molingyang 发表于 2021-10-26 15:33


darkshiki2 发表于 2021-10-26 15:35


molingyang 发表于 2021-10-26 18:49

darkshiki2 发表于 2021-10-26 15:35


maowenke 发表于 2021-10-26 20:58


king9402 发表于 2021-10-26 22:05

本帖最后由 king9402 于 2021-10-27 03:51 编辑


Staff of Kings +Amulet of the Viper -> Horadric Staff
Khalim's Flail + Khalim's Heart +Khalim's Eye + Khalim's Brain -> Khalim's Will
Wirt's Leg + Tome of Town Portal ->Portal to The Secret Cow Level
3 Healing Potions (Any) + 3 Mana Potions(Any) + 1 Standard Gem (Any) -> Full Rejuvenation Potion
3 Healing Potions (Any) + 3 Mana Potions(Any)+ 1 Chipped Gem (Any) ->Rejuvenation Potion
3 Rejuvenation Potions -> FullRejuvenation Potion
6 Perfect Gems (1 of each type) + 1Magic Amulet -> Prismatic Amulet
1 Magic Ring + 1 Perfect Ruby + 1Exploding Potion -> Garnet Ring
1 Magic Ring + 1 Perfect Sapphire + 1Thawing Potion -> Cobalt Ring
1 Magic Ring + 1 Perfect Topaz + 1Rejuvenation Potion -> Coral Ring
1 Magic Ring + 1 Standard Emerald + 1Antidote Potion -> Jade Ring
1 Axe (Any) + 1 Dagger (Any) ->Throwing Axe
1 Spear (Any) + 1 Arrows -> Javelins
3 Magic Rings -> Magic Amulet
3 Magic Amulets -> Magic Ring
3 Standard Gems + 1 Socketed Weapon->Socketed Magic Weapon
3 Flawless Gems + 1 Magic Weapon ->Socketed Magic Weapon
1 Magic Shield + 1 Spiked Club + 2Skulls (Any) -> Magic Shield of Spikes
4 Healing Potions (Any) + 1 StandardRuby + 1 Magic Sword -> Sword of the Leech
1 Diamond (Any) + 1 Kris + 1 Staff + 1Belt -> Savage Polearm
1 Strangling Gas Potion + 1 HealingPotion (Any) -> Antidote Potion
2 Arrows -> Bolts
2 Bolts -> Arrows
3 Chipped Amethysts -> FlawedAmethyst
3 Flawed Amethysts -> StandardAmethyst
3 Standard Amethysts -> FlawlessAmethyst
3 Flawless Amethysts -> PerfectAmethyst
3 Chipped Rubies -> Flawed Ruby
3 Flawed Rubies -> Standard Ruby
3 Standard Rubies -> Flawless Ruby
3 Flawless Rubies -> Perfect Ruby
3 Chipped Sapphires -> FlawedSapphire
3 Flawed Sapphires -> StandardSapphire
3 Standard Sapphires -> FlawlessSapphire
3 Flawless Sapphires -> PerfectSapphire
3 Chipped Topazes -> Flawed Topaz
3 Flawed Topazes -> Standard Topaz
3 Standard Topazes -> Flawless Topaz
3 Flawless Topazes -> Perfect Topaz
3 Chipped Emeralds -> Flawed Emerald
3 Flawed Emeralds -> Standard Emerald
3 Standard Emeralds -> FlawlessEmerald
3 Flawless Emeralds -> PerfectEmerald
3 Chipped Diamonds -> Flawed Diamond
3 Flawed Diamonds -> Standard Diamond
3 Standard Diamonds -> FlawlessDiamond
3 Flawless Diamonds -> PerfectDiamond
3 Chipped Skulls -> Flawed Skull
3 Flawed Skulls -> Standard Skull
3 Standard Skulls -> Flawless Skull
3 Flawless Skulls -> Perfect Skull
3 El Runes -> Eld Rune
3 Eld Runes -> Tir Rune
3 Tir Runes -> Nef Rune
3 Nef Runes -> Eth Rune
3 Eth Runes -> Ith Rune
3 Ith Runes -> Tal Rune
3 Tal Runes -> Ral Rune
3 Ral Runes -> Ort Rune
3 Ort Runes -> Thul Rune
3 Perfect Gems (Any) + 1 Magic Item-> Re-rolled Magic Item
6 Perfect Skulls + 1 Rare Item -> 1Low Quality Rare Item
1 Perfect Skull + 1 Rare Item + 1 Stoneof Jordan -> 1 High Quality Rare Item
3 Perfect Skull + 1 Rare Item + 1 Stoneof Jordan -> Add 1 Socket to Rare Item
