skydcp333 发表于 2023-11-2 05:53


哎 用的盗版 想玩更多的内容又不破环平衡(那些增强建筑的绝对不用)好不容易再STEAM创意工坊就看到这个MOD了: Disaster Zone 原文解释如下
In this campaign, natural disasters are ratcheted up for each planet type. Open up more difficult challenge levels up to a God Forsaken ending that few... maybe none... can survive!
BONUS! Challenge added:
• After the Apocalypse comes the EXODUS! Can you handle the increase in planetary crime?

DOUBLE BONUS!! Challenges added:
• After the Exodus comes the CATACLYSM! No laws stand and all human kindness is nearly lost!
• After the Cataclysm comes the GOD FORSAKEN! Humanity and Nature itself has devolved into a macabre spectacle. Can you maintain your sanity... and your life? Probably not.

就是增强了环境难度--更好玩呢求有正版ID的下载下来分享下发出来哦 或者私信下呗
MOD名称:Disaster Zone

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 求有STEAM正版的分享个创意工坊的进阶MOD