控制面板改60或显示器改60 呵呵啊这..............:L Thank you for purchasing "PROJECT ZERO / FATAL FRAME: Maiden of Black Water".
We would like to inform you that the following problem is currently occurring.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and ask you to please wait as we work on resolving the problem.
We will notify you of the update schedule as soon as it is finalized.
1: The game may be out of sync when using a high-spec monitor.
When playing on a 144Hz monitor, it has been confirmed that the game speeds up the video, audio, and subtitles during events become out of sync.
If you are experiencing this issue, as a temporary solution, please try to limit the FPS to 60 using the software function of your graphics board, or change the "Refresh Rate" in the "Advanced Display Settings" of your PC.
Thank you for your continuous support. 就离谱我说我咋游戏这么**服啦{:3_149:} 尼玛 我就说为啥我的手柄速度跟装了火箭一样快,完全没法玩 笑尿了,直接摆烂 。。。玩个游戏还得改低刷:@ 那买144显示器有何用{:3_119:} 说明光荣公司内测试团队没有高刷显示器,所以当时qa部门都没有发现? 用N卡的可以用NVIDIA控制面板里面添加游戏帧率限速,不过要版本高点的驱动,老版的控制面板没有这个限速功能。亲测有效