MSI Afterburner 4.6.2 Stable/Final
MSI Afterburner 4.6.2[*]Added voltage control for reference design NVIDIA GeForce RTX 20x0 SUPER series graphic cards
[*]Added voltage control for AMD RADEON RX 5700 series graphics cards
[*]Added new MSI Steampunked, MSI Lightning Anniversary and MSI Mystic skins by Drerex design
[*]Improved hardware monitoring module:
[*]Added CPU temperature monitoring support for AMD Ryzen 3X00 processors family
[*]Added thermal offset for CPU temperature monitoring on AMD Ryzen Threadripper 29X0 processors family
[*]Added package CPU power and per-core CPU power monitoring for AMD Ryzen processors family
[*]Improved monitoring plugins architecture:
[*]Added API function for reading host application’s hardware monitoring timestamp from the plugins. The timestamp is updated by host on each hardware polling iteration, so it allows the plugin to precache and reuse some sensor data if the same physical sensor value is being used in multiple data sources exported by plugin. Such approach is demonstrated in updated CPU.dll plugin for duplicating the same temperature sensor value for all cores on AMD CPU
[*]Added optional plugin unititialization callback function, which is called by the host before unloading the plugins. New multithreaded Ping.dll plugin is demonstrating new function usage to shut down ping monitoring thread properly
[*]Improved monitoring plugins:
[*]Updated CPU.dll plugin is demonstating AMD Ryzen CPU temperature monitoring implementation and optimal duplication of the same temperature sensor readback for all CPU cores
[*]Added new Ping.dll plugin for monitoring ping to desired server via ICMP echo requests. Please take a note that the plugin is configured to monitor ping to by default, it is up to you to specify target server name or IP address in the plugin properties
[*]Improved skin engine:
[*]Optimized skin rendering performance for skins using multiple overlapped animated indicators
[*]Added position smoothing support to skinned indicators
[*]Now skinned applications can forcibly disable indicator animation if necessary
[*]Skin format reference guide has been updated to v1.8 to document these changes
[*]Updated IO driver provides more secure MMIO and MSR access interface
[*]RivaTuner Statistics Server has been upgraded to v7.2.3
Version 4.6.2
[*]Added new MSI Steampunked skin by Drerex design
[*]Improved skin engine:
[*]Optimized skin rendering performance for skins using multiple overlapped animated indicators
[*]Added position smoothing support to skinned indicators
[*]Now skinned applications can forcibly disable indicator animation if necessary
[*]Skin format reference guide has been updated to v1.8 to document these changes
Notes on Animated Steampunk Skin - 4.6.2 is optimized to improve performance of background animation rendering of new Steampunked skin, however, skin animation can still be rather performance hungry on old slow CPUs. So keep your eyes on CPU usage when using this skin, and if it is too high for you, you may try to do the following things to reduce it:
[*]Set skin composition mode to "layered with colorkey" (the fastest one) if you were using "layered with alpha" mode. Layered skin composition mode with alpha channel is the slowest one and the most CPU hungry due to using per-pixel transparency
[*]Reduce skin scaling factor in UI properties of MSI AB, higher skin scaling values cause higher CPU load
[*]Disable animation completely, currently there is no dedicated option for it in GUI, however you can do it via editing the config and setting EnableAnimatedIndicators to 0
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