本帖最后由 yalilina010840 于 2020-2-14 07:46 编辑CODEX發佈的鏡像忘了添加DLC資料,我補充一下
谢谢大佬 十分感谢 This unlocker will unlock the following DLC:
> DAEMON X MACHINA - Arsenal - \"Crusader\"
> DAEMON X MACHINA - Arsenal - \"Muramasa\"
> DAEMON X MACHINA - Arsenal - \"Rabbit 11\"
> DAEMON X MACHINA - Arsenal Patterns Bundle
> DAEMON X MACHINA - Outer Suit - \"Camouflage Plugsuit\"
> DAEMON X MACHINA - Outer Suit - \"Formal Attire\"
> DAEMON X MACHINA - Outer Hairstyles Bundle 1
> DAEMON X MACHINA - Outer Hairstyles Bundle 2
> DAEMON X MACHINA - Outer Facial Features Bundle 1
> DAEMON X MACHINA - Outer Facial Features Bundle 2
> DAEMON X MACHINA - Arsenal Decals Bundle
> DAEMON X MACHINA - Outer Emotes Set
> DAEMON X MACHINA - Arsenal Decals Bundle - The Brushstrokes of Souun Takeda 3DM版有DLC解锁补丁吗 {:3_153:}{:3_153:}{:3_153:} 感谢分享 正版能用吗请问 3dm免安装版好像无效,本来也没带DLC,有解决方法吗
支持,定期!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 支持!~ 感谢大佬,先回复后下载 免安装版能用嘛 感谢 下来试试 乔乔的异想世界 感谢大佬极其需要 这里的不知道还能不能用