XBOX360 战争机器2(Gears of War 2) GOD中文版
本帖最后由 cailei110 于 2022-11-10 03:47 编辑
英文名称:Gears Of War 2
开发厂商:Epic Games
发行厂商:Microsoft Game Studios
Winter approaches. War rages on. Entire cities are sinking, swallowed by a new threat from below. Soon humanity will have nothing left to defend. Only one option remains: an all-out attack on the Locust Horde.
《战争机器2(Gears of War2)》是全球累计销售达450万套的Xbox360代表作《战争机器》续作,承袭前作故事剧情,并提供比前作规模更大、水准更高、也更为狂暴激烈的游戏体验。游戏将采用EpicGames最新研发的加强版‘Unreal Engine3’次世代游戏引擎,进一步强化画面表现,并提供包括流体/柔体物理模拟与呈现数量更为庞大的敌我角色。
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Dead or Alive 3 Unlockables
Costumes marked with (PAL/NTSC-J) can't be unlocked in NTSC-U. Only way to get thoose is booster disc.
Unlockable How to Unlock
Ayane C3 (PAL/NTSC-J) Complete Tag Battle Mode with stats: Blow 30%, Throw 30%, Hold 30% and Total 70% as Ayane and any partner
Bass C3 (PAL/NTSC-J) Get 10+ wins in Survival Mode 3 times
Bayman C3 (PAL/NTSC-J) Get 10+ wins in Survival Mode 3 times
Brad Wong C3 (PAL/NTSC-J) Get 20+ wins in Survival Mode
Christie C3 (PAL/NTSC-J) Complete tag team Time Attack Mode with Christie and Helena under 3:30
Ein C3 Complete Time Attack Mode under 6:00 3 times
Gen Fu C3 (PAL/NTSC-J) Complete tag team Time Attack Mode with Gen Fu and Brad Wong under 3:30
Hayabusa C3 (PAL/NTSC-J) Complete tag team Time Attack Mode with Hayabusa and Hayate under 3:30
Hayate C3 (PAL/NTSC-J) Complete tag team Time Attack Mode with Hayate and Hayabusa under 3:30
Helena C3 (PAL/NTSC-J) Collect 3 "crystal dolphin" items in Survival Mode
Hitomi C3 (PAL/NTSC-J) Get 20+ wins in Survival Mode
Hitomi C4 (PAL/NTSC-J) Get 20+ wins in tag team Survival Mode with Hitomi and Zack
Jann Lee C3 (PAL/NTSC-J) Complete tag team Time Attack Mode with Jann Lee and Leifang under 3:30
Kasumi C3 Complete exercise in Sparring Mode
Kasumi C4 (PAL/NTSC-J) Complete Story Mode without continues on any difficulty or on very hard with continues allowed
Kasumi C5 (PAL/NTSC-J) Complete Tag Battle Mode with stats: Blow 30%, Throw 30%, Hold 30% and Total 70% as Kasumi and any partner
Leifang C3 (PAL/NTSC-J) Get 20+ wins in tag team Survival Mode with Leifang and Jann Lee
Leifang C4 (PAL/NTSC-J) Complete Story Mode using Leifang's all costumes and colors, C1x4 colors, C2, C3 - 6 times total
Leon C3 (PAL/NTSC-J) Collect 3 "pot plant" items in Survival Mode
Tina C3 (PAL/NTSC-J) Complete Time Attack Mode under 6:00 3 times
Zack C3 Get 20+ wins in Survival Mode
Zack C4 (PAL/NTSC-J) Complete tag team Time Attack Mode with Zack and Hitomi under 3:30
Contributed By: Flatchet 7 5
Get option to toggle ending credits
Successfully complete the game with all fighters. An option to toggle the ending credits will be unlocked on the game settings screen.
Contributed By: Shirow 4 0
Hayate's 3rd Costume
To get Hayate's 3rd costume just play survival with him until a silver X-Box appears from a defeated body, pick it up and his 3rd costume is yours
Contributed By: eimajamie 4 3
Kasumi's Loose Hair
When you select Kasumi, press Y to select her with a loose hair. This works for all of her costumes, including her secret school costume.
Contributed By: AschTheHated 5 1
Tina's 3rd Costume
To get Tina's Cow girl outfit just play survival mode with heruntil a silver X-Box appears from a defeated player, collect it and cow girl Tina's yours.
