《模拟人生4》配乐作曲家 Ilan Eshkeri 在英BBC古典音乐电台(3台)的《游戏之声》节目中一边播放游戏配乐一边谈论《模拟人生4》的乐曲创作历程
本帖最后由 c_major 于 2021-8-9 06:38 编辑以下录音(已附带字幕)来自于BBC Radio 3的Sound of Gaming节目,当地时间6月5日播出,节目标题为Relaxing Escapes。
主持人Louise Blain邀请了Ilan Eshkeri到演播室谈论《模拟人生4》配乐的创作历程,其中有一些很有意思的细节,例如在购物建造模式,切换目录切换建造/购物分类,就可以发现同一个背景配乐会有不同的强度、配器变化。
这里仅截取《模拟人生4》部分,忽略其他段落。若需收听完整节目请前往 BBC Radio 3 - Sound of Gaming, Relaxing Escapes
若无法观看,请点击《模拟人生4》配乐作曲家 Ilan Eshkeri 谈论《模拟人生4》的乐曲创作历程
Louise Blain:
Now it’s time for this week’s ‘cutscene’ and I promise not to break into fluence Simlish.
The Sims 4 is the latest game in the interactive doll’s house series that now spans 21 years
Here you create your own custom characters, build their houses, and micromanage every moment of their existence. Since its release, The Sims 4 has had multiple add-ons and expansions that mean there are perfectly created sims can have pets, become famous, go on holiday, and live in even more extravagant houses.
Better known for his soundtrack work on Layer Cake, Stardust, Kick-Ass, and other films, Ilan Eshkeri took on The Sims 4 as his first video game score.
I’ll let him explain.
Ilan Eshkeri:
The Sims was a complete surprise. I’d heard of The Sims but I’d never played it. It wasn’t really on my radar.
The head of music at EA (Electric Arts), Steve Schnur, had heard my work and was a fan of it. And so he had suggested me to the head of sound at Sims. And next thing you know they offered me a job.
Fell into my lap and realize what a huge thing I was getting involved in, or how much fun it would be, or how much I would grow to love it.
They wanted it to be an eclectic combination of a lots of different things. I think we described it a bit like when you walk into a room and there’s really well-chosen pieces of furniture but not necessarily from one period.
Just a beautiful classic bit of furniture from a different time period and lots of different ones and it’s all sits together in a beautiful way, but it works because each piece is beautiful, but by an actual fact they’re all different eclectic.
The way that I wanted to translate that music is to think about combining different kind of music that were very purely that style. So, when I was writing for the band elements, I think of it just as a band on its own; and when I was writing for the brass, I think of it as a brass band on its own; when I was writing the more classical elements, I would work on it separately as an orchestral thing. And then I would combine all those different ideas together, so like those random bits of furniture from different eras that come together just because they’re beautiful. I was doing the same thing with music and there were certain arrangements styles that I used for each thing.
That conceptual foundation I still use 7 ~ 8 years later still using exactly the same approach now.
The Sims is happy, but what’s really important I think is that the people playing it really care about the characters they’ve created. So if you just make happy jokey music all of the time, then somehow you’re undermining the reality of what the characters are feeling, and you don’t want to undermine the characters you want to imbue them with appropriate emotion.
But when you’re creating characters and you’re creating the places they live in, the music I think needs to, it needs to have a lightness and a fun, because that’s the general tone in the game. But it has to have genuine and sincere emotion, so that it helps the audience care about the characters that they’re creating.
And so, finding that balance can be a little challenging. But I always think that it’s good to push that as far as possible. I always try to make the music as emotional as I can.
Rather than using session guitarists when I’m trying to do the pop fun vibe for The Sims, I try to bring in friends of mine who are in bands. And so over the years, the music for The Sims is lettered with secret celebrity performances, most of these people are in record deals so they wouldn’t be allowed to do it which is why it remains a secret. But there are many many many really cool celebrity performances on The Sims soundtrack, they’re not least because so many people grew up playing it and love it, or their kids like playing it, so they’re really excited to be able to be a part of it.
I still really proud of the main theme. I’ve had to rewrite the main theme several times, so if you play the game, you’ll notice that once in a while the theme comes in a new version, and the melody really with stands those different versions and I never get bored of it.
