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Multi Quiet Player Mod v2.3 (2018-07-28)
By BobDoleOwndU

NOTE: As of v2.1 this mod no longer supports manual installation. SnakeBite is easier anyway. You are free to extract the files from the SnakeBite files and install them manually; but I will not assist anyone who runs into issues by attempting to install the files this way.

--Changes in this Release--
-Added Quiet option to the MQPM Tool.
-Updated Animations and Abilities to be compatible with the FOB Quiet update.

To allow players to have more options to play as Quiet. Instead of being forced to replace the Sneaking Suit, you now have the option to play as Quiet by using the fatigues, the Battle Dress, the Sneaking Suit, or one of the other available outfits. You can also use a few of Quiet's outfits at once. You can have it set so selecting the Sneaking Suit will have you play as Quiet in her default uniform and selecting Battledress will be Quiet's hospital uniform, or any other combination of your choosing! You can use Snake and/or a female recruit to play as Quiet. You can replace Snake's voice so Quiet will sound like Quiet and install Quiet's abilities to get as close to a true playable Quiet as modding can get!

SnakeBite 0.9.4 or greater. Download it here: http://www.nexusmods.com/metalgearsolidvtpp/mods/106/

Video Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yuFX72imbE

Text Guide:
The first thing you'll want to do is run the MQPMTool v2.1.2.exe. The MQPM Tool is a model swap tool I wrote, which allows you to customize Quiet's appearance, and choose which of the player's outfits she will appear over.

1. Select the folder to output to. The MQPM Tool will generate your outfits in the folder you select.

2. Choose the player character. Choose Snake if you want Quiet to appear over Snake; choose Female Diamond Dog if you want Quiet to appear over female recruits; choose Male Diamond Dog if you want Quiet to appear over male recruits. (Note: The character does not need to be exclusive. You can generate outfits for multiple characters at the same time if you want to.)

3. Choose the player's outfit. When you select this outfit in-game, Quiet will appear.

4. Choose the character's outfit. This is the outfit Quiet will be wearing when she appears in-game.

5. Choose the character's head. This is the head Quiet will appear with.

6. Choose if you want hip weapons to be visible or not. (Note: Currently none of the outfits in this mod support visible hip weapons. This may change in the future when more research on MGSV's model format has been done. The option remains for other mods which can support both visible and invisible hip weapons.)

7. Click the "Process" button. The MQPM Tool will then output your outfit in the selected folder. Repeat these steps for every outfit you want to add.

8. Generate a SnakeBite file with MakeBite using the folder you output the outfits to. A tutorial for generating SnakeBite files can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cq2MR2UxcpA

9. Install the SnakeBite file you generated with MakeBite.

After installation, if you installed an outfit over Snake, select Snake as your character with the selected player outfit, and you should see Quiet! If you installed an outfit over Female Diamond Dogs, select any female recruit as your character and equip any piece of headgear, and you should see Quiet! If you installed an outfit over Male Diamond Dogs, select any male recruit as your character and equip any piece of headgear, and you should see Quiet!

All of the other parts of this mod (Voice Replacer, Text Replacer, Icon Replacer, Animations and Abilities) come with a SnakeBite file, already built. Just install the SnakeBite files and they're good to go!

--MQPM Tool--
The MQPM Tool is a tool I wrote to replace the old folder selection method of installing this mod. I wrote it to save both disk space and time when updating this mod. It's also a lot more convenient to use a tool to output the outfits than to have to dig through a bunch of folders to find the outfit you're looking for. I originally wrote it to be used exclusively with the Multi Quiet Player Mod; but as of v2.1, I rewrote the tool from scratch to support addons. Addons mean that anybody can add their model swaps to the tool, and the tool will make their model swaps ready to be installed over multiple outfits easily. This also means users can keep all of the models swaps they may want to use in a single place.

Want to make a model swap for the tool? Go here for more information: http://www.nexusmods.com/metalgearsolidvtpp/mods/446

--Voice Replacer--
The voice replacer replaces Snake's Voice with Quiet's voice. (Note: Does not affect male or female recruits.)

--Text Replacer--
The text replacer replaces any text in the game that says 'Snake' or 'Punished "Venom" Snake' with 'Quiet' and 'Sniper "Quiet"' respectively.

--Icon Replacer--
The Icon replacer replaces Snake's icon on the staff management and character selection screens with Quiet's icon.

--Animations and Abilities--
The Animations and Abilities give your characters Quiet's abilities. With this, you can run extremely fast, dash like Quiet, and jump up ledges and containers very quickly.
It also replaces Snake's masculine facial animations with feminine facial animations.

