ESGO - Enemy Scaling and Gameplay Overhaul 敌人等级调整及游戏大修 (不知为啥没人讨论过这个MOD?)
本帖最后由 sideswipe66 于 2020-5-2 23:31 编辑刚从Skyrim入坑巫师三,正在兴致勃勃地研究众多Mod,比起skyrim,可定制性还是不够丰富啊。
Aboutthis mod
You last downloaded a file from this mod on 25 Apr 2020
ESGO is the ultimate way to customize your experience to The Witcher 3. Youcan decide pretty much everything with over 200 options available. Change howmuch XP you get by quest or by killing monsters, change enemies health anddamage, change the way enemies scale (or don't), and much more.关于这个mod
ESGO allows you to customize your Witcher 3experience with over 200 options. It allows you to scale enemies in a way ofyour choosing. Scale differently according to level or type of enemy orchoose not to scale them at all. Choose whether your equipment losesdurability or requires a certain level to use. Choose how many skill pointsyou get per level and how much experience you are awarded. Change howparrying and countering work. Customize how much health your enemies have andhow much damage they do. All this plus many more options are available in thegames Mod menu. You can change everything or leave everything at vanillasettings. To see all the options this mod gives you, check out the ESGOOptions section below.
You canvisit ESGO's Website to find all the information below plus much more.
New Game Plus is supported but I don't personally play it. Thus, New GamePlus likely has more bugs and is less balanced than a regular game. I try tofix bugs and balanced problems found in New Game Plus, but I completely relyon the community to report these to me. 您可以访问ESGO的网站(位于谷歌云,需要翻墙)查找以下所有信息以及更多信息。
支持New Game Plus,但我个人不玩。因此,New Game Plus可能比常规游戏具有更多的错误,并且平衡性较差。我尝试修复在NewGame Plus中发现的错误和平衡问题,但我完全依靠社区向我报告这些错误。
Ifusing other mods, you need to use Script Merger to check for and mergeconflicts. Script Merger should automatically fix most conflicts. If thereare some conflicts that need to be resolved manually and you can’t figure itout, you can check below to see if the mod is listed and follow theinstructions. If the mod isn't listed below, you can ask in this mod'scomment section on Nexus and maybe I will be able to help.如果使用其他mod,则需要使用“脚本合并”来检查和合并冲突。脚本合并应该自动解决大多数冲突。如果存在一些需要手动解决的冲突,但您无法解决,则可以在下面检查以查看是否列出了mod,然后按照说明进行操作。如果以下未列出该模组,您可以在Nexus上的该模组的评论部分中询问,也许我可以为您提供帮助。
Below isa list of other popular mods that are compatible and incompatible with ESGO.Remember you still need to use Script Merger. If you want to help me expandthis list, you can report your results with other mods not listed here. I'dappreciate it.以下是与ESGO兼容和不兼容的其他流行mod的列表。请记住,您仍然需要使用脚本合并。如果您想帮助我扩展此列表,可以使用此处未列出的其他模块报告结果。我会很感激的。
Thefollowing mods work with ESGO either by no conflicts, automatically resolvedconflicts, or manually resolved conflicts.以下mods与ESGO可以通过无冲突,自动解决的冲突或手动解决的冲突来使用。
AllTexture and Lighting Mods所有纹理和照明模组
AbsoluteCamera - Automatically merges绝对相机 -自动合并
All NPCScabbards - No Conflicts所有NPC刀鞘 -没有冲突
AllQuest Objectives on Map - Automatically merges地图上的所有任务目标 -自动合并
AMM -The Appearances Menu Mod - Automatically mergesAMM-外观菜单Mod-自动合并
AutoLootConfigurable All-in-One - Automatically mergesAutoLoot可配置的多合一 -自动合并
E3Improved Combat Animations - There is a compatibility patch available in theESGO Files sectionE3改进的战斗动画 -ESGO文件部分提供了一个兼容性补丁
Endure -Automatically merges -- Select Vanilla on the Durability Damage option inESGO, then Endure will control item durability.忍受-自动合并-选择原始在ESGO耐久性损伤选项,然后忍受将控制项目的耐用性。
FastTravel From Anywhere - No conflicts随时随地快速旅行 -没有冲突
FriendlyHUD- Automatically merges友好的HUD-自动合并
GallopingIn Cities - No Conflicts疾驰在城市中 -没有冲突
ImmersiveCam - Automatically merges沉浸式凸轮 -自动合并
Jump inShallow Water - Automatically merges在浅水区可跳跃 -自动合并
Nitpicker'sPatch - No ConflictsNitpicker的补丁 -无冲突
No FallDamage - No Conflicts没有跌落伤害 -没有冲突
No MoreRolling Down Stairs - No Conflicts不再需要滚下楼梯 -没有冲突
Preparations- Automatically merges战前准备 -自动合并
SlotsSlots Slots - Automatically merges插槽插槽 -自动合并
SortEverything - Automatically merges对所有内容进行排序 -自动合并
TheEnhancement System - Manual merge required in the damageManagerProcessor.wsfile -- select lines from B and C增强系统-在DamageManagerProcessor.ws文件中需要手动合并-从B和C中选择行
Any modthat does what this mod already offers任何执行此Mod已提供功能的Mod
EnhancedTargeting - Available in this mod already增强定位 -已在此mod中提供
FCR3 -Immersion and Gameplay Tweaks - Too many conflictsFCR3-沉浸式和游戏性调整-太多冲突
GhostMode - Too many conflicts幽灵模式 -太多冲突
TheWitcher 3 Enhanced Edition - Too many conflicts巫师3增强版 -太多冲突
第一hhhh hhhh第二 感谢分享