disclaimer avoid any refined items to prevent this bug this includes refined planks, refined stones, and refined gold bars until you unlock the refinery as intended.please note i didnt make this i found this it was created by these gents please be sure to give them your thanks.
step 1 get cheat engine
step 2 download this its a cheat table btw safe to use https://fearlessrevolution.com/download/file.php?id=44313&sid=4c8d81ad8517e557f114e6e3e206b58a
step 3 click pc monitor with magnifying glass
step 4 select game
step 5 click mono
step 6 click lazy pointer
step 7 click data manager
step 8 make sure you are in game for variables to properly update
step 9 look for CurrentPlayerUpgradeTreeTier and change it to 2
step 10 have fun
但是怎么解决卡武器5阶段升级。。。 这个卡3层科技的真的无语 下载不了 能帮忙转发下吗 剧情进度到哪了 别管到哪里,这个玩意直接就是恶性BUG 科技生成不了 所有教徒都没事情做了 1.04更新已修复
有1.04的资源不 我怎么卡虔诚者之力3了? wwwbn 发表于 2022-8-12 20:07
卡3阶科技BUG,只能解锁17个建筑 弄完了武器又卡了无语 notain 发表于 2022-8-12 22:41
这个我倒是卡了 解决了吗