It’s seems like the boring answer to say the main theme is the thing that I’m most proud of. But it is, because it’s really stood the test of time, it hasn’t become annoying, it hasn’t become too repetitive.
I can play with it and do different versions of it, and it really encapsulates the spirit of the whole game.
I actually like to share a secret about the main theme. I think of time has gone by. The theme has a lyric to it and that’s how I wrote it, it’s really simple but they say that with the main theme you should be able to sing the title of the thing that you’re creating the lyrics are The Sims, it’s just goes it’s The Sims, it’s The Sims, it’s The Sims, it’s The Sims.
Louise Blain:
Music from The Sims 4 by Ilan Eshkeri, my guest here on Sound of Gaming. Welcome to Sound of Gaming Ilan.
Ilan Eshkeri:
Thanks for having me
Louise Blain:
So I think the first thing I really want to talk about is to find that this episode is all about relaxing escapes and especially over lockdown a lot of people have played The Sims, a lot of people have escaped into Animal Crossing, and various games. And I know when I go into a game like The Sims, I feel like I’m in there for the long haul, I’m in for the night, I could end up for four hours in the creating sims in. When you’re composing, is that something you think about is how long people are going to be a part of the game and surrounded by the music?
Ilan Eshkeri:
That is very significant factor. You stand the risk of the music becoming very repetitive and very annoying if you’re going around it over and over again in the game. So the music has to have enough depth and interest, it doesn’t feel repetitive. And I think that the way that I achieved that is I tried to have a main theme but underneath it there’ll be counter melodies that’ll be interesting parts, interesting things moving about with it. Every bar of The Sims is rich, and then also of course the other thing that happens is depending on what you’re doing on the screen, you get different intensities in the music, you can be hearing something that quite paired down and simple, or you can be hearing something that that’s quite full that dimension adds a lot.
Louise Blain:
Is that something from your end of things or is that a dynamic sort of set up within the game for when it changes?
Ilan Eshkeri:
That’s dynamic within the game and I think it’s across all game aiming really. The music doesn’t just change in a linear sense, you know, across time it can also change an intensity depending on what you’re doing on the screen that makes for a much more immersive emotionally complex experience. On the Halloween expansion pack, I pushed that in the quite a strong direction like, you know, if you liking it to cooking, it was a very strong flavour and it was a bit of a departure from stuff that I done before at The Sims. There was a bit of a raised eyebrow, but we decided you know what, that we’re not gonna water this down, let’s just put it out there and see how it goes and the fans absolutely loved it.
Louise Blain:
Ilan Eshkeri, you’ve probably just convinced me and everyone listening to go back into the Realm of Magic pack in The Sims. We’ll change to your other game soundtrack now, Ghost of Tsushima.
Louise Blain:
作曲家Ilan Eshkeri因他的电影配乐作品而为人所知,像《夹心蛋糕》《星尘》《海扁王》及其它电影的配乐。而《模拟人生4》则是他游戏配乐领域中的第一款游戏。
Ilan Eshkeri:
EA(艺电)的音乐主管Steve Schnur(史蒂夫·施努尔)听过我的作品,并且还是我作品的粉丝。于是他把我推荐给了《模拟人生》的声音主管。接下来就是你知道的,他们给了我一份工作。
实际上我很乐意分享有关主题曲的一个秘密。毕竟,我想都已经过了那么久了。我是怎么写主题曲的呢,其实主题曲有一个歌词。歌词非常简单,但他们(制作组的人)说,对于主题曲,你正在创作的、能够唱出来的歌词,应当就是“模拟人生”这个标题,唱起来就像it's The Sims, it's The Sims, it's The Sims, it's The Sims.
Louise Blain:
《模拟人生4》的配乐作曲家Ilan Eshkeri,我的嘉宾,今天来到《游戏之声》做客。欢迎来到《游戏之声》。
Ilan Eshkeri:
Louise Blain:
Ilan Eshkeri:
Louise Blain:
Ilan Eshkeri:
Louise Blain:
Ilan Eshkeri,你刚刚基本上说服了我和各位听众,听着音乐回到《模拟人生:魔法世界》。