVersion 1.02 tested.
G.I. Joe: The Rise of CobraULUS10435UnplayableSlow, graphics issues, menu works fine but it is unplayable.
Gitaroo Man Lives!ULUS10207PlayableWorking/Saving correctly as iso in Remaster Launcher. If turned into a pkg using PSP2PS3 etc (even with save fix enabled) the game will freeze on attempting to save.
Gladiator BeginsULUS10528PlayableWorks as a PSP Remaster, must create your own EBOOT.PBP or game will freeze console at black screen requiring a reboot.
God of War: Chains of Olympus?Minor IssuesGraphical errors and text does not display.(Play The Remastered Trilogy Version for PS3 Part as God of War Origins Collection.)
God of War: Ghost of Sparta?UnplayableFreezes and also gets you into a black screen.(Play The Remastered Trilogy Version for PS3 Part as God of War Origins Collection.)
The Godfather: Mob Wars?Unplayable
Gods Eater BurstULUS10563Major Issues Requires Custom Config to fix saves. Boots but freezes in-game.
God Eater 2
ゴッドイーター2?PlayableNo problems with remaster method. Suggested to map d-pad to right stick.
gpSP KaiN/APlayableWorks as a PSP Remaster, must create your own EBOOT.PBP or game will freeze console at black screen requiring a reboot.
Gradius CollectionULUS10103PlayableMini runs with resigned EBOOT, but black screens after 4th intro. Playable as remasters.
Gradius PortableULJM05091Minor IssuesStuck on "loading" screen. Playable as remasters, but little graphic and sound issues.
Gran Turismo?Major IssuesGraphics are corrupted and tryng to race crashes the PS3 but sound is ok
Grand Knight Chronicle?UnplayableBlack screen.
Grand Knights History?Major IssuesNeeds Remaster method. Major graphical issues, freezes if enter "Options".
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City StoriesULES00151UnplayableBlack screen, power button reset.(Play The PS2 Version For PS3 it works fine)
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown WarsULUS10490UnplayableBlack screen.
ULES01347UnplayableBlack screen.
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City StoriesULES00502UnplayableBlack screen.(Play The PS2 Version For PS3 it works Fine)
ULUS10160Major IssuesThe game boots up fine but you cannot see anything. Just the sounds and the pause menu. Unable to handle: "disc0:/sce_lbn0x%04x_size0x%04x" -> Video Render Output bug after Logos, for whole System (even xmb) (Play The PS2 Version For PS3 it works Fine)
Gripshift?UnplayableTested as a Remaster.
Growlanser: Wayfarer of Time?PlayableNeeds EBOOT fix.
GTI Club Supermini Festa?PlayableWorks as a Remaster and Minis, but runs about 60-80% speed.
Guilty Gear XX?Unplayabletested as a Remaster.
Guilty Gear JudgmentULES00574PlayablePS3minis 2.1.2 Remaster - no issues
Gun?Playable Requires Custom Config (experimental). It occasionally soft locks. This seems to be mitigated by running the European version whilst playing it as a Remaster in 'Normal' display.
Gundam Assault SurviveULJS00281UnplayablePS3minis 2.1.2 Remaster - Won't boot and resets PS3.
Gundam Battle AssaultULJS00145Major IssuesGame plays fine but will not save.
Gundam Battle Royal?UnplayableTested as a Remaster.
Gundam Battle Tactics?UnplayableTested as a Remaster.
Gundam Battle UniverseULJS00145PlayableRemaster, no issues
Gundam Memories: Memories of Battle?Playable1.74 now works, playable but save issues.
Gundam Seed: Rengou VS ZAFT PortableULJM05238PlayableRemaster, no issues
Gundam Versus GundamULJS00165PlayableEBOOT resigned.
Gundam Versus Gundam Next PlusNPJH50107PlayableEBOOT resigned using PS3 Minis 2.1.2 -- also tested on English patch v1.5
GungnirULUS10592UnplayablePS3minis 2.1.2 - tested as both Remaster and Minis: Fails to boot and restarts PS3 on PS button > Quit Game. This game was reported previouslly as Playable
Gunhound EX?PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
GUNPEY-RULJS00085Major IssuesEverything except music and skin progress runs twice faster than normal. Field advance speed is also fastened, so you may not complete the Challenge mode.
Gurumin: A Monstrous AdventureNPJH50109Playable

Game NameGame IDStatusCompatibility Notes

Hakuoki: Warriors of the ShinsengumiULUS10651Minor IssuesTested as a Remaster. The game works slower than it should, but is playable, without glitches. The speed doesn't improve if launched as a Minis.
Half-Minute HeroULUS10491Playable
Hammerin' HeroULUS10392UnplayableNot working as either Remasters or Minis. Black screen after minis logo.
Harry Potter and the Order of PhoenixULES00831Major IssuesTested as a Mini. Game is could be considered "playable". However the cut-off distance for 3D rendering is too short, making it impractical to play even with knowledge of the lay-out of environments in the game.
Harvest Moon: Boy & GirlULUS10142Major IssuesWorks fine as a Remaster, if the games are separated in 2 ISOs. However, while save data can be loaded fine, you cannot save the game progress :(
1. Using UMDGen, exract hmpsp.prx and hmGirl.prx;
2. Sign extracted .prx files. I used sign_np via CMD;
3. Using UMDGen, export a file list and delete hmpsp.prx from ISO;
4. Using UMDGen, add signed hmpsp.prx;
5. Using UMDGen, Import the file list and ensure that files LBA positions match the original;
6. Using UMDGen, using hmpsp.prx as a source file, re-link it to EBOOT.BIN;
7. Save Harvest Moon: Boy ISO (Do not trim, dummy or compress ISO, or it wouldn't work);
8. Repeat steps 3-7 for Harvest Moon: Girl ISO, using hmGirl.prx.
Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf ValleyULUS10458UnplayableFreezes at loading screen.
Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA
初音ミク -Project DIVA-?PlayableFreezes if you press R in "Miku Room"
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva - Tsuika Gakkyoku Shuu Deluxe Pack 1 - Miku Uta, Okawari?UnplayableFreeze at loading screen.
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva 2nd?Minor IssuesBlack screen in normal mode, working in remaster.
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Extend?Playable
Hayarigami 3?Playable
Heaven's WillULJM05186Playable
Hellboy - The Science of EvilULES00827Playable
Hello Kitty Puzzle PartyULES01397PlayableTested as Remaster
Heracles Chariot Racing MiniNPEZ00095Playable
Heroes VS?UnplayableFreezes.
Hexyz Force?Major IssuesWorks with EBOOT resigned, but can't save. Also, the mini-map is glitched-looking and there are some minor graphic glitches elsewhere. Same issues as default Remaster.
Hot PixelULES00642PlayableWorks as Remaster.
Hot Shots Golf: Open TeeUCUS98614UnplayableBlack screen.
Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee 2UCUS98693PlayableWorks as a Remaster. Doesn't work as a Mini.
HotBrain?PlayableWork as Remaster.
House?Major IssuesWorks as a Remaster, but framerate too slow to play.
Hunter × Hunter Wonder Adventure
ハンター×ハンター ワンダーアドベンチャーNPJH50624Playable Requires Custom Config to fix gfx errors
Hysteria Project 2?Playable

Game NameGame IDStatusCompatibility Notes

Ikki Tousen: Eloquent Fist?UnplayableBoth Mini and Remaster: Freezes after choosing to start the game from the main menu.
Ikki Tousen: Xross ImpactNPJH50222Playable
IL2 Sturmovik Birds of Prey?Playable
Impossible MissionULES00764PlayableTested as Remaster
Indiana Jones and Staff of King?UnplayableBlack screen after minis logo.
InfectedULUS10054Minor IssuesTested as a Remaster. No cutscenes playback. Manual saving only. Some minor glitching. Otherwise, plays fine at full speed.
Initial D Street StageULJM05093Playableworks as a minis
Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest MoonULUS10219PlayableWorks as iso in Remaster Launcher. Can also be turned into a remaster package.
International Snooker MiniNPEZ00104Playable
Iron Man?UnplayableBlack Screen. Freezes PS3 and must soft-reset it.
Isle of Minno (May 12, 2006 prototype)?PlayableHidden Palace.

