如题,打了女v攻略帕南的mod,浪漫剧情已完成,但是营地睡觉的选项一会有一会没有,近几次玩的时候等待好几遍也没有睡觉选项。 要在控制台里面把那个mod开一下,下面n网mod的原话:If you use Respector:
* Open CET and automaticly the mod window will be there
* Go to the Quick Tweaks tab
* Then, a small window will open. In the search tab type "Panam". Look for the "Panam Romanceable'" Fact. It should be "NO" by default.
* Click on the "NO" button and it should says "YES" now and it turns green.
* Close CET. Save and reload. You should be good to go.