21:9 宽屏补丁
不知道谁有21:9的宽屏补丁啊?我在外网找了解决方案但是 根本就是不管用啊!!!!
The game needs a HEX edit.
Use any program for Hex editing such as HxD.
Navigate to your game files (Right click the game in steam > Properties > Local Files > Browse Local Files) In the top-level folder look for DevilMayCry4SpecialEdition.exe
Open it in your Hex editor.
Look for "39 8E E3 3F" and change it to "8E E3 18 40"
There should be only one entry to find.
Now click Save and close.
Launch the game
Note how the game may appear to be Windowed at 2560x1440, press alt+enter to fullscreen
Note that the menus are still stretched and look like s*%# (don't worry about this, I haven't found a way to modify the menus, but your in-game will be the right resolution) 试了一下,亲测有用,谢谢楼主 游戏测试有效,不管是官方英文还是官方中文,游戏内的分辨率设置最大2560x1440,按Alt+Enter到全屏模式,除了菜单和游戏内的UI界面有拉伸,游戏分辨率成功实现宽屏 mark 下,进游戏能宽屏,期待UI正常
感谢楼主 steam无效