Game NameGame IDStatusCompatibility Notes

Jackass: The GameULUS10303UnplayableBlack Screen as Remaster.
Jak and Daxter: The Lost FrontierNPUG80330UnplayableBlack screen after minis logo, crashes when exiting.
James Cameron's Avatar - The GameULUS10451UnplayableBlack screen/unhandled exception in TargetManager log.
Jeanne D'ArcUCUS98700PlayableCompression Used: No; SAV temp Fix Applied: No;
Jikandia: The Timeless Land?UnplayableFreezes with Remaster method.
Jelly PopsNPUZ00223Playable
Juiced 2: Hot Import NightsULUS10312UnplayableWorks fine in the menus. Freezes during loading screens and/or gameplay. Tested as a remaster.
Juiced EliminatorULUS10090PlayableWorks as minis, the mini map doesn't load in
Jungle Party?UnplayableBlack Screen during gameplay. as a Remaster.
Justice League HeroesULUS10214Major IssuesWorks as a Remaster, but most graphics are corrupted.

Game NameGame IDStatusCompatibility Notes

K-On Houkago Live?Minor Issues Requires Official Config. Graphic texture issues, otherwise playable. Better to play the PS3 Remastered official release.
Kameleon?PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Kamen Rider: Super Climax Heroes?Major IssuesMajor slowdown in both Remasters and minis mode when you start a battle.
Kao Challengers?UnplayableTested as a Remaster.
Kazook?PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Kenka Bancho 3?PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Kenka Bancho 4ULJS00268UnplayableWhite screens (minis+remaster).
Kenka Bancho: Badass Rumble?PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Key of Heaven?UnplayableTested as a Remaster
Killzone Liberation?UnplayableFreezes as minis or Remasters.
Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep (US)?UnplayableEBOOT resigned + decrypted PGD files (req: either additional EBOOT or EMU patches), then blackscreen, cannot load "disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/MODULE/TITLE.ELF"
Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep Final MixULJM05775UnplayableIt gets to the copy right then black screen.
Kingdom of Paradise?Major IssuesMemory Stick not accessible. Unable to start a new game or load. Leaving idle on the title screen will completely freeze the console after a while.
Kisouryouhei Gunhaund ExNPJH50723Playable1.74 working.
Knights in the NightmareNPJH50230Playable1.74 now works perfectly.
Kurohyou - Ryu ga Gotoku ShinshouNPJH50333Minor IssuesCutscenes will flicker randomly and combat start + end sequences render blue and green boxes. Skip data install when prompted on new game start to get to the story menu. Gameplay works perfectly.
Kurohyou 2 - Ryu ga Gotoku Ashura HenNPJH50562UnplayableSave Game problem as Remaster.
Kurohyou 2 - Ryu ga Gotoku Ashura HenNPJH50562UnplayableGoes to the main menu, then hard freezes when going in-game.
Kuroko no Basuke Kiseke no Game?Playable1.74 now works well, little sound issues.
Kurulin Fusion MiniNPUH10042Playable
Kyoukaisen-jou no HorizonULJS00543UnplayableHard freeze as remaster, black screen as minis.

Game NameGame IDStatusCompatibility Notes

La Pucelle: Ragnarok?PlayableSaves description doesn't update, but saves do work.
Last Ranked?Unplayable
Le Parrain (The Godfather)?UnplayableFreeze.
Legend of Kunoichi MiniNPUX80406Playable
Lego Batman: The VideogameULES01151UnplayableBlack Screen, don't start. This game has PS3 version.
Lego Indiana Jones: The Original AdventuresULES01086UnplayableBlack Screen, don't start. This game has PS3 version.
Lego Harry Potter: Years 1–4ULUS10500PlayableResigned EBOOT. This game has PS3 version.
Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7ULES01558UnplayableBlack screen after minis logo. This game has PS3 version.
Lego Pirates of the CaribbeanULES01529Minor IssuesWorking in minis, low framerate in FMV. This game has PS3 version
Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy?Available
Lego Star Wars III: The Clone WarsULUS10531PlayableThis game has PS3 version.
Let's GolfNPEZ00032Minor IssuesSome do work / some do not. Black Screen / Freeze.
Little Britain: The Video Game?PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
LittleBigPlanetUCES01264UnplayableBlack screen.
LocoRocoUCUS98662PlayableWorks as a Remaster (default settings in MINIS2).
LocoRoco 2UCUS98731Minor IssuesMovies have only sound (no video). Frames are not smooth.
LocoRoco Midnight CarnivalNPEG00024PlayableWorks good, even multiplayer via WiFi. EBOOT needs to be signed. Note: USA PSN ISO works without resigning as a Remaster.
Lord of ArcanaULUS10479PlayableNeeds save fix, decrypted EBOOT.BIN.
LuminesULUS10002PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Lumines 2ULUS10183Playable
Lunar: Silver Star HarmonyULUS10482Minor IssuesWorks as Remaster. Freezes after first battle.
Lunar: Silver Star HarmonyULUS10482PlayableConverted this game with PSP2PS3 from an iso ripped from a real disc. Got several battles in as Remaster, no crashing, the game is working fine. Rebug 4.82
Luxor?UnplayableTested as a Remaster

