骑砍2怎么修改自己的带兵数量呢 其他都不想改 就是想改下自己的带兵上限和俘虏的上限 然后自己就慢慢抓人去 想吃显卡烧烤 可以试试这个 https://bbs.3dmgame.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=6027093 temple910518 发表于 2020-4-3 09:33可以试试这个 https://bbs.3dmgame.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=6027093
谢谢了 就是配置文件有点看不懂,,,
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Companion Settings -->
<!-- default: use vanilla game values -->
<!-- modifier: multiply the default increase by the value in CompanionLimitModifier -->
<!-- increase: increase the limit by the value in CompanionLimitIncrease -->
<!-- fixed: set a fixed value of available companions in CompanionLimitFixed -->
<!-- Party Settings -->
<!-- default: use vanilla game values -->
<!-- modifier: multiply the default increase by the value in PartyLimitModifier -->
<!-- increase: increase the limit by the value in PartyLimitIncrease -->
<!-- fixed: set a fixed value of available companions in PartyLimitFixed -->
<!-- Party Size Settings -->
<!-- default: use vanilla game values -->
<!-- modified: apply leadership and stewart bonus in range 0.0-1.0 -->
<!-- Workshop Settings -->
<!-- default: use vanilla game values -->
<!-- modifier: multiply the default increase by the value in WorkshopLimitModifier -->
<!-- increase: increase the limit by the value in WorkshopLimitIncrease -->
<!-- fixed: set a fixed value of available companions in WorkshopLimitFixed -->
<!-- Crafting Settings -->
<CraftingMaxStamina>200</CraftingMaxStamina> <!-- Vanilla=100-->
<CraftingStaminaGain>10</CraftingStaminaGain> <!-- Vanilla=5-->
<!-- Tournament Settings -->
<TournamentRenownGain>5</TournamentRenownGain> <!-- Vanilla=3-->
<TournamentMaxBet>500</TournamentMaxBet> <!-- Vanilla=300-->
<!-- Xp Settings -->
小孩哭不出来 发表于 2020-4-3 09:10