github上又一无聊项目, 让任务栏梦回win7 。
本帖最后由 lchunghan 于 2020-8-7 20:14 编辑名称:TranslucentTB
介绍 :A lightweight (uses a few MB of RAM and almost no CPU) utility that makes the Windows taskbar translucent/transparent on Windows 10.
Advanced color picker supporting alpha and live preview to change the taskbar's color.
Taskbar states (choose one - color can be customized on every state except Normal):
Blur: Will make the taskbar slightly blurred.
Clear: Transparent taskbar.
Normal: Regular Windows style. (as if TranslucentTB was not running)
Opaque: No transparency.
Fluent: Windows 10 April 2018 update and up only. Will give the taskbar an appearance similar to Microsoft's Fluent Design guidelines.
Dynamic modes (these can be used together and each of them provides a taskbar state and color you can customize):
Dynamic Windows: Will change the taskbar to a different appearance if a window is currently maximised.
Dynamic Start Menu: Will change the taskbar appearance when the start menu is opened.
Dynamic Cortana: Will change the taskbar appearance when Cortana (or the search menu if Cortana is disabled) is open.
Dynamic Timeline/Task View: Will change the taskbar apperance when the Timeline (or Task View on older builds) is open.
Ability to show or hide the Aero Peek button. Can be customized at will or dynamic.
DIY DOCK 最香{:3_116:}
StartIsBack:????{:3_160:} 把手拿开 本帖最后由 lchunghan 于 2020-8-6 13:26 编辑
Zzzhao1 发表于 2020-8-4 20:21
拿开就过不了审了 !
还用梦回吗 我一直用的就是win7 哈哈 自己手帖一字条不就解决所有烦恼了么:lol 有没有win8 或者win10的basic 主题项目 yjceyy 发表于 2020-8-7 20:11
有没有win8 或者win10的basic 主题项目
这个也蛮好的 就是收费