Game NameGame IDStatusCompatibility Notes

Macross Ace Frontier??Untested
Macross Ultimate FrontierNPJH50050Minor IssuesPS3minis 2.1.2 Remaster - JITTERY 3D models if on surface but in mid-air, models look OK.
Madden NFL 06?UnplayableTested as a Remaster
Magic SudokuUCAS40139Playable
Mahou Shojou Lyrical Nanoha As Portable: The Battle of AcesULJS00241UnplayableBlack screen (1.74).
Mahjong Fight Club?Unplayable
Mahjong Fight Club: Zenkoku Taisen Ban?Unplayable
Mahjong Solitaire?PlayableTested as a Remaster.
Mana Khemia 2 Portable+?Major IssuesWorks as a Remaster, with all the problems it had on PSP (performance was bad on PSP and had random freezes).
Mana Khemia: Student Alliance?PlayableSeems to work as a Remaster with default settings.
Manhunt 2ULES00756UnplayableBlack Screen as Remaster.
ULUS10280UnplayableBlack screen after the "MINIS" Logo. But you can hear a short "Ding" sound and see slightly HDD activity.
Marvel Super Hero Squad?PlayableNone.
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance?UnplayableTested as a Remaster, PS3 version available.
Me & My Katamari?Major IssuesBlack screen after Minis logo. Loads as remaster, but most textures not showing up during gameplay.
Medal of Honor: Heroes?UnplayableHear beep/sounds but nothing on screen, Home button wont respond, black screen.
Medal of Honor: Heroes 2?UnplayableHear beeps/sounds but nothing on screen, Home button wont respond, black screen.
MediEvil RessurrectionUCUS98620UnplayableWorks as a Remaster. No video except HUD.
UCES00006UnplayableWorks as a Remaster. No video except HUD.
Mega Man Powered UpULES00307PlayableWorks as a Remaster. Infinite loading if auto-saving is enabled. Infinite loading when trying to save manually. Fixable with minis2 parameter “SAVEDATA_USE_PS3_SAVE = 1“ boot also needs to be signed.
Mega Man Maverick Hunter XULUS10068PlayableDon't play anime scenes, works with remaster and mini. Has minor graphical issues with Sting Chameleon. Save OK. Mega Man Powered UP demo doesn't work.
Megamind - The Blue DefenderULUS10520UnplayableBlack screen/unhandled exception in TargetManager log.
Melodie (Sep 2, 2005 prototype)?UnplayableBlack screen.
Metal Gear AC!DULUS10006PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Metal Gear AC!D 2ULUS10077Major IssuesWorks as a Remaster. MINIS2 settings in a comment. The game will freeze when the player wants to use a weapon in 2nd mission.
Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic NovelULES00382PlayableWorks as a Remaster. DVD and Blu-Ray versions available.
Metal Gear Solid: Peace WalkerULUS10509UnplayableBlack screen after Minis logo, crashes when exiting. Remaster is available via the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection.
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops?Major IssuesRemaster method freezes in first 5 minutes (x2).
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops +?UnplayableMenu only working. booting a new game or save file will black screen.
Metal Slug AnthologyULES00530UnplayableFreezes. As Remaster, when asked to enter a name (new game) complains text is too short when it is not.
Metal Slug XX?PlayableWorks as a Remaster. The PAL Copy works, but USA one does not. There's noticeable imput lag.
Miami Vice?Unplayabletested as a Remaster.
Michael Jackson: The Experience?PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Midnight Club: L.A. RemixULES01144UnplayableBlack screen as Remaster.
Midnight Club 3: DUB EditionULES00108UnplayableBlack screen as Remaster.
Military History Commander: Europe at WarULES01179Playable
Mimana Iyar ChronicleULUS10492Playable
Mind Quiz?PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Mini SquadronNPUZ00122Playable
Minna no Sukkiri?UnplayableFreezes. This game was reported previouslly as Playable with notes: Works perfectly as Remaster. Freezes at minigame selection as mini.
MLB 2K12?UnplayableBlack Screen/Freezes.
ModNation Racers?Unplayable
Moeru Mahjong - Moejong?Unplayable
Monster Hunter Freedom?UnplayableCan't add letters in name only numbers, game locks up after character creation.
Monster Hunter Freedom 2?UnplayableBlack screen / freeze.
Monster Hunter Freedom UniteULUS10391PlayableWorks perfect.
Monster Hunter PortableULJM05066PlayableCan add only numbers in Character creation. Create a Character on a PC Emulator or PSP and copy the save to the PS3. Rest works.
Monster Hunter Portable 2ndULJM05156UnplayableBlack screen / freeze
Monster Hunter Portable 2nd GULJM05500PlayableCan add only numbers in Character creation. Create a Character on a PC Emulator or PSP and copy the save to the PS3. Rest works.
Monster Hunter Portable 3rdULJM05800Unplayable Requires Official Config (there is an official config for the HD version). Black Screen/Freeze
Monster Kingdom: Jewel Summoner?Playable
Monsters Probably Stole My Girlfriend?UnplayableBlack screen after Minis logo, crashes when exiting.
Mortal Kombat: UnchainedULES00353Minor IssuesWorks as a Remaster. Some stages will Freeze.
As Minis: it boots up, works dandy until you try a match. Then it places an icon in the lower-left of the screen with the text, "UMD could not be read".
ULUS10102Minor IssuesWorks as a Remaster, save OK. Some stages will freeze.
MOTO GP?PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
MotorStorm Arctic Edge?Major IssuesLoads fine but crashes during first race.
MX vs. ATV Reflex?UnplayableCan hear sound but there is no graphic.
MX vs. ATV ReflexULUS10429UnplayableAfter resigning eboot.bin freezes.

cailei110 发表于 2024-3-14 03:19

本帖最后由 cailei110 于 2024-3-14 03:20 编辑

Game NameGame IDStatusCompatibility Notes

N+ULUS10340PlayableSave doesn't work with save_tmp fix enabled and will cause the game to hang as a Remaster.
Namco Museum Battle Collection?UnplayableTested as a Remaster.
Naruto Shippuden - Kizuna DriveULUS10571PlayableNeed ressigned EBOOT mannualy. Invalid input error fix: inject save file.
Naruto Shippuden - Ultimate Ninja HeroesULUS10299UnplayableFrom what if tested, it gives a black screen and forces a restart
Naruto Shippuden - Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3ULUS10518PlayableWorks fine, give WLAN error sometime but plays no problem.
Naruto Shippuden - Narutimetto Accel 3 ナルト- 疾風伝 ナルティメットアクセル3ULJS00236PlayableWorks fine as minis.
Naruto Shippuden - Ultimate Ninja ImpactULUS10582UnplayableBlack screen, forces hard reset.
Nascar?UnplayableTested as a Remaster.
Nayuta no KisekiULJM06113Minor IssuesWorks, but menu graphical glitches.
Nayuta no Kiseki Addendum v1.08ULJM06113PlayableOne of two different English patches. Works as a Remaster.
Nayuta no Kiseki v4.15ULJM06113PlayableOne of two different English patches. Works as a Remaster.
NBA Live 08?UnplayableHangs on black bcreen as Remaster.
NBA Street ShowdownULES00037Unplayable
Need For Speed: Carbon - Own The CityULES00577Minor IssuesWorks best as a minis. Missing some textures.
Need for Speed: Most Wanted 5-1-0ULES00196UnplayableBlack screen, forces hard reset.
ULUS10036UnplayableDoesn't work after auto save.
Need For Speed: ProStreetULES01019Minor IssuesWorks as a Remaster. Missing some textures.
Need For Speed: ShiftULUS10462Major IssuesWorks as a Remaster, but the game is too slow.
Need For Speed: UndercoverULES01145UnplayableNot working as Remaster. Freezes after game logo.
Need For Speed: Underground RivalsULES00025UnplayableDoesn't work after auto save.
Nendoroid Generation
ねんどろいど じぇねれ~しょんULJS00441PlayableRun too fast, but is playable. Default MINIS2.txt settings.
Does not work as Mini; stuck at first battle. Eboot resigned, update folder removed.
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Girlfriend of Steel 2ndULJM05477PlayableTested as a Remaster with English fan translation v1.01 patch applied.
NesterJ-PSPN/APlayableWorks as a PSP Remaster, must create your own EBOOT.PBP or game will freeze console at black screen requiring a reboot.
Never 7: The End of InfinityULJM05433PlayableTested as a Remaster with English fan translation v2 patch applied.
NFL Street 3ULUS10135UnplayableI don't know who tag this as playable but you can't get past the first screen (Tested as a Remaster & mini).
No Heroes Allowed!NPUG80460UnplayableStuck in blackscreen when switching to game proper.
Normal Tanks MiniNPEZ00135Playable
Nova - Near Orbit Vanguard AllianceNPEZ00222Playable Requires Custom Config to remap cross/square/circle/triangle to the right stick

