At the top of the list were a number of technical issues we encountered. In testing both the Steam download of the game as
机器翻译的结果就是比英语还难懂 我来翻译一下吧:
At the top of the list were a number of technical issues we encountered.
In testing both the Steam download of the game as well as boxed retail copies on three systems running NVIDIA GeForce 8800s or better, we were unable to set the game's resolution to anything better than 1280x1024.
Steam平台提供的下载版若使用NVIDIA GeForce 8800系列显卡或者更高的话,在三种平台测试中的结果和其他零售版表现都一样,我们无法将游戏的分辨率设置得比1280x1024更高。
Our complete inability to run the game at any widescreen setting was baffling.
Volition did a great job with Saints Row 2, so it's a shame that the PC gaming segment won't be able to experience the game at it was meant to be played.
For now, we can only cross our fingers and hope some patches are coming to address the game's shortcomings, but really, for such a sub-par port, it's hard to hold out much hope.
也许PC版给大家留出的余地真的不如GTA系列吧~ 这让我情何以堪啊。。。