Note that only Snake and staff members with the Savage skill can perform Quiet's dash. To perform Quiet's dash, select the bionic arm as your active weapon, sprint and

This section hopes to clear up common issues when installing this mod.
I: Issue
S: Solution

I: SnakeBite says there's a conflict with system files when I try to install this!
S: This means SnakeBite has messed up and thinks that one of your mod files is a system file. There are two ways to get around this.
   1. Go to your game's installation directory and delete snakebite.xml. After that, verify your game's cache through Steam to restore the original files. Then setup
      SnakeBite again, and the bug should be solved. Note that you will need to reinstall any mods you had installed.

   2. Go into SnakeBite's settings and disable the compatibility check. This will allow you to install the mod files. Note that this solution is only temporary, and you will
      need to repeat these steps every time you want to install the affected component.

I: The outfits I installed aren't showing up!
S: 1. In MakeBite, make sure you see "/Assets/" listed as the first line for every file under Mod Files.
   2. If this hasn't solved your issue, leave a comment. Also, upload your SnakeBite file somewhere so I can take a look.

There are some slight texture clipping issues with the Naked Snake outfit. I can't do anything about this without leaving gaps between the body and neck due to the way the faces of Quiet's model are.

If you've replaced the Parasite Suit, do NOT use armour parasites. They require a mesh that Quiet's models do not have, so the game will crash. You can use mist and camoflauge parasites as normal.

There is a slight bug with the shoulders when using the fatigues with recruits. Unfortunately, this doesn't appear to be fixable currently.

Thanks to ShiguWorks (noShigu). I learned a ton about model swapping in MGSV by taking a look at his mods.

Thanks to HeartlessSeph for his 3DS Max scripts which helped me edit some of the models in this mod, for creating the Skull outfit used in this mod, and for helping me test v2.1 of the MQPM Tool.

Thanks to Joey35233 for creating the visorless version of the Skull outfit.

Thanks to CapLagRobin for creating the edited hair texture for the blonde hospital head.

Thanks to Morbidslinky for creating the red default and red hospital head options.

Feel free to make any suggestions you wish for this mod. Do note that many things are not possible in the current state of modding this game.

Q: Can you make a voice replacer for female recruits?
A: While it's technically possible, I have no plans to do so due to there being multiple voice files for female recruits. It would be both tedious and difficult to make a voice replacer for all female recruits for this reason.

Q: Can you add the effects when Quiet moves like in MGO?
A: So far, no. I tried to get the effects working, but was unsuccessful. If I figure it out, I'll update the mod with them.

Q: Quiet clips through containers when jumping from being crouched! Can you fix it?
A: No. Unfortunately, there's no way to fix the clipping without losing her ability to jump up quickly.

Q: Can you add Quiet's ability to jump up ladders like in MGO?
A: No. I tried. It didn't work.

Q: Can you make Quiet slide like in MGO?
A: No. Again, I tried. I can't make it work like it does in MGO.

Q: Why did you remove the visible hip weapon option?
A: It was causing several with the new update. 1. The option caused blood to not appear on Quiet's body. 2. The option forced a bunch of extra files to be added that would bulk up output by a lot. 3. The method to get them to work right was already very buggy, causing mesh glitches with several of the outfits. My hope is that in the future, we will be able to add the hip weapon bone to any model and have hip weapons sit correctly without the need to add a bunch of additional files. This would also solve the mesh glitch and allow for visible hip weapons on every model in the game. For the time being, if you desperately want visible hip weapons, you will have to use v2.0 of the mod.

Q: Can you use the assets from the official FOB Quiet to update the MQPM?
A: Not currently. Maybe in the future. It might be possible to repoint Snake's animations to Quiet's; but I'd need to be able to modify the game's motion graph to do so, which is not currently possible.

--Changes in Previous Releases--
-Fixed the shadow bug affecting MGO outfits.
-Added Red Default and Red Hospital head options created by Morbidslinky.

-Added support for the Gob Suit.
-Added support for the Meg Suit.
-Added support for Ocelot.
-The tool no longer runs if you don't have any outfits installed.
-The tool no longer crashes if there are any duplicate entries.

-Fixed the false-positive issue the tool was having with some antiviruses.
-Fixed the physics bug with the Skull outfits.
-Improved physics for MGO swimsuits.

-Fixed the rocket and blast arms causing a crash when being fired.
-Fixed the Cyborg Ninja outfit not being replaced correctly.