Game NameGame IDStatusCompatibility Notes

ObenULESO1254Minor IssuesRemasters work slowly, has graphical glitches
Obscure: The AftermathULUS10484PlayableTested as Remaster, works perfectly fine, looks great.
One Epic GameNPEZ00344PlayableWorks flawlessly. Multiplayer works via WiFi.
One Piece ROMANCE DAWNNPJH50679PlayableTested resigned EBOOT and as Remaster.
One Piece Romance Dawn Bouken no Yoake?UnplayableFreezes.
One Two Boat Racing MiniNPUX80431Playable
OneChanbara Special?Major IssuesErrors about memory stick size.
OneChanbara SpecialULJS00367UnplayableBlack screen.
Open Season?UnplayableThe PS2 version does work.
Oreimo TsuzukuNPJH50568PlayableTested as a Remaster with English fan translation v1.0 patch applied. Data Install will freeze the game.
Ore no shikabane wo koeteyuke?PlayableWorks as a Remaster, with minimal graphical glitches.
Outrun 2006: Coast 2 Coast?UnplayableStarts in Remaster and Mini but gives Black Screen in the American and European Version

Game NameGame IDStatusCompatibility Notes

Pac-Man World 3ULUS10055UnplayableBlack screen as Remaster.
Pachisi MiniNPEZ00123Playable
Pangya: Fantasy GolfULUS10438UnplayableAfter Minis logo, hangs with a black screen. Remaster does not work either.
Parappa the Rapper?Major IssuesPlayable (using PSP minis placeholder PKG). Hard to play due to video lag or input lag. Freezes after intro FMV as a Remaster (the European version does, at least).
Parodius PortableULJM05220PlayablePlayable as Remaster, but jikkyou parodius freezes after character select.
Passport to.. London?UnplayableTested as a Remaster.
Patapon?UnplayableAs remaster or minis -- freezes on "New game" intro. Same issue on EU ver(UCES00995)
After loading injected save game, "Village" works (runs a little fast) but freezes when starting a mission, so no play can ever be had.
Patapon 2?UnplayableRemaster and Minis: Crashes to black screen.
Patapon 3UCES01421Playable Requires Custom Config to fix buttons. EBOOT requires sceIoClose patch
Patchwork HeroesNPEG00028Playable
PC Engine Best Collection: Ginga Ojousama Densetsu CollectionULJM05358PlayableWorks perfectly as a remaster. Have not tested as a mini.
PersonaNPEH00069Minor Issues Requires Custom Config The game allows you to save, but it cannot open it because the menu glitches out. To fix this, you need to make a pkg of the game by using PSP2PS3. Then, in the settings you need to edit the MINI2 by adding SAVEDATA_USE_PS3_SAVE = 1 and saving. Convert to pkg and install on your PS3.
Persona 2: Innocent SinULES01557Minor IssuesThe game runs too fast. Running in the school is twice faster as in the original. Despite that, it is still perfectly playable. Works as iso in Remaster Launcher. UNDUB works as PKG PSP2PS3 2.1.5.
Persona 2: Eternal PunishmentULJM06081PlayableWorks as iso in Remaster Launcher. Also works when turned into Remaster pkg.
Persona 3: PortableULES01523UnplayableFreezes after title screen.
Peter Jackson's King KongULUS10072Playable Requires Custom Config to remap R and L buttons to the right stick. Works as a Remaster.
Petz My Baby HamsterULES01266Playable
Petz Puppy FamilyULES01267PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Petz Saddle ClubULUS10402PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Phantasy Star PortableULES01218Major IssuesRemaster: Cannot save. Speedy on menus, major random slowdowns during quests, NPC dialogues show no text. Compression or not is the same. Minis do not work as well.
ULUS10410Major IssuesRemaster: Cannot save. Speedy on menus, major random slowdowns during quests, NPC dialogues show no text. Compression or not is the same. Minis do not work as well.
Phantasy Star Portable 2ULES01439Minor IssuesWorks as remaster. Included minis2.txt. EBOOT.PBP compressed. EBOOT.BIN signed with seboot with '-tn' switch. Saves work. The only problem is the major slowdowns when enemies, laser gates/fences, or other NPCs are in the area. Using PrxEncrypter will yield a black screen at startup. Infrastructure play mode will freeze the PS3, requiring a hard reset.
ULUS10529Playable Requires Custom Config to help with some of the framerate drops. Remaster with modified prxencryptor (PrxEncryptor_mod2)
Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity (J+English Patched)?PlayableEnglish patched. Slowdowns if run as a Remaster, mostly fine if run as a mini.
Phantom Brave: The Hermuda Triangle?Minor IssuesSkill text doesn't show when used. Resigned EBOOT.
Pilot Academy?UnplayableWorks as a Remaster, but crash in missions.
Pimp My RideULES00960UnplayableBlack screen as a Remaster.
Piposaru Academia 2: Aiai Sarugee Janken BattleUCAS40041PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Pinball DreamsNPEZ00021Playable Requires Official Config. Works as a Remaster.
Pinball FantasiesNPEZ00022Playable Requires Official Config. Works as a Remaster.
Pipe ManiaULES01094PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe?Minor IssuesGFX glitches after tutorial
PixelJunk Monsters MiniNPUG80248Playable
Planetarian: The Reverie of a Little PlanetULJM05383PlayableTested as a Remaster with English fan translation v1.0 patch applied.
PlatypusULUS10203Minor IssuesMinor graphical flickering, otherwise playable.
Pocket Pool?UnplayableDoesn’t start. Black screen.
Pocket Racers?UnplayableCan’t skip intro. Menu glitchy but usable. Gameplay is completely unplayable with big glitching (photosensitivity warning).
Pool Hall Pro (US)?UnplayableRemaster method, black screen. Unable to handle: "disc0:/sce_lbn0x%04x_size0x%04x" -> Black screen.
pop'n music portableULJM05605UnplayableMinis method and Remaster Launcher method do not work. Both methods show "Error: Wired Network Settings (10002)" upon loading, followed by a black screen. Cause unknown, fix unknown.
pop'n music portable 2ULJM05959Minor IssuesWorks as a Minis; Remaster Launcher untested. Game works with little to no issues, only problem is saving. Attempting to save results in a prompt saying "The data is corrupted." Fix unknown.
Powerstone Collection?Playable Requires Custom Config to remap files. Works as a Remaster. Needs each game to be separated: in the iso, take out PWS1.PRX or PWS2.PRX, rename it to EBOOT.BIN, resign it with SIGN_EBOOT.BAT, and replace the original EBOOT.BIN in SYS_DIR using UMDGen.exe with the one of your game. Then enjoy it as a remaster :) or add minis2 : ELF_PATH = disc0:/PSP_GAME/SYSDIR/EBOOT.BIN to the path/ pwsX.prx you run, easier and faster than always repacking.
PQ Practical Intelligence Quotient?Unplayable
Prince of Persia: RevelationsULES00223UnplayableLoading screen freezes. Doesn't work as Remaster.
Prince of Persia: Rival Swords?PlayableGives a WLAN error at startup and FMV doesn't work properly, but game runs fine.
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten SandsULUS10480Major IssuesTested as a Minis. No audio in-game and no video playback. However, the actual gameplay is OK. Low fps, if launched as a remaster.
Prinny 2 - Operation Panties Dood!?PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
PSPUAEN/APlayableWorks as a PSP Remaster, must create your own EBOOT.PBP or game will freeze console at black screen requiring a reboot.
Prinny - Can I Really be the HeroULES01278PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
ULUS10407UnplayablePS3minis 2.1.2 Remaster - Won't boot but will not freeze PS3.
Pro Evolution Soccer 5
World Soccer: Winning Eleven 9?Available
Pro Evolution Soccer 6
World Soccer: Winning Eleven 10 Ubiquitous Edition
Winning Eleven: Pro Evolution Soccer 2007?PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Pro Evolution Soccer 2008
World Soccer: Winning Eleven 2008?AvailablePS3 version available
Pro Evolution Soccer 2009
World Soccer: Winning Eleven 2009?AvailablePS3 version available
Pro Evolution Soccer 2010
World Soccer: Winning Eleven 2010?AvailablePS3 version available
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011
World Soccer: Winning Eleven 2011?AvailablePS3 version available
Pro Evolution Soccer 2012
World Soccer: Winning Eleven 2012?AvailablePS3 version available
Pro Evolution Soccer 2013
World Soccer: Winning Eleven 2013?AvailablePS3 version available
Pro Evolution Soccer 2014
World Soccer: Winning Eleven 2014?AvailablePS3 version available
PSX-P / PS1PN/APlayable
Puella Magi Madoka Magica PortableULJS00430PlayableWorks as a Remaster. PSPtoPS3-b22
Pursuit Force?Unplayable
Pursuit Force: Extreme Justice?Major IssuesMinis or Remaster: FMV not working properly (no freeze). Bad background when quicksaving. Crashes after the first cut-scene when you start a new game.
Puyo Puyo 7ULAS42203PlayableWorks on Both Minis And Remaster.
PuyoPuyo! 15th AnniversaryNPJH50492PlayableWorks on Both Minis And Remaster.
PuyoPuyo!! 20th AnniversaryULAS42098PlayableRemaster, Eboot manual resign, update folder removed, auto save/load is working.
Puyo Pop FeverULES-00294PlayableWorks as a Remaster. Note: Create a profile on ppsspp emulator and copy profile to Ps3.
Puyo Puyo Fever 2ULJM-05058UnplayableOn both minis and remaster it boots into title screen with only the background and no textures and pressing start does nothing.
Puzzle Bobble Pocket?Playable
Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords?UnplayableLocks up on memory card access as either Remastered or Mini. Game NameGame IDStatus Compatibility Notes

