安克雷奇行动Gauss Rifle伤害bug修正
Gauss Rifle VATS 伤害修正 v0.1
该MOD修正了Gauss Rifle在VATS模式下伤害值始终为武器攻击力95.42%的BUG
Version: 0.1
Date: 1/29/2009
This is a 'hotfix' to correct the VATS damage done by the Gauss Rifle. Extensive testing proved that the rifle did accurate damage when fired normally, but did 95.42% of the expected regular damage for every single shot in VATS - head shots, limb shots, torso shots, critical hits, sneak attack critical hits. Always. This fixes that!
The original Gauss rifle causes a small explosion on impact. Unfortunately, this screws up the VATS formula big time. Every single hit, regardless of location or critical status, will do just 95.42% of the listed ingame 'DAM'.
Example from my char (90% weapon condition, 100 energy weapons skill) - 90 listed damage:
Sneak attack critical to the head:
free hand: 560 damage
VATS mode: 85.72 damage (95.42% of listed damage, 15.3% of what the non-bugged version would do)
This fixes it by removing entirely the little 'explosion' graphic. The weapon now does proper damage under all circumstances (that I have tested...) and makes the same noises/has the same visuals, except for the small blast. A low price to pay for a working as intended gun! VATS模式下伤害值是怎么算的.! 不知道高斯枪的伤害是怎么计算的,刚刚拣到的时候试验了一下,非V模式下第一枪把敌人打晕倒,血一点没少,等敌人站起来,再一枪,秒了....提取进度,连着2枪都是把敌人打晕在地上,血一点不掉.再一枪,秒了.因为子弹少,我就又提取进度,结果这次一枪秒了敌人.以上都是在非V模式下试验的.是不是高斯枪还有附带击倒效果?因为枪不稳定,子弹又少,所以就一直没用了.