Contributed By: eimajamie 5 1
To Get Gen Fu's 3rd Costume
You need to enter Gen Fu in the single time attack and beat it to obtain his 3rd costume. You must obtain an Gold Cup in order to do this.
Single Player Time Attack, then you must beat it to obtain Gen Fu's 3rd Costume and also getting a gold cup.
Unlockable How to Unlock
Gen Fu's 3rd Costume Enter Gen Fu in the single Time Attack. Then complete it to obtain a Gold Cup and also the time must be 4 mins to at least 4 mins 18 seconds
Contributed By: Matty0071988 4 1
Unlock Ayane's School girl (3rd) Costume
Get the silver Xbox item in Survival Mode
Contributed By: henryha 5 2
Unlock Ein
1. Complete ''Story Mode'' with all characters.-> Check the Movie section to see if you are missing anyone. 2. Then play either ''Survival'' or ''Time Attack Mode'' and get ranked in using HAYATE and then enter your nickname as EIN. 3. After that, Ein will be playable in all modes except ''Story Mode''.
Contributed By: AschTheHated 3 0
Unlock Ein and Random
These are Unlocked through the survival gametype
Unlockable How to Unlock
Ein as a playable character Play survival as Hayata get at least 1 win and enter your name as "EIN"
Random Character Selection Use EIN in survival mode
Contributed By: LordSeifer 4 7
Unlock Ein's 3rd Costume
Complete ''Time Attack Mode'' under 6 minutes with Ein. His 3rd costume is his shirtless and red pants from DOA 2 Hardcore.
Contributed By: AschTheHated 4 2
Unlock Kasumi's 3rd Costume
Complete ''Exercise Mode'' in ''Sparring Mode'' with Kasumi. This costume is her school outfit.
Contributed By: AschTheHated 6 2
Unlock Theater Mode
Complete ''Story Mode'' with a character to unlock ''Theater Mode'' and that ending movie will be available for that character. There are 16 ending movies. Each character has one ending movie.
Contributed By: AschTheHated 4 1
Unlock Zack's Fourth Costume
Get the silver Xbox item in Survival Mode
Contributed By: henryha 3 0
Zack's third outfit
To get Zack's third outfit (the silver outfit from Dead or Alive 2), defeat 20 opponents in Survival mode using Zack.
Contributed By: Andy787 4 1
Easter Eggs
Naming your X-Box
Place 1st in Single Survival mode. Whatever name you type in, becomes the name of your X-Box.
Example: If you get 1st and you type in Maxwell, your X-Box will now be called Maxwell.
Contributed By: Certifiably_Insane 3 0
Rotate Camera Angle
After winning a match and your character does their victory pose, you can press the left stick in, then move it around to angle the camera differently. If you press the right stick then move it around, it zooms in and out.
Contributed By: Drilus 3 0
Slow Mo Replay
Once you win a match hold X+A+B until the replay starts. You should then be able to rewind/slow mo the action with the Y button.
Contributed By: el_senor 3 0
Alternative Costumes
To get a different costume for Ayane, Bass, Brad, Christie,
Hayabusa, Hayate, Helena, Hitomi. Highlight their second costumes, then prss X.
Contributed By: War_Cloud 4 2
Change Colors
If you select your character and costume with the ''X'' button most will have an alternate color. Lei Feng has 3 different dress colors based on which button you press (X,Y, or A).
Contributed By: zepihiyr 4 0
Christie: Red Dress Costume
Choose "Time Attack" game mode with a tag team, then choose Christie, and Helena as your characters, with there second costumes. Get an award (Bronze, silver or gold cup). Her dress will now be selectable. Press X when choosing her to have it a black color.
Contributed By: stmdotcom 4 0
Custom weather for snow stage
You can choose the weather for the snow stage in the vs or training mode
simply highlight the snow stage on the stage selection
X: Snowfall
Y: Snow Storm
A: Random
Contributed By: -GrlFter- 5 1
Kasumi's Braided Ponytail
When you select Kasumi, press X to select her with a braided ponytail hairstyle. This works for all of her costumes including her secret school costume.
Contributed By: AschTheHated 4 1
Kasumi's Ninja Ponytail
When you select Kasumi, press A to select her with a ninja ponytail hairstyle. This works for all of her costumes including her secret school costume.
