生化危机4 HD 民间HD补丁包(终极版),各位Enjoy!!!(添加控制台中文翻译和国内网盘分流)
本帖最后由 Robber4869 于 2022-2-6 19:50 编辑原站发布的鸟语太多 只捡重点说
Processor: Intel® CoreTM 2 Quad 2,7 GHz or higher, AMD PhenomTM II X4 3 GHz or higher
Video Card RAM: 2GB (minimum)
HDD: 38 GB (approximately)
1、Buy and install resident evil 4 on Steam(买正版)
2、Check your version of the game on the “PRESS ANY BUTTON” screen. The HD project has been tested with both 1.0.6 and 1.1.0 (the only difference between these two versions is the inclusion of 2 Chinese language options)(查版本)
3、Get the HD project from the links at the bottom of this page (direct download and Torrent options are available)(下补丁)
4、Unpack the downloaded file. You’ll find 2 folders: ‘Bin32’ and ‘BIO4’(解压缩)
5、Find your game installation path. The usual path is: X:\Steam\steamapps\common\Resident Evil 4
Inside this folder, you’ll see the original ‘BIO4’ and ‘Bin32’ subfolders.
Go to the downloaded ‘Bin32’ folder. Copy its contents and paste it inside the original ‘Bin32’ folder. Delete the original ‘BIO4’ folder.
Copy the downloaded ‘BIO4’ folder and paste it in the ‘Resident Evil 4’ folder. DON’T OVERWRITE IT. DELETE THE ORIGINAL FIRST.(删除并覆盖原版游戏文件)
6、Run the game. You’ll get a message that will warn you about the EXE file not being patched with the 4GBpatch. Click on “YES” to patch the EXE and restart the game.(运行游戏打补丁)
解压密码:re4hdproject [全部小写]
度娘: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1egKzpfLWWraqz8qcjrAEfw?pwd=3aqn
迅雷云:https://pan.xunlei.com/s/VMuxUm1fHxvboZRwv0kQxcvaA1 提取码:6dwa
PS: 1、看到有吧友反应解压出错是因为没下完,一共18个包,全部下完再一起解压 2、本次最终版补丁加入了控制台,可以在游戏中按“F1”调出,以下为八类选项的中文翻译
太好了太好了,回家就下载 等2月2号正式版了,加油楼主老哥到时候搬运分享一下,谢谢了 坐等发布,谢谢lz搬运:lol:handshake 2022.2.2发布不是? 每天打卡,倒计时 坐等发布,好期待 发布了吗? bowcn 发表于 2022-2-2 01:33
坐等大神更新,期待 太感谢楼主了,就等这个呢 速度怎么样,好紧张 速度太慢了,有没有大神发个网盘资源啊:'(
下载速度还可以,有4、5M每秒 我没有速度啊,只能等老哥传网盘分享了 只能等大佬的网盘了 等大佬的网盘 楼主老哥高效率,度盘都上传了,等会就下 感谢楼主!度娘解决了很大问题! 非常感谢 感谢楼主,正在下载! 解压不了...有一个文件错误
歐美學習版跟3DM的1.10中文版都有找不到steam_api.ini的問題 沒辦法進入遊戲
密码多少? 进开场完事后进游戏就闪退了 怎么弄 解压密码是什么? 解压密码多少????????????????? 解压密码是re4hdproject,麻烦LZ说下,这个要到官网上才能找到,一般人哪儿想得到。 本帖最后由 天地小玄 于 2022-2-2 15:22 编辑