cooper436 发表于 2021-4-30 07:58

D2R 2.09补丁,已测试,修复fixlocalsave参数问题

本帖最后由 cooper436 于 2021-5-2 17:20 编辑

Add -FixLocalSaveNoQuests to prevent auto quest completion.
Fixed arg handler--------------------------------FixLocalSave.\D2ROffline.exe -FixLocalSave This will update your save files to allow you to play your characters in single-player mode (act3 to act5 included) instead of hosting a TCP/IP game. This argument prevents the game from loading and will just patch your save files. Please note that this will also unlock all quests so that you can jump right into all acts.-FixLocalSaveNoQuests`.\D2ROffline.exe -FixLocalSaveNoQuests Does the same as -FixLocalSave but without unlocking any quests.-UpdateKeyBinds.\D2ROffline.exe -UpdateKeyBinds This will sync your keybindings between characters.-Delay <delay in ms>.\D2ROffline.exe C:\D2R\Game.exe -Delay 35 This will change the delay amount when patching your game, default is 25. Use this and try different values to help with crashes after being in-game for certain amounts of time."Game.exe file path".\D2ROffline.exe C:\D2R\Game.exe Use this to specify a path to Game.exe if you're not running D2ROffline.exe from the same directory.Passing arguments.\D2ROffline C:\D2R\Game.exe -txt -direct -whatever -w The patcher will pass all other arguments, which are in our case -txt -direct -whatever -w, to the game so that you can launch them as you wish.Custom PatchesThere is a neat little feature that allows you to use the patches.txt file and create your own patching rules, the patches.txt file MUST be in the same folder as the executable! This allows you to create your own patches.PatchesOffline/Local patch, thanks to king484880xD4AD68:90900xD4E25F:9090909090900xCAFB9D:90B0010x597E1C:90909090909090All classes, Multiplayer access and unlock act3~5 thanks to shalzuth0xD615F2:909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909090: ~ show all calsses on load (shalzuth)0x39FC03:9090909090909090909090909090909090909090: ~ allow chars to load (shalzuth)0x39FCB6:909090909090909090: ~ enable loading into a3-a5 (shalzuth)Language patches to force the client into loading a language, thanks to Ferib (me).0x1446C8:+0x00: ~ English **
0x1446C8:+0x270A4: ~ German **
0x1446C8:+0x270AC: ~ Spanish **
0x1446C8:+0x270B4: ~ French **
0x1446C8:+0x270BC: ~ Italian **
0x1446C8:+0x270C4: ~ Korean **
0x1446C8:+0x270CC: ~ Polski **
0x1446C8:+0x270D4: ~ Russian **
0x1446C8:+0x270DC: ~ Chinese (simplified) **
0x1446C8:+0x270E4: ~ Chinese **
0x1446C8:+0x270EC: ~ Spanish **
0x1446C8:+0x270F4: ~ Japanese **
0x1446C8:+0x270FC: ~ Brazilian **NOTE: The above patches are modifying the .text section of the game, for those that want to patch the .data section you can simply use Cheat Engine because the anti-cheating does not scan those areas for modified values.Mutiplayer (tcp/ip)Want to test out multiplayer mode? feel free to join my (premature) server emulator at and come say hi! For those who are interested in the server emulation project, check it out at for more info!Also, feel free to donate money in case you made it this far, this will keep me motivated to work on Diablo2Resurrected related projects and to keep the server going, thanks!

小小小虾米1 发表于 2021-4-30 08:22


丿仿丿偟 发表于 2021-4-30 09:24


adolf1H 发表于 2021-4-30 10:23

本帖最后由 adolf1H 于 2021-4-30 11:41 编辑

共享箱子不适用于 TCP/IP 游戏。在玩 TCP/IP 之前备份共享箱子,并且在 TCP/IP 游戏期间不要将物品放在共享箱子处,它们将丢失。

adolf1H 发表于 2021-4-30 10:24

本帖最后由 adolf1H 于 2021-4-30 11:25 编辑

由英雄编辑器创建的版本 1.07 保存将本地导入。您还可以尝试使用以下工具之一修改 1.14d 保存。一旦保存已加载到 D2R 中,它就不能再在游戏的旧版本中使用 存档1. 07版本的啊

adolf1H 发表于 2021-4-30 10:39

本帖最后由 adolf1H 于 2021-4-30 11:52 编辑

由Hero Editor创建的版本1.07保存将以本机方式导入。您也可以尝试使用以下工具之一修改1.14d保存。一旦一个保存被加载到D2R中,它就不能在旧版本的游戏中使用了。似乎英雄编辑器1.04可以转1.14d存档,不只能是简单编辑人物和装备还能导出1.07版存档,结合udietoo试试?

adolf1H 发表于 2021-4-30 10:56

本帖最后由 adolf1H 于 2021-4-30 11:19 编辑

哪位大神用v2.0.9补丁那个英雄编辑器1.04打开1.10版fiend GT到OT和LYS存档试试?看翻译是可以不转换也能用的。。。{:3_111:}

34491533 发表于 2021-4-30 11:04


adolf1H 发表于 2021-4-30 11:34

本帖最后由 adolf1H 于 2021-4-30 11:52 编辑


adolf1H 发表于 2021-4-30 13:31


adolf1H 发表于 2021-4-30 13:36

本帖最后由 adolf1H 于 2021-4-30 15:15 编辑


adolf1H 发表于 2021-4-30 15:51


adolf1H 发表于 2021-5-2 16:58

本帖最后由 adolf1H 于 2021-5-2 17:01 编辑

那个英雄编辑器似乎能导入d2i装备呢,英雄编辑器1.04 转暗黑2 1.07能打开呢

adolf1H 发表于 2021-5-2 22:10


super壮 发表于 2021-5-2 23:06


adolf1H 发表于 2021-5-3 12:23


adolf1H 发表于 2021-5-3 12:49


adolf1H 发表于 2021-5-3 17:10

本帖最后由 adolf1H 于 2021-5-3 17:39 编辑

好吧,不支持udietoo。。折腾了原版能进了,然而bt装备一件都无法导入,放弃了,1.07存档如果是无缝导入的,倒是有利于开荒,因为udietoo只支持1.10以上版本,1.07用ATMA V 导入只有一个手套,数据出错1.07版本还会回到初始状态,bt装备似乎要重新拿1.07装备库来改改。。。明天再试试

adolf1H 发表于 2021-5-3 18:43


adolf1H 发表于 2021-5-4 09:03


z7531646 发表于 2021-5-4 20:43

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查看完整版本: D2R 2.09补丁,已测试,修复fixlocalsave参数问题