看到一主播在玩也玩了下 觉得挺有意思的 但是这游戏快键在选项里没显示搜索了一些 测试后发现有效的如下:
基本操控=左键点选右键移动 快捷键如下
P 暂停游戏
NUM(+、-) 游戏速度(单机)
←↑→↓或WASD 移动视野
TAB 游戏控制菜单开启/关闭
Backspace 声望面板Open Popularity Panel
Spacebar 事件发生点Focus on Warning
QE/hold Mouse Wheel转动视角
Alt + Space 全局俯瞰
Mouse Wheel放大/缩小+变建筑朝向
LMB双击 选择同类兵种
Shift + LMB 增选单位 Add Units to Current Selection
Ctrl + LMB减选单位 Remove Units from Current Selection
LMB 框中多兵种时 选择某类型队伍Select All of Unit Type (UI Panel)
RMB 框中多兵种时 移除某类型队伍Remove All of Unit Type (UI Panel)
CTRL+0~9 军团编组 0~9单次选 双次切(double tap to focus)
CTRL+ALT+0~9 区域编号 ALT+0~9选定
L 领主 Select Lord(double tap to focus)
G 粮仓 Select Granary(double tap to focus)
H 仓库 Select Stockpile(double tap to focus)
J武器库Select Armory (double tap to focus)
K 要塞 Select Keep (double tap to focus)
B兵营 Select Barracks (double tap to focus)
N 攻城兵营Select Siege Camp (double tap to focus)
M 雇佣兵营Mercenary Post (double tap to focus)
Z 建城墙Build Stone Wall
X 建薄墙Build Stone Curtain Wall
Ctrl+ RMB攻击移动Attack Move
Alt + RMB攻击地面Attack Ground弓齐射
R 防御姿态切换Cycle Stance
F 队形切换 Cycle Formation
T 投石机状态切换Pack/Unpack Trebuchet
Enter 聊天 Chat