Contributed By: AschTheHated 3 0
Lei Fang's Dress
Lei Fang has at least four colors for her #1 Chinese dress. Holding the LEFT SHOULDER button down when selecting her will pick her black dress. (or white. its either black or white, since I've seen at least red, blue, white and black) Dead or Alive Ultimate Cheats
Fighting mixed teams with special outfits in tag battle mode
Just press start button when selecting tag battle mode. You will face randomly paired teams dressed in alternate costumes instead of fighting default teams i.e. Kasumi and Hayabusa, Bass and Tina and so on.
Contributed By: Hal_Jordan 5 1
Collection Mode
Play through survival mode to unlock Collection Mode. This lets you view the various items you collect through Survival mode.
Contributed By: SirSmoke 3 0
Danger Bounce
To open Danger Bounce in the Extra Config enter the initials DOA when you finish Arcade Mode
Unlockable How to Unlock
Danger Bounce Enter DOA as initials
Contributed By: dasviolator 3 0
Extra Character (DOA1U)
To unlock Raidou, you must finish arcade mode with all the characters and the settings must on default.
Contributed By: blue_man 2 1
Extra Config Option and Ring Size
To unlock extra config option and ring size for DOAU1 beat the arcade mode once with anyone.
Unlockable How to Unlock
Extra Config Option Beat Arcade Mode
Ring Size Beat Arcade Mode
Contributed By: dasviolator 2 1
Extra Config Option Danger Zone
Finish Survival Mode
Unlockable How to Unlock
Danger Zone Finish Survival Mode
Contributed By: dasviolator 0 0
Extra Config Option Fighting Order
Finish Time Attack in under 5 minutes to unlock Fighting Order in extra config
Unlockable How to Unlock
Fighting Order Finish Time Attack in under 5 minutes
Contributed By: dasviolator 2 4
Hidden Characters
Unlockable How to Unlock
Bayman beat story mode with Leon on normal
Hitomi playable for versus mode Beat story mode on Normal with Ein, must have a DOA3 or DOAXBV save
Tengu playable for versus mode beat story mode on easy with everyone once
Contributed By: Fallen0ne 8 0
Time Attack Medals (Single Player)
Unlockable How to Unlock
Bronze Prize Beat time attack in under 6:00
Gold Prize Beat time attack in under 4:30
Silver Prize Beat time attack in under 5:00
Contributed By: _zacl 4 3
Unlock All Costumes
Play in Story Mode for all the main characters, and Time attack for Hitomi, Bayman, and Tengu.
Unlockable How to Unlock
Ayane C3 - C7 (Easy mode), C8 - C15 (Normal), C15 - C20 (Hard)
Bass C3 - C4 (Easy), C5 - C8 (Normal)
Bayman C3 - C4 (Easy), C5 - C6 (Normal)
Ein C3-C4(Easy),C5-C7(Normal)
Gen Fu C3 - C4 (Easy), C5 - C8 (Normal)
Hayabusa C3 - C4 (Easy), C5- C9 (Normal)
Helena C3 - C7 (Easy mode), C8 - C11 (Normal), C12 - C13 (Hard)
Hitomi C3 - C7 (Easy mode), C8 - C11 (Normal), C12 - C14 (Hard)
Jann Lee C3 - C4 (Easy), C5 - C8 (Normal)
Kasumi C3 - C7 (Easy mode), C8 - C15 (Normal), C16-C20 (Hard)
Lei Fang C3 - C7 (Easy mode), C8 - C15 (Normal), C15 -C20 (Hard)
Leon C3 - C4 (Easy), C5 - C7 (Normal)
Tengu C3 (Easy)
Tina C3 - C7 (Easy mode), C8 - C14 (Normal), C15 - C16 (Hard)
Zack C3 - C4 (Easy), C5 - C8 (Normal)
Contributed By: Genma_Ninja_454, mario89advance 7 7
Unlock all Costumes, CG Gallery, Booster Disk and DOA Episode
To unlock all costumes, the Booster Disk and CG Gallery as well as the DOA Icons episode, play survival on any difficulty setting and collect all 66 items.
Contributed By: Advocate4 2 6
Unlock Character System Voices
You need to beat Exercise (in Sparring) mode with certain characters to unlock certain voices.