Queen's Blade?Minor IssuesFMVs are not working properly.
Queen's Gate: Spiral Chaos?Minor IssuesWorks as a Remaster. Problem playing FMV sequences, though this doesn't cause the game to freeze and background during quicksave is messed up
Queen's Blade: Spiral Chaos (J+English Patched) PSP ISO?PlayableTested Version 1.6 (Released: July 11, 2021). Works as Remaster. Didn't get as far as testing whether saves work.

Game NameGame IDStatusCompatibility Notes

R-Type CommandULUS10343PlayableWorks as mini without using compression.
R-Type Tactics 2 Operation Bitter ChocolateNPJH50119Playableworks fine with pspremaster launcher on latest rebug cfw
Ragnarok Tactics
Ragnarok - Hikari to Yami no KoujoULUS10594Playable Requires Custom Config to reduce the lag. Fixed PKG: Use SignFakeNPExpert to make EBOOT.PBP (Only checked Auto Re-sing 02 & Fixed Keys). Use PSP2PS3 2.1.5 and the EBOOT.PBP to make the PKG. Laggy in some points. Lag fix: Deactive voices on game settings.
Ratatouille?UnplayableTested as Remaster/Minis all 12 versions of the game in all languages, non of them work, all black screen. PS2 standalone ver. works fine on PS3 with little issues. (Game also released for PS3 as standalone ver.)
Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters?PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Rebellions Secret Game 2nd StageULJM06253Playable
Reel Fishing?PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Remember 11: The Age of InfinityULJM05444PlayableTested as a Remaster with English fan translation v2.1 patch applied.
RENGOKU The Tower of Purgatory?UnplayableTested as a Remaster
Rengoku II: The Stairway to H.E.A.V.E.N.ULUS10127UnplayableIt says: A problem occured while loading Rengoku 2.The problem could not be resolved. (Error Code : DFE8165417688603)
Resistance RetributionUCES01184Major Issues Requires Custom Config to remap R and L buttons to the right stick. Works with a reduced speed as a Minis. Everything else works fine, with no glitches. If launched as a remaster, the fps will be lower. PPSSPP on a Raspberry Pi also struggles with this game. This game also appears frequently on bug reports for PPSSPP, where it is described as a poorly coded game. It's probably going to be impossible to fix slow gameplay speed for this game on PS3.
Retro MiniNPEZ00141Playable
Ridge RacerUCES00002UnplayableMulti-executable game: After mini game it black screens. Tested as Remaster and ISO.
Ridge Racer 2UCES00422Playable
ULJS00080PlayableWorks perfectly as minis. Frame rate is slow as remaster.
Riviera The Promised Land?Major IssuesThere are big graphical errors witch make it unplayable.
Rockband 2 (Alpha)?UnplayableBlack screen as Remaster or Mini.
Rockband Unplugged?Major IssuesFunctional as Remaster but music is bugged.
Rocket Racing MiniNPEZ00043UnplayableBlack Screen / Freeze.
Rockman Dash 1?Major IssuesGame starts and menu shows, but scenario in stages is black. Enemies' shots are not visible.
Rockman Dash 2?PlayablePerfect as a Remaster.
Rockstar's Beaterator?Minor IssuesFor the most part it is working, the samples tend to get glitchy on several setups, and sound bad.
Rocky Balboa?UnplayableBlack screen as Remaster.
Route 66 MiniNPEZ00036UnplayableBlack Screen / Freeze.
RushULUS10174Major IssuesWorking, but the game is to slow as a Remaster.
Rurouni Kenshin romantan kenkaku kansei?UnplayableDoesnt work as mini or remaster black screen shows up forcing you to make a hard reset

