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Item Drops
Most magic find items have had their % magic find increased.
Nightmare/Hell monsters have a higher chance to drop items.
High runes drop significantly more often.
Runes and Runewords
Ladder only runewords have been enabled.
Mosaic interaction with martial arts charges moved to Claw Mastery and Burst of Speed.
Overused cheap runewords have been toned down a bit, underused runewords have been buffed slightly.
Holy Tears (Hel-Tir-Um) for shields: all-purpose defensive shield.
Thunder (Ort-Nef-Fal-Shael-Ort) for bows: lightning damage oriented, lets non-amazons use Strafe.
Time (Mal-Sur-Tir-Um) for body armor: provides a lot of effects that slow nearby enemies.
Truth (Sur-Ist) for wands, orbs and scepters: magic find caster weapon.
Victory (Mal-Amn-Vex-Tir) for weapons: survival-oriented weapon, good for ch, damage is kind of average.
Underused uniques have had their stats improved.
Physical damage weapons generally will provide more damage.
Most set items and set bonuses have had their stats improved.
Added a few mercenary sets
Many magic mods will now show up on magic and rare items, such as elemental absorbs, cannot be frozen, oskills like teleport and battle orders, crushing blow, deadly strike, open wounds, etc.
High % enhanced damage mods will show up more often on high level weapons.
Rare weapons/shields/armor can now spawn with up to 4 open sockets, helms/circlets can spawn with up to 3 open sockets.
+class skills can show up on chest armor (up to +2) and rings (up to +1).
Thorns (attacker takes damage) effects have been greatly increased.
Charged items have been removed.
Rare staves can now spawn with up to +5 sorceress skills and 60% faster cast rate.
Jewels can spawn with certain oskills
Monster Changes
Physical resistances for monsters in hell have been reduced. Monster block chance reduced.
Lifesteal and manasteal no longer have a penalty due to difficulty and some monster drain effectiveness increased slightly.
Oblivion Knights no longer cast other curses than Decrepify
Gloams/Souls have a next hit delay of 4 added to their attacks
Monster skills have had their level increased slightly in Nightmare and Hell
Certain monsters now crit more often.
Boss monster bonus damage against mercenaries reduced a bit, but bosses crit a lot more often.
Monster levels have been changed per below
Act 1 Normal - Levels 1-14, Andariel Level 19
Act 2 Normal - Levels 15-23, Duriel Level 28
Act 3 Normal - Levels 24-30, Mephisto Level 35
Act 4 Normal - Level 30, Diablo Level 40
Act 5 Normal - Levels 30-37, Baal Level 45
Cow Level Normal - Level 30
Nightmare - Normal + 38 Levels, Diablo Level 75, Baal Level 80
Act 1 Hell - Levels 80-82, Andariel Level 87
Act 2 Hell - Levels 82-84, Duriel Level 89
Act 3 Hell - Levels 85-87, Mephisto Level 92
Act 4 Hell - Level 88, Diablo Level 95
Act 5 Hell - Levels 89-91, Baal Level 99
Cow Level Hell - Level 88
Number of synergies for many skills have been reduced.
Higher level skills have lower synergy values but will be usable without synergies on lower player counts.
Most skills with diminishing returns have been changed to linear scaling with a cap.
Act 3 mercenaries now cast Fire Ball/Meteor/Enchant, Glacial Spike/Ice Blast/Frozen Armor, and Lightning/Chain Lightning/Static.
Lightning bolt, Fire Arrow, Cold Arrow and Magic arrow now all convert 50% of weapon damage into their respective elements.
Poison/Plague Javelin skills have their poison duration greatly reduced.
It is now possible to get 100% critical strike chance and 100% pierce chance from skills, though you'd need to get the skills past level 20 to achieve it.
Magic Arrow and Guided Arrow now deal bonus magic damage.
Immolation Arrow now deals less initial damage but far more burn damage.
Elemental martial arts attacks now deal far more damage once fully synergized.
Fists of Fire, Claws of Thunder and Blades of Ice now convert a fixed 33% of physical damage to elemental.
Martial Arts charges can last for up to 1 minute before they fall off.
Claw Mastery and Burst of Speed now provide "2% chance to not consume charges" effect per skill level, capped at 50% for each skill. You will need level 25 in both skills (and activate Burst of Speed) in order to cap out at 100%. Claw Mastery no-consume effect seems to be bugged at the moment, it shows on character sheet but does nothing.
Psychic hammer/Mind blast now synergize each other and will do substantially more damage. Mind blast conversion chance reduced to 5% and stun length reduced slightly.
Cloak of Shadows now also reduces enemy resistances.
Venom now synergized by Claw Mastery.
Death Sentry now only synergized by Fire Blast.
Blade skills now deal significantly more skill damage.
War Cry now only synergized by Battle Cry.
Battle Command now grants +1 additional skill level the first level and then every 5 additional skill levels.
Increased Stamina now provide life and mana steal.
Iron Skin now provides 2% damage reduction per skill level.
Bash does more bonus flat damage.
Berserk now adds 5% bonus magic damage per base level to Concentrate instead of 1%.
Armageddon/Hurricane now have their duration tied to their own skill levels instead of based on synergy.
Hurricane does more damage and synergized by Cyclone Armor only.
Shockwave damage boosted significantly.
Fury deals bonus cold damage per hit.
Skeletal Mages deal more damage.
Fire Golem attacks and death explosion deal more damage.
Corpse Explosion will only deal 20-30% corpse damage, but will now have a flat damage value.
Bone skills no longer require Bone Wall/Prison to maximize damage.
Amplify Damage and Decrepify effects reduced by half.
Smite deals some bonus flat damage.
Thorns deal a lot more flat return damage, synergized by Conversion.
Conversion now deals bonus magic damage.
Masteries completely reworked. All masteries provide resistance piercing.
Cold armors reworked. Frozen Armor provides some bonus % cold damage. Shivering Armor adds cold damage to attacks. Chilling Armor missile now pierces and deals more damage, also provides flat damage reduction.
Frozen Orb damage scaling significantly increased.
Cold Mastery resistance piercing reduced by half, now provides 1% damage reduction per skill level.
Thunderstorm now deals damage in a small area around the target.
Lightning Mastery also grants bonus 1% faster cast rate per skill level.
Fire Mastery provides the same amount of resistance piercing as the old Cold Mastery.
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感谢大大分享 楼主辛苦了,谢谢楼主,感谢楼主分享,楼主好人一生平安!!! ey9527,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请回复
感谢楼主分享!!! 感谢分享啊
希望楼主继续分享更多好用的东西!谢谢!这么好的东西!感谢楼主分享!感谢论坛! 精品!人工置顶。感谢发布优质内容。 Single Player Rebalance and Tweaks
吗 发达十多万啊
多谢楼主分享!!!! 谢谢LZ 666666