So MK11 was updated a while ago to disable my unlocker. At that time, I did figure out the new encryption method and was able to crack it, I just needed to be able to send it back. Unfortunately they've changed how sending stuff works, so I had to start from 0. However they're using a proxy so I actually can NOT see what they're sending anymore. However I can see it as it's happening in the game, but whenever I try that the game would notice that someone is monitoring and it will either crash or ban me for 2 hours, which is inconvenient as it won't let me work. However recently he who doesn't want to be named found a method for the items that are not gear/character related and I've been working through his steps to find the other variables. As I was doing that I stumbled across their proxy and I am able to see the things they send again. So now I have actually 3 different proposed solutions that may or may not work. I didn't get enough time to get back to it yet, as I was hoping to do that on the weekend. However everytime the weekend comes I'm getting new assignments at work that are urgent and I'm unable to work on it, and instead I'm working for my job on the weekend. I'm supposed to submit the project by 5th of July then I will have 4 days of vacation. I will try my best to work on the unlocker because at the same time I want to catch up on some games that I've been missing out on. So no guarantees, but unlocker is back on the table starting 7th of July if God wills.DLC Unlocker by imtheone is working and bypasses ban so you can go for that.
期待 期待 这个是我玩最多时间的格斗游戏 现在新状态是这个,耐心等待吧
:dizzy:看来解锁难度不小啊期待 加油加油!期待一下 期待一个
期待一个:lol 期待一波 ?给个网址看看啥进度了? 一个月了现在啥样了