Game NameGame IDStatusCompatibility Notes

Saint Seiya Omega: Ultimate CosmoNPJH50699Playable1.74 Working.
Salamander PortableULJM05219UnplayableMinis and Remaster get stuck on "loading" screen.
Samurai Warriors: State of War?PlayableWorks as Remaster.
Saru Get You! - Pipo Saru RacerUCAS40134PlayableWorks as Remaster.
Saru Get You! - SaruSaru DaisakusenUCAS40154Minor IssuesWorks as Remaster. Title screen and loading zone missing textures, levels work fine.
Scarface?PlayableWorks as Remaster.
Scooby Doo Who's Watching Who?PlayableWorks as Remaster.
Scrabble?PlayableTested as ISO.
SD Gundam G Generation PortableULJS00065UnplayableFreezes.
Secret Agent Clank?UnplayableBlack screen after loading a save or selecting new game.
Sega Mega Drive CollectionULES00556UnplayableError wlan doesn't work as a Remaster.
Sega Rally RevoULUS10311UnplayablePS3minis 2.1.2 Remaster - Boots fine but stuck past profile selection to game proper.
Senritsu no Stratus?UnplayableTested as Minis and Remaster.
Shadow of DestinyULUS10459Playable Requires Custom Config (experimental). The game seem to work fine with some black texture glitching on the sky, etc. Works as remaster.
Shin Megami Tensei: PersonaULUS10432Playable Requires Custom Config. Remaster
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 2 Innocent SinULUS10584UnplayableBlack screen.
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 PortableULUS10512Unplayable Requires Custom Config (experimental). Game starts and menu shows, but scenario in stages is black. Enemies' shots are not visible.
Shining Ark?UnplayableFreezes.
Shining BladeNPJH50530UnplayableBlack screen. This game was reported previouslly as Playable with notes: EBOOT resigned + decrypted PGD File (req: either additional EBOOT or EMU patches), save works.
Shinobido: Tales of the NinjaUCES00421PlayableWorks perfectly as a remaster. Supports loading custom made missions via savedata DLC as a singleplayer content. No issues or glitches at all.
Shrek The Third?Major IssuesTested as a Remaster & Minis graphical and camera axis corruptions. Freezes PS3.
Shutokou Battle: Zone of Control?AvailableOriginal Japanese version of “Street Supremacy”. Untested but likely be unplayable too.
Sid Meier's Pirates! - Live the LifeULUS10224Minor IssuesGame freezes at meeting with guvernors otherwise runs ok (tested PSPminis 2.1.2 remaster)
Silent Hill OriginsULUS10285Minor Issues Requires Custom Config to fix unplayable issue, but still leaves flashlight issue. Compression used: No. SAV temp Fix applied: Yes.
Simple 2500 Series Portable Vol 6 The SenshaULES01352PlayableUse Type B key config.
Simple 2500 Series Portable Vol 13 The Akuma HuntersULES01352PlayableThe control scheme makes this next to impossible to play on a PS3.
Silent Hill Shattered MemoriesULES01352UnplayableAfter game logo black screen as Remaster.
Sky Force?PlayableTested as a Remaster.
SOCOM - U.S. Navy SEALs - Fireteam BravoUCES00038PlayableUse default mini2 settings.
SOCOM - U.S. Navy SEALs - Fireteam Bravo 3UCUS98716UnplayableDetects update, black screen on start up
Sol TriggerNPJH50619UnplayableFreezes. Used untouched iso and resigned eboot.. and no compression. Freezes as Remaster as well. Game starts, but black screen when going into 3D gameplay.
Sonic RivalsULES00622UnplayableUnable to handle: "disc0:/sce_lbn0x%04x_size0x%04x" -> Game starts and menu shows, but scenario in stages is black.
Sonic Rivals 2?Major IssuesAppears working up until you start a stage, where nothing but the HUD graphics display. Unable to handle: "disc0:/sce_lbn0x%04x_size0x%04x" -> Game starts and menu shows, but scenario in stages is black.
Sora wo Aogite Kumotakaku Portable?UnplayableFreezes.
Soreyuke! Burunyan-Man PortableNPJH50656PlayableWorks as a Remaster and mini.
SoulCalibur: Broken DestinyULUS10457PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Soul Eater: Battle ResonanceULJS00176PlayableWorks as Minis.
Sound of the Sky: Quintet of Maidens?PlayableTested as a Remaster with English fan translation v1.0 patch applied.
Space Invaders Extreme?Major IssuesNone. Compression Used: No, SAV temp Fix Applied: No.
Space Invaders ExtremeULES01078Playable
Space Invaders ExtremeULJM05315PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Spaceball Revolution MiniNPEZ00120Playable
Spectral Souls: Resurrection of the Ethereal Empires?Major IssuesUnable to handle: "disc0:/sce_lbn0x%04x_size0x%04x" -> FMVs are not visible. Cannot save.
Spectral VS GenerationULES00757UnplayablePS3minis 2.1.2 Remaster - Won't boot and freezes PS3
Spider-Man 2?PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Spider-Man 3?Major IssuesRemaster: framerate too slow to be playable.
Split SecondULUS10513UnplayableBlack Screen after Safety Warning.
Spongebob Squarepants The Yellow Avenger?UnplayableTested as a Remaster.
Spongebob's Truth or SquareULUS10478PlayableTested as a Remaster.
SSX On tour?UnplayableFreezes on loading screen.
Stand O'FoodNPEZ00002Unplayable Requires Official Config. Mini. Black Screen / Freeze.
Star Ocean: First DepartureULUS10374PlayableCompression Used: No; SAV temp Fix Applied: No; -- Undub also works.
Star Ocean: Second EvolutionULUS10375PlayableCompression Used: No; SAV temp Fix Applied: No; -- Undub also works.
Star Trek - Tactical AssaultULES00623Playable
Star Wars Battlefront - Renegade SquadronULES00861Playable
Star Wars: Battlefront IIULES00183Playable
Star Wars Battlefront II: Remastered Edition (Hack)ULUS10053PlayableROM hack. Version 8. Release Date 03/13/2021. u/AnthonyBF2 (Reddit username)
Star Wars Battlefront: Elite SquadronULUS10390PlayableWork with remaster or mini, save ok
Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade SquadronULUS10292Playable
Star Wars Lethal AllianceULUS10188UnplayableTested as a Remaster.
ULES00599UnplayableTested as a Remaster.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars Republic HeroesULES01284Playable
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed?Major IssuesRemaster method. Plays somewhat then slows to an unbearably slow speed.
State ShiftULES00776Playable
Steambot Chronicles Battle TournamentULUS10470Minor IssuesPS3 Minis 2.1.2 - Remaster: audio slowdown and a few texture glitches.
Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max (US & EU)ULUS10062PlayableDue to a glitch that occurs even on real hardware, you won't be able to create save files if you have more than 2GB of free space on your PS3. However, you can still save and load a pre-made save file (which you can find here) normally. Auto save and load features still won't work. Apart from that, everything works fine.
Street Fighter Zero 3 Double Upper
ストリートファイターZERO 3↑↑ULJM-05082PlayableSee above.
Street Supremacy?UnplayableTested as a Remaster.
Strikers 1945 PlusULKS46198Playable
Summon Night 5NPJH50696Major IssuesWorks with EBOOT resigned (tested as remaster), but freezes on selecting "1st stage".
ULUS10656Minor IssuesWorks in Remaster Launcher. Game occasionally can crash in battle, sometimes the same battle on repeated occasions. Seems to be possible to eventually get past said problematic battles.
Sunday vs Magazine ShuuketsuULJM05450PlayablePS3minis 2.1.2 Remaster - no issues
Super Collapse 3ULUS10287PlayableMinor graphical issues.
Super Fruit FallULES00639Playable
Super Hind?Unplayable
Super Monkey Ball AdventureULUS10132Playable
Super Pocket TennisULES00619Playable
Super Robot Wars A Portable?Playable
Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Masou Kishin - The Lord of Elemental?PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Super Robot Taisen Z Saiseihen?UnplayableRemaster: Freeze at Bandai title
Super Robot Taisen Z2 Hakai HenNPJH50555PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Super Robot Taisen Z2 Hakai HenULJS00379UnplayableBlack screen.
Super Robot Taisen Z2 Saisei HenNPJH50517PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Super Robot Taisen Z2 Saisei HenULJS00460UnplayableBlack screen.
Super Stardust Portable (AKA: Star Strike Portable)?PlayableWorks on Remaster.
SWAT: Target LibertyULES00927PlayableWorks if eboot is fixed.
ULUS10314PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Sweet Fuse: At Your SideULUS10652Minor IssuesWorks fine as a Remaster. Freezes, if data install is attempted or if screenshot is taken.
Sword Art Online Infinity Moment?Unplayable Requires Custom Config (experimental). Starts with decrypted PGD + patched Eboot/Emu, but hangs when Kirito makes some action in tutorial
Syphon Filter: Dark MirrorUCUS98641UnplayableFreezes.
Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow?UnplayableFreezes.