1 Magic Full Helm + 1 Jewel + 1 Ith Rune+ 1 Perfect Sapphire -> Hit Power Helm
1 Magic Chain Boots + 1 Jewel + 1 RalRune + 1 Perfect Sapphire -> Hit Power Boots
1 Magic Chain Gloves + 1 Jewel + 1 OrtRune + 1 Perfect Sapphire -> Hit Power Gloves
1 Magic Heavy Belt + 1 Jewel + 1 TalRune + 1 Perfect Sapphire -> Hit Power Belt
1 Magic Gothic Shield + 1 Jewel + 1 EthRune + 1 Perfect Sapphire -> Hit Power Shield
1 Magic Field Plate + 1 Jewel + 1 NefRune + 1 Perfect Sapphire -> Hit Power Body
1 Magic Amulet + 1 Jewel + Thul Rune + 1Perfect Sapphire -> Hit Power Amulet
1 Magic Ring + 1 Jewel + 1 Amn Rune + 1Perfect Sapphire -> Hit Power Ring
1 Magic Blunt Weapon + 1 Jewel + 1 TirRune + 1 Perfect Sapphire -> Hit Power Weapon
1 Magic Helm + 1 Jewel + 1 Ral Rune + 1Perfect Ruby -> Blood Helm
1 Magic Light Plated Boots + 1 Jewel + 1Eth Rune + 1 Perfect Ruby -> Blood Boots
1 Magic Heavy Gloves + 1 Jewel + 1 NefRune + 1 Perfect Ruby -> Blood Gloves
1 Magic Belt + 1 Jewel + 1 Tal Rune + 1Perfect Ruby -> Blood Belt
1 Magic Spiked Shield + 1 Jewel + 1 IthRune + 1 Perfect Ruby -> Blood Shield
1 Magic Plate Mail + 1 Jewel + 1 ThulRune + 1 Perfect Ruby -> Blood Body
1 Magic Amulet + 1 Jewel + 1 Amn Rune +1 Perfect Ruby -> Blood Amulet
1 Magic Ring + 1 Jewel + 1 Sol Rune + 1Perfect Ruby -> Blood Ring
1 Magic Axe + 1 Jewel + Ort Rune + 1Perfect Ruby -> Blood Weapon
1 Magic Mask + 1 Jewel + Nef Rune + 1Perfect Amethyst -> Caster Helm
1 Magic Boots + 1 Jewel + Thul Rune + 1Perfect Amethyst -> Caster Boots
1 Magic Leather Gloves + 1 Jewel + OrtRune + 1 Perfect Amethyst -> Caster Gloves
1 Magic Light Belt + 1 Jewel + Ith Rune+ 1 Perfect Amethyst -> Caster Belt
1 Magic Small Shield + 1 Jewel + 1 EthRune + 1 Perfect Amethyst -> Caster Shield
1 Magic Light Plate + 1 Jewel + 1 TalRune + 1 Perfect Amethyst -> Caster Body
1 Magic Amulet + 1 Jewel + 1 Ral Rune +1 Perfect Amethyst -> Caster Amulet
1 Magic Ring + 1 Jewel + 1 Amn Rune + 1Perfect Amethyst -> Caster Ring
1 Magic Rod + 1 Jewel + 1 Tir Rune + 1Perfect Amethyst -> Caster Weapon
1 Magic Crown + 1 Jewel + 1 Ith Rune + 1Perfect Emerald -> Safety Helm
1 Magic Plated Boots + 1 Jewel + 1 OrtRune + 1 Perfect Emerald -> Safety Boots
1 Magic Gauntlets + 1 Jewel + 1 Ral Rune+ 1 Perfect Emerald -> Safety Gloves
1 Magic Sash + 1 Jewel + 1 Tal Rune + 1Perfect Emerald -> Safety Belt
1 Magic Kite Shield + 1 Jewel + 1 NefRune + 1 Perfect Emerald -> Safety Shield
1 Magic Breast Plate + 1 Jewel + 1 EthRune + 1 Perfect Emerald -> Safety Body
1 Magic Amulet + 1 Jewel + 1 Thul Rune +1 Perfect Emerald -> Safety Amulet
1 Magic Ring + 1 Jewel + 1 Amn Rune + 1Perfect Emerald -> Safety Ring
1 Magic Spear + 1 Jewel + 1 Sol Rune + 1Perfect Emerald -> Safety Weapon
3 Thul Runes + 1 Chipped Topaz -> AmnRune
3 Amn Runes + 1 Chipped Amethyst ->Sol Rune
3 Sol Runes + 1 Chipped Sapphire ->Shael Rune
3 Shael Runes + 1 Chipped Ruby -> DolRune
3 Dol Runes + 1 Chipped Emerald ->Hel Rune
3 Hel Runes + 1 Chipped Diamond -> IoRune
3 Io Runes + 1 Flawed Topaz -> LumRune
3 Lum Runes + 1 Flawed Amethyst -> KoRune
3 Ko Runes + 1 Flawed Sapphire -> FalRune
3 Fal Runes + 1 Flawed Ruby -> LemRune
