N网mod搬运,Card Survival mod ModFramework,使编写mod更容易
Thanks to "computerfan97" for pointing out the reason for the "Some suspicious files".
This is a module framework, the main purpose is to allow module developers to design or modify the CardData and other UniqueIDScriptable type objects through the unity editor2019.
I designed the MyUniqueIDScriptable<T> type to implement the conversion (call the IntoGame function to convert the MyUniqueIDScriptable object to the corresponding UniqueIDScriptable), for all the UniqueIDScriptable implementations MyUniqueIDScriptable.
Setting the UniqueID to the UniqueID of the original in-game object will reference the in-game UniqueIDScriptable object, setting ChangeRaw to True will change the data of the original UniqueIDScriptable.
It is best to do the conversion before GameLoad.Awake is executed, so that GameLoad will call the Init function, otherwise you need to call the Init function of UniqueIDScriptable manually.
The file contains a complete unity2019 project, just open it with the unity editor and start designing.
Your mod needs to reference Assets\Scripts\ModUnityAdapter.dll to load all the MyUniqueIDScriptable types
The ScriptableObjects I added are all under the ModData tab.
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