cailei110 发表于 2024-3-14 03:26

Game NameGame IDStatus Compatibility Notes

T.N.K IIINPUZ00147Playable
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together?UnplayableFreezes.
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling TogetherULES01500Playable Requires Custom Config. Requires Re-sign EBOOT.BIN
Taiko no Tatsujin PortableUnplayableBlack Screen.
Taiko no Tatsujin Portable 2ULJS00081PlayableGame Is Slow At Screen Change.
Taiko no Tatsujin Portable DXNPJH50426PlayableSometimes slowdown as Remaster. minis is no issues.
Taito Legends PowerUpULES00473UnplayableTested as a Remaster.
Taitsujin PortableULJS00081PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Tales of Destiny 2ULJS00097PlayableMust load saves from in-game, it doesn't work from the title screen.
Tales of EterniaULES00176PlayableWorks perfect as ISO. Disgusting graphics on HDTV.
Tales of Phantasia Narikiri Dungeon X?Minor IssuesWorks with resigned EBOOT, runs at halved speed outside of battles, and nearly double speed during battles, character sprites randomly disappear outside of battles. Tales of Phantasia X doesn't work.
Tales of RebirthULJS00132UnplayableBlack screen after the Minis logo.
Tales of the Heroes: Twin BraveNPJH50501PlayableWorks as a Remaster. Double speed in menu some random minor speed up or slow down in-game.
Tales of the World: Radiant MythologyULUS10271Playable Requires Custom Config to fix minor graphical glitches before battles. Works as a Remaster.
Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2 (Without English Patch)?UnplayableBlack Screen after mini's logo.
Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2 (English Patch)ULJS00175PlayableWorks as a Remaster, no problem at all. tested as ISO & PKG.
Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 3?Unplayable
Tales of VS?UnplayableGame loads to menu, but freezes before the start of each fight.
Tantei Opera: Milky HolmesULJS00343PlayableTested as a Remaster with English fan translation v0.4 patch applied.
Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection?Minor IssuesTexture issues.
Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection v2UCES00356UnplayableFreezes after game logo as Remaster.
Tekken 6ULES01376Playableworks played on psp remaster
ULUS10466Playableworks played on remaster
Telegraph CrosswordsNPEZ00112Unplayable Requires Official Config. Mini. Black Screen / Freeze.
Telly AddictsULES00983PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Tenchu: Time of the AssassinsULES00277Playable
Tenchu: Shadow AssassinsULUS10419UnplayableTested as a Remaster. FPS 5-10 and more graphical glitches.
Test Drive Unlimited?UnplayableTested as a Remaster.
TetrisNPEZ00093UnplayableBlack Screen, Tested as a Remaster.
The 3rd Birthday
Parasite Eve: The 3rd BirthdayULES01513Minor Issues Requires Custom Config to fix the bad/blue overlay and to remap the D-pad to the right stick.
Works as a Remaster. Minor glitches in the in-game menus. Runs very well, but displays a blue overlay throughout the game. When game boots a screen will ask you to press X but then disappears. Just press X to continue. Notes:
1.BOOT.BIN needs to be renamed to EBOOT.BIN (I also renamed original EBOOT.BIN to BOOT.BIN) with UMDGen4.0;
2.Resigned with SignFakeNPExpert;
3.Converted to .pkg with PSP2PS3 software (I used Aldo's Tools PS3 Minis 2.1.5, but there are wrong settings pre-set for the game, causing graphics and FMVs to corrupt).
The Con?Unplayable
THE Eye of Judgment Legends?Playable
The Eye of Judgment Shintaku no Wizard?Playable
THE IDOLM@ster SHYNI FESTA: FUNKY NOTEULJS00546Minor Issueslitle scrambling on remaster
THE IDOLM@STER SHYNI FESTA: GROOVY TUNEULJS00545Minor Issueslitle scrambling on remaster
THE IDOLM@STER SHYNI FESTA: HONEY SOUNDULJS00544Minor Issueslitle scrambling on remaster
THE IDOLM@STER SP: MISSING MOONULJS00169PlayableTested the translated version.
THE IDOLM@STER SP: PERFECT SUNULJS00167PlayableTested the translated version.
THE IDOLM@STER SP: WANDERING STARULJS00168PlayableTested the translated version.
THE Impossible GameNPEZ00400Unplayable
The King of Fighters Collection - The Orochi SagaULUS10360Major IssuesNeeds Remaster method, hardly working with long load times.
The Lord of the Rings: Tactics?UnplayableBlack screen as Remaster.
The Legend of Heroes: A Tear of VermillionULUS10022UnplayableCompletely freezes after "Falcom" logo. Remasters and Minis.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the SkyULUS10540PlayableWorks as iso in Remaster Launcher. Needs resigned eboot to be turned into a working remaster package.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SCNPUH10191
NPUH10197PlayableWorks as iso in Remaster Launcher. Needs resigned eboot to be turned into a working Remaster package.
The Red StarNPUH10040Playable
The Secret Saturdays Beasts of the 5th SunULES01363PlayableDefault minis2 settings, sign eboot -t4.
The Simpsons Game?UnplayableFreeze at first loading screen. PS2 version works fine on PS3. (Game also released on PS3 with HD graphics.)
The Sims 2?UnplayableTested as a Remaster.
The Sims 2: Pets?UnplayableBlack Screen but sounds play. It known to use the PS2 version game instead. Tested: Ar2080
The Terminator MiniNPEZ00140Playable
This Is Football Management Mini?UnplayableSome do work / some do not (conversion issues with eboot.pbp).
Thrillville?UnplayableTested as a Remaster.
Thrillville - Off the Rails?Major IssuesTested as a Remaster & Minis, FMVs overlaps & stutters, graphical vertices corruptions (gray pixelated lines all over the screen). (CodedXtreme).
Tiger Trouble MiniNPEZ00129Playable
Tiger Woods Tour '07?UnplayableTested as a Remaster.
Tiger Woods Tour '08?UnplayableTested as a Remaster.
Time Soldiers?Playable
Time Travelers?UnplayableBlack screen after warning notes as Remaster.
TMNTULUS10243PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Toaru kagaku no railgunULJS00354PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Toaru majutsu to kagaku no ensembleNPJH50700PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Toaru Majyutsu No Index?PlayableNeeds fix for: sceNetAdhocctlInit & sceNetAdhocctlAddHandler
Toca Race Driver 2?UnplayableBlack screen.
Toca Race Driver 3?UnplayableWlan error and freeze.
Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s Side Premium: 3rd Story (English Patched)?PlayableThis is the fan translation made by jjjewel. Tested as a Remaster.
Tokobot?Major IssuesRandom freezes.
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2ULUS10237Minor IssuesPlayable as a Remaster with minor and average graphical glitches.
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon PredatorULUS10445UnplayableTested as a Remaster. The game freezes, when the first mission starts.
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas?UnplayableTested as a Remaster.
Tom Clancy's EndWarULUS10358Playable
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Essentials?UnplayableTested as a Mini and Remaster. Black screen after ubisoft logo ends.
Tomb Raider AnniversaryULES00826Major IssuesWorks fine as Remaster, but have SAVEDATA corruption issue (can't save progress). (Play the Remastered Trilogy version for PS3, it includes Anniversary).
Tomb Raider LegendULES00283UnplayableAfter game logo Black Screen as Remaster. Europe and Japanese versions get further but stick on attempting to save, SAVEDATA_USE_PS3_SAVE = 1 doesn't work. (Play the Remastered Trilogy version for PS3, it includes Legend).
Tony Hawk's Project 8?Major IssuesBad graphic glitches.
Tony Hawks Underground 2 Remix?Unplayable
ToraDora Portable!ULJS00186Major IssuesTested as a Remaster with English fan translation v1.10 patch applied. The game works fine, but the game progress cannot be saved.
Toriko?UnplayableBlack screen.
ToukidenNPJH50789UnplayableWorks fine as a Remaster, but can not save.
Toy Story 3?UnplayableBlack screen. PS2 version works fine on PS3. (Game also released on PS3 as a standalone version.)
Transformers: Revenge of the FallenULUS10433PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Transformers: The GameULUS10274PlayableWorks as a Remaster. Player names can be only entered as digits when a New Game is started.
Tron: EvolutionULUS10548Major IssuesTested as a Remaster. Graphic Glitch (White Layer on screen), Frame drops and other bugs. PS3 version is available.
Twenty QuestionsNPEZ00175PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Twinbee PortableULJM05221UnplayableMinis and remaster stuck on "loading" screen.
Twisted Metal Heads On?UnplayableFreezes.