Note: "System Voices" are the voices that say "Fight!", "K.O.", "Winner!", etc. and are changed at Settings>Game Settings>Others
Unlockable How to Unlock
Ayane's Voice Beat Ayane's Exercises in Sparring Mode
Ein's Voice Beat Ein's Exercises in Sparring Mode
Kasumi's Voice Beat Kasumi's Exercises in Sparring Mode
Raidou's Voice Beat Exercise with ALL characters
Tengu's Voice Beat Tengu's Exercises in Sparring Mode
Contributed By: ChunkyMonkyHunk 3 1
Unlockable features
Unlockable How to Unlock
CG Gallery Collect all costumes for all characters
DOA 3 Booster disc Collect all costumes for all characters
G4's DOA 'Icons' episode Collect all costumes for all characters
Contributed By: techno_rocker 2 0
Easter Eggs
Genfu Hat Trick
On Costume 3, use the Tenseiha appeal to make him take off his hat. If you win the battle, he will put his hat back on and say something different.
Contributed By: Genma_Ninja_454 2 0
Hidden Xbox and Christie photograph in "The Crimson"
In the level "The Crimson" if you knock someone through the glass window on the upper level, you will go to another area. In this area is a picture of Christie from "Dead or Alive 3" on the wall, as well as a Prototype Xbox connected to a T.V. If you hit someone into the Xbox and T.V., the Xbox will light up and the Xbox logo will be displayed on the screen.
Contributed By: mario89advance 3 0
Lighting up Zack's costumes
On Zack's C3 and C7 costumes, if you taunt during a match, they will light up for the round. If you taunt again, it will turn off.
Contributed By: mario89advance 3 1
Perfect round victory poses
In all modes (except Story Mode and Sparring Mode), if you play a perfect round (in other words, don't lose any health), you'll get a victory pose that you can only see if you play a perfect round. Some characters will even have a second "Perfect Round" victory pose if you can get two perfect rounds.
Contributed By: josh924 3 0
Adjust Camera during Celebration
During the ending celebration after each battle, you can move the camera. By pressing either the left or right trigger, you can turn the screen, up to, 90 degrees clockwise or counter-clockwise. By using the right analog stick up or down, you can move the screen over or under the character.
Contributed By: hinalover 1 0
Alternate Hairstyles.
With Kasumi and Lei Fang, they have up to 4 different hairstyles; available by pressing up to 4 different buttons corresponding to the hairstyle.
For Kasumi, all 4 hairstyles are accessible for all costumes.
A: Loose Hair.
X: High Ponytail.
Y: Low ponytail.
White: Low braid.
For Lei Fang her hairstyles are a little different.
A/White: Ponytail.
X: Loose hair.
Y: Braids.
A: Bun.
X: Loose hair.
Y: Ponytail.
White: Braids.
Every other costume:
A/Y/White: Braids.
X: Loose hair.
Contributed By: doidoi 1 0
Alternate Level Select
Press X on the following stages to play a variation of that level.
The Aerial Gardens
The White Storm
The Great Opera
Contributed By: MysticFog 1 0
Extra Collection Items in Survival Mode
While playing in survival, if you punch or kick your opponent while they are lying on the ground, they will drop a collection item.
Note: Certain characters can only punch opponents that are on the ground and certain characters can only kick opponents that are on the ground.
Contributed By: _zacl 1 0
Zack's Snow Board
In the level The White Storm, use Zack's move "Heart Breaker" while your opponent is at the edge of the slope at the beginning of the level. If done properly, following the move, Zack will lay out the enemy's body, and use it as a snowboard down the hill.
Contributed By: PotatoSklls 2 2
Dead or Alive Cheats
All Danger Zone SAT
Hold L+R and select you character. Now all rounds will be all danger zone.
Effect Code
Hold L+R and select you character. Now all rounds will be all danger zone. All Danger Zone
Contributed By: BongoGoku 4 1
Clean Pause SAT
Pause during a match, then push X+Y+Z.
Effect Code
Pause during a match, then push X+Y+Z. Clean Pause
Contributed By: BongoGoku 5 0
Extra Options SAT
Do the following to unlock these ''Extra Config'' Options:
Fighting Order - Finish Time Attack mode in less than 5 minutes.
Ring Size - Finish the game in Arcade mode with any character.
Danger Bounce - Enter ''DOA'' as your initials.
Effect Code
Do the following to unlock these ''Extra Config'' Options Extra Options
Enter ''DOA'' as your initials Danger Bounce
Finish the game in Arcade mode with any character. Ring Size
Finish Time Attack mode in less than 5 minutes. Fighting Order
Contributed By: BongoGoku 5 0
Select winning pose SAT
Press A + B, A + C, B + C or A + B + C during the replay after winning a match.
