本帖最后由 qq605762860 于 2022-6-11 17:25 编辑整合版确实能省很多工夫,快速体验游戏,但有一些小问题。
方便的马车部分马厩建模和地图不贴(冬堡和墨索尔),换个角度感觉地面被掀起来了(和裂缝一样透明了),板条箱快递还有bug,我去N网一看好家伙这个mod作者今年3月还在继续更新,而且支持了超越天际和海尔根(圣地镇)重建mod。这个不算大问题,你们能接受可以无视,很多用户都反馈过,作者听取了意见全都修复了,这个mod最新版已经没有任何bug了。但是最新版本不兼容草地景观修复“Landscape Fixes for Grass Mods”(整合版装了),部分旧版本兼容(但作者没去测试,具体哪个旧版本开始不兼容未知)。
解决方案:我下完最新版本解压后吓了一跳,这个作者做了几十个补丁去兼容其他几十个mod……这个用起来太麻烦了,方便赶路的mod也不是必须,按照作者的说明卸了吧,具体操作是 进入游戏,打开控制台,输入:stopquest 00017f01 够保存,退出游戏。然后删除mod文件,重新加载保存退出游戏。再重新加载保存退出游戏,打开控制台输入:startquest 00017f01 然后保存即可。
切记!用轮回之歌整合包皮肤美化必须选择Diamond-钻石美化,因为B&B美化是韩国人基于钻石美化的身形和皮肤做的脸部美化。使用其他美化(比如默认的DDF Texture 3.1-韩网最新美化)会导致脖子裂缝色差!
成就系统mod有不少bug,传奇版作者早早摆烂不更新了,重置版搬运过来bug一个都没修,用户反馈搬运者就甩锅说我只是搬运,有bug去找原作者。 环境模组-JK's Skyrim all in one-jk天际北之星杂货店 我发现不单单是这一家商店,所有JK的天际增加的商店都是只能花钱买东西,卖东西都不给钱(mod给风舵城加了一座复杂的桥,桥上一堆商人NPC)。这个问题N网上有很多人反映过。另外就是龙裔艺术馆的更新真的太频繁了……
Corrected paths on some voice files
Fixed the MCM not showing all patches.
Fixed a script error on one of the skulls
Moved supported patch counts to first page of config MCM
Properly register patches from the second array.
(NEW) Do As You Say Redux: Compatibility patch to remove the wall from blocking the museum.
(NEW) Quaint Raven Rock: Compatibility for Patrol Markers.
Adamant: Made adjustments to the Perk to prevent incorrect number of enchantments.
Heavy Armory: Updated to reflect changes from the latest version of this mod.
Konahariks Accoutrements: Corrected texture set for Morokei's mask. (Kriana)
Reliquary of Myth: Patch updated for compatibility with the latest version. (Titansbane)
(REMOVED) Skyrim Underground Support.
Fixed missing door marker in Xrib - turns out people poking around in xEdit can sometimes be useful!
Fixed #1292 - Clutter on the supply chest is now properly enable-linked.
Cleaned plugin (No ITMs or UDRs, despite user claims)
Fixed #1283 - Removed unlinked doors in Xrib Temple
Fixed #1293 - Allow up to 256 patches (up from 128)
Added new MCM page for patch overflow.
Fixed #1291 - Akarviri shield now has correct races on the AA form.
Fixed #1294 - Changed the mention of "Auryen" to "Eriana" in the supply buy system.
Added new feature to place orders for categories of supplies from the household planner after talking with Eriana. Allows buying of some random food, smithing stuff, leather stuff, or ingredients and pulls from the treasury.
Fixed #1282 - Stopped twitchy fingered users getting duplicate items from MAASE questline.
Fixed all dragon display activators to display from storage
Implemented fix #1289 (DB skulls removed remove NPC heads) (thanks realmeson)
Fixed #1285 - Frostbite Venom is no longer considered a potion.
Added 256 more section slots.to the museum API to allow for more patches.
Fixed #1287 - Text fix on Auryen's note
Fixed #1288 - Set display script will now properly reset if a player tries to use it while a sort is running.
Fixed #1280 - All instances of Auryen have their size set to 1.00 instead of 1.08 meaning he is no longer significantly taller than other High Elves.
Fixed #1281 - Removed a random wild edit in a test cell.
问题实在太多了……一些小问题我都记不住了。3D树木和植物不支持DynDoLOD,但是作者提供了一个类似于敷衍版远景的东西Skyrim3DTrees and Plants 3dLOD Resources。问题是这个东西产生的Billboards会浮空……
这个整合用了韩国的B&B美化,B&B是基于钻石美化的身形皮肤做的脸部美化,你们要记住皮肤美化只能选择Diamond-钻石美化!选其他的美化(包括什么DDF Texture 3.1-韩网最新美化)全都会有色差!(不让我发图片真的难受) 请问一下,轮回整合版怎么切换不了视角啊,第一人称要吐了,按F没用,还没办法窗口化,下面有一排金色英文也不知道是干嘛的?刚装好就一堆问题,头秃