Game NameGame IDStatusCompatibility Notes

Ultimate Ghost 'n GoblinsULUS10105Minor IssuesRuns too fast as minis. Runs at normal speed as Remasters.
Ultimate Board Games?UnplayablePS2 version DOES work on PS3.
Ultraman Allstar Chronicle?UnplayableFreezes.
Umihara Kawase PortableULJS00137PlayablePS3minis 2.1.2 Remaster, no issues
Unbound SagaNPUH10008UnplayableFreeze after logo Vogster Entertainment
Unchained Blades?Playable
Undead KnightsULUS10453PlayablePS3minis 2.1.2 Remaster, no issues
UnoNPUH10027Minor IssuesRemaster. Graphics glitch but works fine.
Untold Legends: The Warriors codeULES00301UnplayableMini or Remasters Freezes few minutes in game.
Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the BladeULES00046PlayablePS3minis 2.1.2 Remaster, no issues
Uta No Prince Sama Music?Minor Issueslittle sound glitch but its playable.

Game NameGame IDStatusCompatibility Notes

Valhalla KnightsULUS10230Minor IssuesPS3minis 2.1.2 Remaster -- Mini map only shows location icons
Valhalla Knights 2ULUS10366Playable
Valkyria Chronicles IIULES01417PlayableWorks as a Remaster. Creates faulty savegames.
Valkyria Chronicles III Extra EditionULJM05957UnplayableFreezes. Eboot fix applied.
Valkyrie Profile Lenneth?UnplayableSystem hangs, must reset power to exit as Mini or Remaster.
Vanguard 2NPUZ00149Playable
Vantage Master PortableULJM05332Playable
Vector Mini?UnplayableSome do work / some do not (conversion issues with eboot.pbp).
Venus & Braves?PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot RumbleULUS10087PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Virtua Tennis 3?Unplayable
Virtua Tennis World TourULUS10037Minor IssuesMinor screen flickering when views/screens change.
Voodoo DiceNPEH-00043PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Vulcanus - Seek & DestroyUCKS45006PlayableWorks as a Remaster. Korean game. There's a longplay of this on YouTube.

Game NameGame IDStatusCompatibility Notes

Wall•EULES01072PlayableWorks as a Remaster, however, it has frame rate issues. Running the European PAL version as a mini reduces the problem.
Warhammer 40.000 - Squad CommandULES00873Minor IssuesWorks well, minor graphical glitches.
Warriors Orochi?PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Warriors Orochi 2?PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord?!ULUS10456UnplayablePS3minis 2.1.2 Remaster - Freezes on boot
What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord! 2?PlayableWorks as a Remaster. (default mini2 settings), sign eboot -t4.
White Knight Chronicles OriginsUCES01511PlayableWorks as a Remaster on Rebug 4.81, freeze if press SELECT or try network menu. (requires PGD bypass to work)
Who Wants to be a Millionare?UnplayableTested as a Remaster.
Wild Arms XF?UnplayableFreezes.
Williams Pinball Classics (v2) (Europe) ISO?PlayableWorks as a Remaster. Default mini2 settings, sign eboot -t4.
WipEout Pulse?UnplayableFreezes.
WipEout Pure?UnplayableFreezes.
World Poker TourULES00296Playable
World Rally ChampionshipUCES00005Playable
World Series of Poker Tournament of Champions?PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
World Tour Soccer?PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
Worms Open Warfare 2?PlayableWorks as a Remaster. But you can't create profiles,Guest profile only.
WTF: Work Time Fun?PlayableWorks as a Remaster.
WWE Smackdown vs RAW 2006?Unplayabletested as a Remaster.
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2011ULUS10543UnplayableBlack screen/unhandled exception in TargetManager log.
Wangan MidnightULJM05264Minor IssuesSometimes it lags, but works just fine.
WWII Battle Over the Pacific?Minor IssuesWorks as a Remaster. Slight graphical error
Warriors.The?UnplayableBlack screen PSP Remastered

Game NameGame IDStatusCompatibility Notes

X-Men Legends 2 (US)?Unplayable
X-Men Origins - Wolverine (US)?Unplayableinstalled as remaster crashes at boot Black Screen have not tried as mini
XI Coliseum (Japan)UCJS-10031PlayableWorks as Remaster. Enough of the menus and gameplay are in English for it to be playable. It's near identical to Devil Dice PS1 and Bombastic PS2, which were part of the same series of Xi games.

Game NameGame IDStatusCompatibility Notes

Yggdra Union?PlayableRemaster: No issues.
Young Thor?Playable
Ys 6 The Ark of NapishtimULUS10051PlayableUse ISO not CSO. Compression Used: No; SAV temp Fix applied: No;
Ys I and II ChroniclesNPEH00064PlayableWorks fine as a Remaster, if the games are separated in 2 ISOs.
1. Using UMDGen, exract ys1.bin and ys2.bin;
2. Sign extracted .bin files. I used sign_np via CMD;
3. Using UMDGen, export a filelist and delete ys1.bin from ISO;
4. Using UMDGen, add the signed ys1.bin;
5. Using UMDGen, import filelist and ensure that files LBA positions match the original;
6. Using UMDGen, using ys1.bin as a source file, re-link it to EBOOT.BIN;
7. Save Ys I Chronicles ISO (Do not trim, dummy or compress ISO, or it wouldn't work);
8. Repeat steps 3-7 for Ys II Chronicles ISO, using ys2.bin.
Ys I and II ChroniclesULUS10547PlayableNeed to manually resign ys1.bin and ys2.bin then relink either y1.bin to the eboot to play ys1 or relink ys2.bin to eboot to play ys2 use umd gen to relink.
Ys: Oath in FelghanaNPEH00077PlayableWorks fine as a Remaster.
Ys: Oath in FelghanaULUS10558PlayableWorks fine as Minis. Also works fine as a Remaster.
Ys SevenNPEH00065PlayableWorks fine as a Remaster without any additional settings.
Ys SevenULUS10551Playable Requires Custom Config (experimental, randomly freezes on changing screens). Works fine, prxencryptor (PrxEncrypter_mod2)
Ys vs. Sora no Kiseki: Alternative SagaNPJH50276PlayableWorks fine as a Remaster.
Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's Tag Force 6?UnplayableFreezes. Unable to handle: "disc0:/sce_lbn0x%04x_size0x%04x" -> Black Screen.
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 3ULES01183Unplayable
Yu-Gi-Oh! Tag Force 6 (no english patch)?UnplayableFew screens until it gets stuck on black screen for both mini and Remaster.

Game NameGame IDStatusCompatibility Notes

Z.H.P. Unlosing Ranger VS Darkdeath Evilman?Minor IssuesThe game freezes if you enter the Options menu.
ZenoniaNPUZ00132PlayablePS3minis 2.1.2 Remaster - no issues
Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 3?UnplayableHangs at character select screen as Remaster. Unable to handle: "disc0:/sce_lbn0x%04x_size0x%04x" -> loading forever.
Zombie Tycoon?Minor IssuesSome versions work flawlessly. Graphical errors and text do not display.
Zuma?Major IssuesNeeds EBOOT fix. Says not enough space for save file but creates one anyway. Works, but then you can't load it again until you delete the save file in XMB.

xtp1230 发表于 2024-5-12 03:35

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