Contributed By: E_Nice 5 1
Extra Costumes PS
Unlockable How to Unlock
CG Gallery Unlock all of Ayane's extra costumes.
Danger Bounce Complete Kumite mode with at least an eighty percent win ratio or get the total playing time to twelve hours
Danger Damage Complete Survival mode by beating all ten characters or get the total playing time to nine hours.
Extra Costumes Make sure all the options are set to the default settings and then complete Tournament mode to get one extra costume for the character you played with every time you complete it.
Extra Voices In the training mode turn on 'command' mode then perform the characters complete reportoire of moves to unlock their extra voice option.
Fighting Order Complete Tournament mode with any character or get the total playing time to three hours.
Hidden Characters You can unlock Raidou by beating the game with all of the original characters using default settings. Once you have obtained all of the costumes for the available characters you with recieve the second hidden character, Ayane
Safety Zone Size Complete Time Attack mode on the Normal difficulty setting within five minutes or get the total playing time to six hours.
Contributed By: Anonymous, falsehead, Dekar182 9 3
Play as Raidou SAT
Complete the game with every character with the options set to default settings.
Unlockable How to Unlock
Play as Raidou Complete the game with every character with the options set to default settings.
Contributed By: Millers_C 4 0
Sytem Voices PS
Unlockable How to Unlock
System Voices Get all costumes with all default characters and raidou.
Contributed By: blue_man 6 0
Unlock New Costumes SAT
To get the extra costumes for each character just finish the game on normal difficulty. Every character has up to six different new costumes.
Unlockable How to Unlock
Unlock New Costumes To get the extra costumes for each character just finish the game on normal difficulty. Every character has up to six different new costumes.
Contributed By: BongoGoku 5 0
Easter Eggs
Character Wallpapers PS
Insert DOA game disc into a CD-ROM drive. Go to its file listing {usually D:\), select Omake folder, and copy the bitmap files onto your computer to use as wallpaper.
Contributed By: plushieleona 5 0
Replay Rewinder SAT
After you win a round, hold the A and C buttons. A "Play Back" arrow should appear in the Replay screen. Hold B to rewind the fight and release it to resume play.
Contributed By: freakunique 4 1
Rewind Replay ARC
Pressing Hold+Kick during the "KO" sequence will allow you to rewind the replay sequence with the Punch button.This may only be done once per game.
Contributed By: Llamaman2 2 0
Control Victory View PS
Press Up, Down, Left, or Right during the winning pose to change the camera angle. Press R1 or L1 to zoom in and out.
Contributed By: blackLUEsday 6 0
Dead or Alive 2 Cheats
Extra Costumes for Kasumi and Ayame ARC
Please do the following:
Effect Code
You'll now notice that Kasumi and Ayame have a new costume option. Before entering you high score initials, push and hold Punch+Kick. Next, insert your coins and start a game.
Contributed By: BongoGoku 1 0
Get the arcade intro without a hacked VMU DC
First make sure your age is set above 20. Then get a high score in Survival mode (does not have to be first place). When you have to enter your name put in ''REALDEMO''. Now you have the real intro to the game.
Contributed By: TripleRaid 6 2
Extra characters (Limited Edition) DC
Once you unlock these characters, they become avaliable in all the gameplay modes except Story.
Unlockable How to Unlock
Bayman Beat Story mode with every character
Tengu Accumulate 6 hours of gameplay and he'll be avaliable
Contributed By: SaturnUrameshi 7 2
Unlock Hidden Costumes (Japanese Version) DC
Beat Story Mode using any character to unlock the next costume, continues don't matter. In Easy Mode, you can only unlock C3, while in Normal Mode you can unlock all costumes.
Contributed By: damien 8 2
Unlockables PS2
Unlockable How to Unlock
All Character's Costumes Collect 200 stars in Survival Mode.
Ayane Costume 4 Complete Story Mode 5 times with Ayane OR once without continuing.
Ayane Costume 5 Earn 1.5 million points on survival mode or play as Ayane in Survial mode over 25 times.
Ayane Costume 6 Complete over 50 stages on Survival mode OR play survival mode over 50 Times playing as Ayane.
Ayane Costume 7 Complete the time attack in under 4:15 or play as Ayane over 200 times.
