健身女孩最新版是5382210,cut版是 6112333,FITGIRL版本不对????
FITGIRL主页介绍的是按CUT版压缩的,是写错了,还是CUT版只有5382210,6112333根本不对呢?build 5382210是上次2020年10月份左右的版本,这次是21年1月21日更新的build 6112333 网页下面 简介里写的是build 6112333,至于标题就不知什么情况了 本帖最后由 asdf321159 于 2021-1-24 20:48 编辑
Repack Features
Based on Borderlands.3.Designers.Cut-CODEX release: codex-borderlands.3.designers.cut.iso (127,560,089,600 bytes)
Game version is Build 6112333 from January 21, 2021 ((机翻:游戏版本是从2021年1月21日开始构建的6112333))
All released DLCs are included and activated; Remember that the game is not complete yet, more DLCs are coming in 2021
100% Lossless & MD5 Perfect: all files are identical to originals after installation (ONLY when installed with all voiceover packs!)
NOTHING ripped, NOTHING re-encoded
Selective Download feature: you may skip downloading and installing of voiceover packs you don’t need
Significantly smaller archive size (compressed from 118.8 to 51.3~81.2 GB, depending on selected components)
Installation takes (one language): ~28 minutes on 16-threads CPU; ~50 minutes on 8-threads CPU; ~1 hour 30 minutes on 4-threads CPU
After-install integrity check so you could make sure that everything installed properly
HDD space after installation: up to 120 GB
To change the game language, open properties for game desktop icon and edit the “-culture=ZZ” command line parameter. ZZ should be one of the following: en, fr, it, de, es, ru, ja, pt-BR, ko, zh-Hans-CN, zh-Hant-TW
Repack uses XTool library by Razor12911
At least 3 GB of free RAM (inc. virtual) required for installing this repack
已经改过来了 应该是当时标题打错了 我试了下,中文+英文语言的安装文件59G, 安装完文件大小94G{:3_97:} 在下载 速度好慢。收藏这个只能下载健身女孩版的,原版C组的太大了