sadte 发表于 2021-4-6 17:42

21:9 宽屏修改和教程地址

本帖最后由 sadte 于 2021-4-6 23:52 编辑

我的是3440x1440的 修改好了
新链接 修复了FOV


Edit KINGDOM HEARTS III.exe with a hex editor

[*]Go to <path-to-game>\KINGDOM HEARTS III\Binaries\Win64 and open KINGDOM HEARTS III.exe in a hex editor, such as HxD.
Pillarbox fix • Link
[*]Search for AC 8B E3 3F 39 and replace AC 8B E3 3F with the hex value for the desired screen aspect ratio found from the WSGF's Common Hex Values page to offset the game's custom pillarboxing functionality.
[*]Search for C7 80 28 04 00 00 3B 8E E3 3F, C7 83 08 04 00 00 3B 8E E3 3F, and C7 83 28 04 00 00 3B 8E E3 3F, and replace the 3B 8E E3 3F portions with the hex value for the desired screen aspect ratio found from the WSGF's Common Hex Values page to offset Engine specific functions that are used for pillarboxing during gameplay and cutscenes.
UI and FMV stretching fix • Link
[*]Search for F3 0F 5E C8 F3 0F 10 35 EE 58 13 04 and replace with F3 0F 5E C8 F3 0F 10 35 F2 58 13 04 to fix the UI and cutscene stretching that occurs from modifying the value in Step 2.
Field of view fix • Link
[*]Search for 35 FA 0E 3C BC 74 and replace with 35 FA 38 3C BC 74 for a 21:9 aspect ratio, EF F4 38 3C BC 74 for a 32:9 aspect ratio, or EF D4 83 3C BC 74 for a 48:9 (3x 16:9) aspect ratio.

21:9 十六进制值8E E3 18 40

32:9 十六进制值39 8E 63 40

simon5949 发表于 2021-4-6 18:11


自小就超神 发表于 2021-4-6 20:37

tisil 发表于 2021-4-6 21:17


xjljmn 发表于 2021-4-6 22:10


sadte 发表于 2021-4-6 23:36

xjljmn 发表于 2021-4-6 22:10

39 8E 63 40好像是 你试试吧

sadte 发表于 2021-4-6 23:47

tisil 发表于 2021-4-6 21:17


﹋つ袏_右丶 发表于 2021-4-7 00:12


666永远的3DM 发表于 2021-4-7 08:46


1021696529 发表于 2021-4-7 10:21


wu7898521234466 发表于 2021-4-7 12:35


le3080556 发表于 2021-4-7 14:27

求分享个32:9的搜索值16进制一直没搜到 没法替换

le3080556 发表于 2021-4-7 14:52

修改的只有动画界面拉伸 游戏画面没变化 求个大神帮改个32:9的 谢谢~

茄子暴宝 发表于 2021-4-11 17:45


sorakeyblades 发表于 2021-4-11 19:30

翻不了墙,求一个16:9 修复FOV的exe,谢谢!

位面旅者 发表于 2021-4-14 11:24

老哥能再发一次吗 没下到~~~

aaplmxs 发表于 2021-4-16 14:00


traves 发表于 2021-4-25 23:07

大哥 过期了 可以续1下吗

3dm438 发表于 2021-4-26 10:46


℡ぃ幻想-现实ゞ 发表于 2022-4-2 16:28

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查看完整版本: 21:9 宽屏修改和教程地址