Ayane Costume 8 Get the Tiara Item in survival Modeor play as Ayane over 200 times.
Bass Costume 4 Complete story mode 5 times OR complete story mode once without continuing.
Bass Costume 5 Get the Championship belt in survival mode or play as Bass over 50 times
Bayman Complete Story Mode with each of the default characters or complete Story Mode 30 times using any combination of charcaters.
CG Gallery Complete Team Mode with 5 characters to unlock the CG Gallery.
Costume 3 for all characters Complete Story Mode once with the character.
Deluxe Credits Finish the game with every Character in Very Hard Mode.You can then view the Deluxe Version of the Credits. It contains new music,website banners and every DOA development team.
Expanded Credits Win team mode with five characters
Tengu Collect 10 Stars in Survival Mode or play as any combination of characters 200 times.
Unlock extra options Press start to pause the game, then press triangle + X
Contributed By: Dazz_Hardy, jdhathrisen, Gilldolf, JamesJayyDubb, gamefan1221 4 22
Easter Eggs
Girl Art DC
Place DoA2 into any computer CD Drive, access the disc and look for a folder called : ''Bonus''. There are several shots of the DoA girls in bikini's.
Contributed By: Kasket_Darkfyre 7 1
3D Character Select DC
Turn off ''Quick Selector'' in Vs Mode Options
Contributed By: zylya 5 0
Change View of Victory Pose DC
As your character does its victory pose, hold X and move the Pad or Analog Stick to rotate the view. Press the B button to zoom in.
Contributed By: _ATadeo_ 4 0
Full Screen Pause DC
During the game, press START to pause. Press the R-Trigger button to get a clean game screen without the text.
Contributed By: _ATadeo_ 4 0
Rewind Your Replay DC
After you defeat you opponent, quickly press and hold A+Y. Then press X during the replay to rewind it.
Contributed By: BongoGoku 4 0
Rewind Your Replay ARC
After you win against your opponent, quickly press and hold Kick+Free before the replay starts. When the replay starts, press Punch to start the rewind.
Contributed By: BongoGoku 2 0
Stop victory pose camera. DC
Press the ''R'' trigger when your character is in a victory pose and the camera won't move unless you use the ''change view of the victory pose'' code mentioned above.
Contributed By: krankorx 5 0
Taunt Opponent DC
While fighting press Left, Right, Left, R button to taunt.
Contributed By: alex_cross 3 0
Taunt Opponent (alternate) DC
Press Down, Down, R to do an alternate taunt. Not all characters have this taunt (Kasumi, for instance, doesn't have it), but some like Hayabusa and Ein do.
Contributed By: SaturnUrameshi 4 0
Uncut Demo DC
On the mode select screen, choose Option. On the Option screen, choose Game Settings and go to Others. Now change your Age to any number higher than 21. Now go back to the mode select screen and pick Survival Mode. Play through this mode until you get onto the top ten ranking list and put your name in as REALDEMO. Now go back to the title screen and wait until the demo starts. You will now see the uncut demo with more scenes.
Contributed By: XPLICIT187 6 1
Uncut Demo PS2
Go to the Option menu, Game setting, then Others. Adjust your age to 21 years old or higher, then play Survival mode until your scores are high enough to be in the ranking. Enter REALDEMO as your name and return to the title screen and wait for the uncut demo.
Contributed By: CJ800 4 10
View Hidden Cut-Scene DC
Play as Ayane in Story Mode. When you get to the battle with Kasumi you must KO her on the Ice Pit, and she must be about 10 feet away from you. If done correctly, the fireball cut-scene from the Intro Movie should play. ddddddddddddddd :loveliness: 666666666666666 本帖最后由 ancientdoom 于 2022-11-6 11:49 编辑
有没有2代剧情dlc,变装潜入,的tu文件,360模拟器可用的。。。。。{:3_110:} 好东西啊 谢谢分享 ancientdoom 发表于 2022-11-6 11:44
链接: 提取码: xcxk
本帖最后由 ancientdoom 于 2022-11-9 23:37 编辑
cailei110 发表于 2022-11-8 01:36
链接: 提取码: xcxk
顶楼主啦..希望楼主多发精品好帖啦..... 顶!!!!!!!!
谢谢大佬! 给大佬来一杯卡布奇诺!能够在如此精彩的帖子后面留下自己的脚印是多么骄傲的一件事啊! 6
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