lsscsyc 发表于 2021-9-25 15:59


原文Patch Notes – 1.06
[*]Added ability to remap movement keys (PC only).
[*]Implemented fix for lost Karma. Save files missing Karma will be corrected after downloading the patch.
[*]Fixed progression blocker in Storehouse. This update also fixes previous saves.
[*]Fixed progression blocker when entering the Ancient Well. This update also fixes previous saves.
[*]Fixed previous saves with Forge progression blocker
[*]Fixed issue with Cursed Chest being locked when dying at the same time as enemies are defeated. This update also fixes previous saves.
[*]Fixed EOS SDK error preventing some players from launching the game (PC only).
[*]The Parry Counter attack is now easier to perform.
[*]Fixed soft-lock in the Ancient Well.
[*]Crash fixes.
[*]Minor audio, visual, and collision bugs.


补丁说明– 1.06
[*]添加了重新映射移动键的功能(仅限 PC)。
[*]为丢失的业力实施了修复。下载补丁后将更正缺少 Karma 的保存文件。
[*]使用 Forge 进程阻止程序修复了以前的保存
[*]修复了 EOS SDK 错误阻止某些玩家启动游戏的问题(仅限 PC)。

hellside 发表于 2021-9-25 16:01


13762845841好 发表于 2021-9-25 17:01


xiluo520 发表于 2021-9-25 17:07

你们更新成功了吗? 我用置顶的帖子下的更新文件。。无效。游戏坏了。。:'(
一直卡这里》》》 Preperation for succeeding operations, waiting for patch engine to unload...

pin369b 发表于 2021-9-25 18:52

xiluo520 发表于 2021-9-25 17:07
你们更新成功了吗? 我用置顶的帖子下的更新文件。。无效。游戏坏了。。
一直卡这里》》》 Preperation...


huirejr 发表于 2021-9-25 22:06

13762845841好 发表于 2021-9-25 17:01

同意 如果還是很燒卡 那一樣沒用{:3_105:}

zl940125 发表于 2021-9-26 15:46

搞不懂你们烧显卡的是个什么鬼...十代I5+2070S2560X1440   全超高最高70度,室温27{:3_98:}

wyt1972151854 发表于 2021-9-26 16:42

huirejr 发表于 2021-9-25 22:06
同意 如果還是很燒卡 那一樣沒用


youxia233dm 发表于 2021-9-26 16:57

4k 60针需要3090;P

飞天之鹰 发表于 2021-9-26 18:10


taake2008 发表于 2021-9-26 19:21

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