各位大哥 请问之前下载的5382210健身版的游戏 有没有更新包升级到cut版 还是说只能重新下载了?
游戏太大了 本来不想新版本了 但是新版本有新技能书 那就相当于新游戏了真是... 安装文件还在的话,下新种子,重新校验This repack IS HEAVILY backwards compatible with my previous Borderlands 3 repack.
The only changed files are setup.exe and fg-06.bin. Also fg-10.bin and new language bins have been added.
So you can rehash old torrent with a new one and save up to 76.4 GB of traffic. ninja_ren 发表于 2021-1-27 21:42
This repack IS HEAVILY backwards compatible with my previous B ...
安装文件删了的话是不是就要重新下了?看这一次次更新实在不行我就先玩别的再等等 要是得重下我就先删了正好给硬盘腾点地方