sjy9652500 发表于 2023-5-31 14:32

MAME 0.255

最大特点是改良了Namco System10,CAVE CV1000驱动,支持了枪林弹雨3,狙击手13铳声镇魂歌,统武者罗新版(Gamshara (20020912A / 10021 Ver.A)),Pop'n Music系列游戏。

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0.255 2023-05-31

MAME Testers bugs fixed
- 00516: (atari/maxaflex.cpp) All sets in maxaflex.cpp: Remaining time LED displays are not updated correctly. (hap)
- 04567: (taito/flstory.cpp) flstory: MSM5232 envelope decay is slower than it should be. (O. Galibert)
- 05495: (misc/micro3d.cpp) All sets in micro3d.cpp: Music and sound effects are not played. (Patrick Mackinlay)
- 07184: (konami/konamigv.cpp) Possibly all sets in konamigv.cpp: CD audio does not play. (Angelo Salese)
- 08088: (sega/naomi.cpp) demofist: Emulator hangs when using recompiler. (Angelo Salese)
- 08609: (dynax/royalmah.cpp) mjsenka: Emulator may crash. (hap)
- 08612: (sega/megatech.cpp) megatech: Info screen should appear above game screen. (hap)
- 08613: (cinematronics/jack.cpp) tripool, tripoola: Inputs are not labelled correctly and buttons are missing. (hap)
- 08614: (seta/seta.cpp) extdwnhl: Game freezes during credit roll. (Angelo Salese)
- 08620: UI: Data plugin viewer crashes when loose software is mounted. (Vas Crabb)
- 08625: UI: Systems that only require device ROMs may be incorrectly reported as not present. (Vas Crabb)
- 08628: (konami/twin16.cpp) vulcan and gradius2: Incorrect sound sample played when starting game. (AJR)
- 08629: (taito/taito_z.cpp) spacegun: Emulated game freezes during attract mode. (hap)
- 08630: (galaxian/galaxian.cpp) jumpbug: Difficulty setting is labelled incorrectly. (johnmcallister)
- 08631: (taito/ssrj.cpp) alpine set 1 only: Time extension setting is labelled incorrectly. (johnmcallister)
- 08644: (N/gb.cpp) gbcolor : Game crashes before reaching the title screen. (Vas Crabb)

New working systems
Basketball (Tomy)
Burger Kids (Japan)
Konami Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3: Shredder's Last Stand (handheld)
Konami Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Basketball
Lakeside Computer Perfection
mc / Franzis Verlag mc-68000-Computer
Omron Luna 88K
Psion HC 120
Tronica Super Goal Keeper
Volleyball (Tomy)

New working clones
Galaxian III (bootleg of Galaxian)
GX Part 2 (Galaxian hack)
Gyakuten!! Puzzle Bancho (Japan, set 2)
Jolly Game (V1, Otti Karl logo)
Jolly Joker (original program, interleaved GFX, Otti Karl logo, set 1)
Jolly Joker (original program, interleaved GFX, Otti Karl logo, set 2)
Karate Champ (US, 2 players)
Mega Card (Ver.0053, encrypted)
Peters Plus, Ivan Mak Sprinter Sp2000
Pop'n Music Animelo (license expired)
Pop'n Music Animelo 2 (license expired)
Psion HC 100
Psion HC 110
Selchow & Righter Scrabble Lexor: Computer Word Game (MN1405 version)
Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (World 920803)
WWF Superstars (bootleg with 2xYM2203)
Yamaha PSR-190

Systems promoted to working
Gamshara (20020912A / 10021 Ver.A)
Golgo 13: Juusei no Requiem (Japan, GLT1 VER.A)
Omron Luna 88K²
Point Blank 3 (World, GNN2 Ver.A)
Pop'n Music 4
Pop'n Music 5
Pop'n Music 6
Pop'n Music 7
Pop'n Music 8
Pop'n Music Animelo
Pop'n Music Animelo 2
Pop'n Music Mickey Tunes
Seishun-Quiz Colorful High School (CHS1 Ver.A)
Tsukkomi Yousei Gips Nice Tsukkomi (NTK1 Ver.A)

Clones promoted to working
Gunbalina (Japan, GNN1 Ver.A)
Pop'n Music Mickey Tunes!

New systems marked not working
Bolsa Internacional (euro)
Isshoni Wanwan Waiwai Puppy 2008
Kung Fu Pounda
Let's Get Kraken
Micro Computer Machines MCM/70
N 64 (PAL)
Poker Spirit
Psion Series 3
Pump It Up BIOS
Pump It Up: The 1st Dance Floor
Taiko no Tatsujin 11 (T111001-NA-A)
Victory Shoot
Wavetek 600 Cellular Activation Tester
Yamaha PCS-30
Yamaha PS-400

New clones marked not working
Ace Driver 3: Final Turn
Acorn Computers Pocket Book
Master Crane (set 2)
Nandemo Seal Iinkai (ver 1.3)
N Gateway 64
Novo Play (V3.3H)
Novo Play (V6.2H)
Psion Series 3a (2M) (Russian)
Psion Series 3s
Zankor (TMS5220 Italian speech)

啊王 发表于 2023-6-6 09:03


不准 发表于 2023-11-20 11:58

页: [1]
查看完整版本: MAME 0.255