huirejr 发表于 2021-3-20 10:22


本帖最后由 huirejr 于 2021-3-20 10:45 编辑

昨天 4chan 的一篇傳言,目前命中了一個。

Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD worldwide release date is May 25th, pre-orders open tommorow.

SMTV info tommorow, late 2021 (barring delays)

Persona 5 Royal Switch, Steam, Xbox + Game Pass soon (don't know when it's going to be announced)

Next Etrian Odyssey project (Switch) is scheduled for H2 2022 right now, Project Re Fantasy is supposedly internally delayed more (some development

《真・女神转生III NOCTURNE HD REMASTER》5月25日登录PC(已证实)   
   真女神轉生 V 的消息今天會公佈
《女神异闻录5:皇家版》登陆Switch PC XGP

hb655800 发表于 2021-3-20 20:05

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