2021.7.20更新 MC指挥中心+MC芜湖2021.1.1 for v1.77.131.1030
MC Command Center 2021.1.1
This has been tested to be working with (but does not require) GTW, OR, Get Together, Dine Out, City Life, Vampires, Parenthood, Cats & Dogs, Jungle Adventures, Seasons, Get Famous, Strangeville, Island Living, Realm of Magic, Discover University, Eco Living, Journey to Batuu, Snowy Escape, Cottage Living and the patch released July 20, 2021 - PC: / Mac:
MC Woohoo 2021.1.1
Has the same version requirements as MC Command Center described above and requires MC Command Center to work correctly.
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ZctAemaGp-HjfxdBRVqyHg
提取码: 7fr9
谢谢分享 多谢分享 感谢分享 謝謝樓主大大,這東西強大,可以拉人 谢谢分享。 谢谢分享!支持下!!!! 这怎么用啊,刚入手的游戏