stiflerniu 发表于 2021-8-16 21:40

《疯狂游戏大亨2(Mad Games Tycoon 2)》v2021.08.25a 官方中文 免安装未加密版[CN/EN]

本帖最后由 yellowottomany 于 2022-7-28 17:24 编辑


hanzeliang00 发表于 2021-8-17 19:52


cxdecjsm 发表于 2021-8-21 22:44


cxl1800 发表于 2021-8-27 21:58

BUILD 2021.08.25A -----------------------------------------

- It is now possible to distribute games from NPC companies. To get distribution offers, you need to research production. Currently, only exclusive games are offered, otherwise this feature might be too powerful. Due to the exclusivity of the games on only one console, larger differences in sales figures are possible. But as always: Just write in the forum if the balance is too unbalanced ;)

- The search function is now reset as soon as you close the menu.
- BALANCE: Fans now have more influence on the sales figures of games.
- BUG: When a staff member quit, sometimes the "Bad mood" event was triggered.
- BUG: (NPC games) There were no names for racing games.
- BUG: NPC games were always scored like a retro game. This caused the review scores to be too high.

BUILD 2021.08.25A -----------------------------------------

- 现在可以了分发NPC公司的游戏。要获得分销优惠,您需要研究生产。目前只提供独占游戏,否则这个功能可能太强大了。由于游戏仅在一个控制台上具有排他性,因此销售数字可能存在较大差异。但一如既往:如果余额太不平衡,只需在论坛中写信;)

- 现在,只要您关闭菜单,搜索功能就会重置。
- 平衡:粉丝现在对游戏的销售数字有更大的影响。
- BUG:当工作人员退出时,有时会触发“心情不好”事件。
- BUG:(NPC 游戏)赛车游戏没有名称。
- BUG:NPC 游戏总是像复古游戏一样得分。这导致评论分数过高。
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 《疯狂游戏大亨2(Mad Games Tycoon 2)》v2021.08.25a 官方中文 免安装未加密版[CN/EN]