-Rewrote the MQPM Tool entirely so other modders can add their own model swaps to it. Also designed it to minimize the output's filesize. This should solve/minimize the long loading times some users were experiencing.
-Added rain scene model.
-Recruits now have perfect first-person with all of Quiet's bodies and heads. (Bodies that Quiet does not normally have, such as MGO outfits, will still not have visible arms in first-person.)
-Quiet should now get bloody when she's damaged. (Note: With outfits that Quiet does not normally have, her body may still not get bloody.)
-Recruits should have more options for heads with most outfits.
-Blonde Hospital head added. Thanks to CapLagRobin for providing the edited hair texture.
-Removed visible hip weapons. I will hopefully be able to re-add them as an option in the future, but the option was casuing several issues. See the FAQ section for more detail.
-The MQPM Tool now supports outputting way more player outfits.
-Updated the MQPM Texture Tool. It now supports changing the camo on fatigues.

-Quiet's abilities added!
-MQPM Tool Updated.
-MQPM Texture Tool Updated. Now supports female recruits' swimsuits and updated the warpaint function to work correctly with the new update.
-Added Skull outfit without the visor. (Thank you Joey35233 for editing the model for me.)
-Added closed The Boss outfit.
-Added closed EVA outfit.
-Blood no longer appears on Quiet's face when using outfits replacing Snake.

-Updated voice replacer.
-Text replacer now affects all languages.
-Massive Overhaul of the mod with the MQPM Tool. Please read below for more information.
-Additional head swaps and options available for outfits that previously only had the default head as an option have been added as a result of the tool.

-Motherbase outfit added. Can't have hip weapons show on this one without a weird mesh glitch.
-IGA Tactical Gear added.
-Hardened Battle Gear added.
-Another small update to the voice replacer that adds Quiet's breathing when going prone and entering "focus mode".
-Updated the text replacer to be compatible with version 1.10.
-Added troubleshooting section to the description.

-Fixed the NVG bug that affected outfits using Quiet's MGO model. (Note: Her shadow also disappears as a result of the fix. Unfortunately you can't have both.)
-Fixed the texture bug affecting the XOF outfit, the Bloody outfit, the Silver outfit, and the Gold outfit. The workaround is no longer needed.
-Icon replacer for Snake added. Replaces Snake's icon with Quiet's on the character select.
-Text replacer for Snake added. Replaces anywhere the game uses the text 'Snake' and 'Punished "Venom" Snake' with 'Quiet' and 'Sniper "Quiet"' respectively.
-Fixed some texture issues introduced in v1.1 for swapped heads. Also got rid of some pftxs files as they are no longer necessary as a result of the fix.

-Perfect first-person view for all Snake swaps.
-Option for visible hip weapons for all Snake swaps except the Prisoner outfit and related swaps; an odd mesh glitch occurs when using my method to display the hip weapons
with the Prisoner outfit.
-Option for invisible hip weapons for all swaps.
-Added the prisoner outfit for female recruits because I somehow completely missed adding it in v1.0 (whoops).
-Sim (physics) file adjustments.
-Naked Snake, T-Shirt and Ghillie suit outfits added. Note: Naked Snake and the T-Shirt are Snake only.
-Small update to the voice replacer that silences the breathing effect when going prone and entering the "focus" mode.

-Skull outfit added. Credit to HeartlessSeph.
-The Boss outfit added.
-EVA outfit added.
-Fixes to Default outfit and some swaps.
-Parasite Suit and Raiden Suit options for the Default outfit added. IMPORTANT: Do NOT use armour parasites when using the Parasite Suit with this mod. Your game WILL crash!
-Bra tie has returned (with proper physics).
-MGO and Other options now available for female recruits.

-Quiet voice replacer for Snake. You can now play as Quiet with Quiet's voice (note: does not affect cutscenes).

-Better textures for the MGO outfits. No more weird looking textures.
-Prisoner outfit added.
-Headswaps related to the Prisoner Model added.
-Sneaking Suit, Battle Dress and Normal outfits added - Snake only.
-Fixed a naming error I made with several of the Snake swap Normal outfits, and the Snake Default - Sneaking Suit (whoops).

-Gold, Silver, Bloody, and normal XOF uniform added. IMPORTANT: Please see the notes section if you want the textures of these uniforms to load properly!
-MGO bikinis added -- Snake only. Unfortunately, these don't work right with female Diamond Dog soldiers. See the notes section for more details.

-Added several more head swaps.
-Fixed the rocket arm not completely disappearing when using one of the Snake swaps.

-Added more options for Snake.
-Fixed Snake for those it wasn't working for.
-Added Default/Hospital Head swap.

-Initial release.

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