Total War: WARHAMMER II - The Shadow & The Blade torrent
新的Denuvo Cracker ! c0000005
c0000005 P R E S E N T SAppName: Total War: WARHAMMER II - The Shadow & The BladeGenre: Action, StrategyProtection: Denuvo v4.8 + SteamGame Info: Total War: WARHAMMER II is a strategy game of titanic proportions. Choose from four unique, varied factions and wage war your way – mounting a campaign of conquest to save or destroy a vast and vivid fantasy world.
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Credits to Mr_Goldberg for his Steam Emu!This release is updated to latest update (13 Jan) and includes all previous updates and DLCs released.To support my work, you can donate here:BTC: 14ERHFbuyZG37DWFoPcytfZEjYuLE6AVJMMonero: 44GcEfWR8abHaYDJcEB5ecavq2FwHezNNPv9B3ZRT6q23zp45QhKnbmcBfakCHCYAX1EX3VpeKfM1RxfLiwWmDtNMWcBEWv=============================================================================I pledge to update any and all denuvo games for those who care about it, and specially for those who support me and my work!I plan to do only denuvo cracks and will start from the bottom of the ladder, to the hardest and most modern denuvo builds. This is for the purpose of applying the most accurate methods and keeping a stable flow of my cracks in the upcoming harder twist.Thank you for your understanding, now let's save some Video Games!.
刚在外站看到想发就发现楼主已经发了,都对2的未加密不抱希望在等战锤3了,真是普天同庆 楼主真是大赞啊 本帖最后由 雪耻景阳冈 于 2020-2-16 08:33 编辑
没速度啊 怎么办 挂了两天了
1.8.2 version has game-breaking bugs, game now has 1.8.3 open beta that fixed some of them but no release date on patch proper. I understand people who don't own the base game are extremely happy with the crack for 1.8.2, but personally I'd hone your enthusiasm unless crackers manage to break the bugfix patch a few weeks from now as well. I own the base game with all DLCs for some time now and personally I consider the game unplayable since the December patch (broken save games, constant desync in coop games) - I went through 7 campaigns and all of them died due to save corruption bug, as early as turn 37 and as late as turn 144.
一丝安慰{:3_109:} LZ我爱你:loveliness: 看了一下文件,只有英文的XD (攤手 我发现了,迅雷下这个资源连加速都开不了(只有一次开加速成功,大概加速到10m/s左右2分钟就下不动了)。不过,如果用国外的BT下载软件,速度虽然没有办法上10M/S,但是速度挺均匀在1M多/S。估计是迅雷下文件不做种的原因吧,其他BT软件边下边上传,估计要这样做种做资源一段时间,迅雷的优势才起得来。
现在下载换了比特精灵,速度平稳在1M多,虽然对于几十G的文件来说算是慢了不少,不过好歹有速度了。 这个有中文吗 感谢楼主啊。 已经下载完成,可以玩,就是没有中文。 谢谢分享 感谢楼主,喜大普奔 谢谢大佬 下载不动啊:curse::curse::curse::curse::curse: 8295032 发表于 2020-2-16 19:55
asdweccdq 发表于 2020-2-16 20:00
这个确实牛逼,再找个中文汉化就美滋滋了。 比特精灵还不如迅雷 雪耻景阳冈 发表于 2020-2-16 00:26
1.8.2 version has game-breaking bugs, game now has 1.8.3 open beta that fixed some of them but no r ...
没事 你要知道你毕竟支持了人家,为3代新作的开发做出了贡献~
下载慢的要死{:3_91:} asdweccdq 发表于 2020-2-16 18:37
没有凡事帝国和dlc啊 救命啊!!!辛辛苦苦下完打不开,弹出个 couldn't load the crack dll 的小窗口!!!:'( wsbushi001 发表于 2020-3-19 21:08
救命啊!!!辛辛苦苦下完打不开,弹出个 couldn't load the crack dll 的小窗口!!! ...
我也下完了,打开没有dlc啊,只能玩原版的 求助这是为啥呢?有没有成功的说下 迅雷下不动,到88就没速度还老是0KB 大佬.没有DLC跟凡事帝国怎么回事:'(:'( 查看本帖隐藏内容