3 Lem Runes + 1 Flawed Emerald -> PulRune
2 Pul Runes + 1 Flawed Diamond -> UmRune
2 Um Runes + 1 Standard Topaz -> MalRune
2 Mal Runes + 1 Standard Amethyst ->Ist Rune
2 Ist Runes + 1 Standard Sapphire ->Gul Rune
2 Gul Runes + 1 Standard Ruby -> VexRune
2 Vex Runes + 1 Standard Emerald ->Ohm Rune
2 Ohm Runes + 1 Standard Diamond ->Lo Rune
2 Lo Runes + 1 Flawless Topaz -> SurRune
2 Sur Runes + 1 Flawless Amethyst ->Ber Rune
2 Ber Runes + 1 Flawless Sapphire ->Jah Rune
2 Jah Runes + 1 Flawless Ruby -> ChamRune
2 Cham Runes + 1 Flawless Emerald ->Zod Rune
1 Tal Rune + 1 Thul Rune + 1 PerfectTopaz + 1 Normal Torso Armor -> Socketed Torso Armor
1 Ral Rune + 1 Amn Rune + 1 PerfectAmethyst + 1 Normal Weapon -> Socketed Weapon
1 Ral Rune + 1 Thul Rune + 1 PerfectSapphire + 1 Normal Helm -> Socketed Helm
1 Tal Rune + 1 Amn Rune + 1 Perfect Ruby+ 1 Normal Shield -> Socketed Shield
1 Eld Rune + 1 Chipped Gem (Any) + 1 LowQuality Weapon -> Normal Weapon
1 El Rune + 1 Chipped Gem (Any) + 1 LowQuality Armor -> Normal Armor
1 Ral Rune + 1 Sol Rune + 1 PerfectEmerald + 1 Basic Unique Weapon -> Exceptional Unique Weapon
1 Tal Rune + 1 Shael Rune + 1 PerfectDiamond + 1 Basic Unique Armor -> Exceptional Unique Armor
1 Lum Rune + 1 Pul Rune + 1 PerfectEmerald + 1 Exceptional Unique Weapon -> Elite Unique Weapon
1 Ko Rune + 1 Lem Rune + 1 PerfectDiamond + 1 Exceptional Unique Armor -> Elite Unique Armor
1 Ort Rune + 1 Amn Rune + 1 PerfectSapphire + 1 Basic Rare Weapon -> Exceptional Rare Weapon
1 Ral Rune + 1 Thul Rune + 1 PerfectAmethyst + 1 Basic Rare Armor -> Exceptional Rare Armor
1 Fal Rune + 1 Um Rune + 1 PerfectSapphire + 1 Exceptional Rare Weapon -> Elite Rare Weapon
1 Ko Rune + 1 Pul Rune + 1 PerfectAmethyst + 1 Exceptional Rare Armor -> Elite Rare Armor
1 Ort Rune + 1 Weapon -> FullyRepaired Weapon
1 Ral Rune + 1 Armor -> FullyRepaired Armor
1 Ort Rune + 1 Chipped Gem (Any) + 1Weapon -> Fully Repaired and Recharged Weapon
1 Ral Rune + 1 Flawed Gem (Any) + 1Armor -> Fully Repaired and Recharged Armor
1 Hel Rune + Scroll of Town Portal + 1Socketed Item -> Clear Sockets on Item
1 Ral Rune + 1 Jewel + 1 Superior Armor-> Tempered Armor
1 Ral Rune + 1 Jewel + 1 Superior Weapon-> Tempered Weapon
1 Ral Rune + 1 Jewel + Magic Ring ->Tempered Ring
1 Ral Rune + 1 Jewel + 1 Magic Amulet-> Tempered Amulet
1 El Rune + 1 Chipped Gem (Any) + 1Tempered Weapon -> Weapon With Extra Attack Rating
3 Chipped Gems (Any) + 1 Magic Weapon-> Socketed Magic Weapon
1 Key of Terror + 1 Key of Hate + 1 Keyof Destruction -> Portal to Matron's Den/Forgotten Sands/Furnace of Pain(Random)
1 Diablo's Horn + 1 Baal's Eye + 1Mephisto's Brain -> Portal to Tristram (Pandemonium Finale)
1 Twisted Essence of Suffering + 1Charged Essence of Hatred + 1 Burning Essence of Terror + 1 Festering Essenceof Destruction -> Token of Absolution

king9402 发表于 2021-10-26 22:13

本帖最后由 king9402 于 2021-10-26 22:16 编辑


1 Tal符文+1 Thul符文+1完美黄玉+1普通躯干盔甲->镶嵌躯干盔甲

1 Ral符文+1 Amn符文+1完美紫水晶+1普通武器->镶套武器

1 Ral符文+1 Thul符文+1个完美蓝宝石+1个普通头盔->镶嵌头盔

1 Tal符文+1 Amn符文+1完美红宝石+1普通盾->镶嵌盾


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