第一次买了个普通版,想退款,结果客服发了一大堆教给我如何提高帧数,,,是我没有表达清楚吗?已经好几天了都没成功退到款。。。卑微的样子和财大气粗的steam一点都不一样:):):)Greetings Player,
Welcome to Epic Games Player Support.
I understand that you can't play Borderlands 3 smoothly. Keep in mind that you must at least meet the above minimum specification for the game. This will help you run the game smoothly. Make sure that you checked the your PC specs first.
Some players are experiencing extremely low FPS in Borderlands 3 for no apparent reason as a lot of players have PCs with recommended specs or above. The reason for this unreasonable FPS drop is the low CPU usage.
One possible fix is to open Task Manager and follow the following instruction.
Expand by clicking on “more details”
Go to Details tab
Locate the game in the running processes
Right-click on it and set priority to High
However, keep in mind to never set the priority to “Realtime” as it will degrade the performance further.
Install the latest GPU drivers as they bring game-specific optimizations. Also, make sure there is no background process running that is using too much of your HDD or CPU.
As for stuttering fix, open Nvidia Control Panel > Manage 3d Settings > Program Settings. Select the game from the list and if it isn’t there then add it. Make the following changes the Borderlands 3 will stop stuttering and will also see a potential FPS boost.
Set “Power Management Mode” to “Prefer Maximum Performance”
Set“Texture Filtering- Quality” to “High Performance”
Hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any other concern.
Have an Epic day ahead of you.
:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol EPIC退款很容易,,我退过几次,发起申请,让让给你给他一个交易编号。然后就完事了。。 楼主你的表达肯定说了不流畅,epic的客服是一对一的,没你说的那么low,我换邮箱地址时也没这么啰嗦。。 楼主打通关后想白嫖退款,肯定卑微的表达了自己的机器不达标,玩的很痛苦,EPIC就根据楼主的问题进行了解答 you can't play Borderlands 3 smoothly
傻傻的一个 哈哈哈哈,真的好好笑啊哇哈哈哈哈啊哈哈哈哈哈 人家重视用户反而被大爷看成委曲求全,哎,看来被国内的垃圾客服虐的不轻,都虐成Stockholm了{:3_105:} 客服能和你说这么多其实算很好了,人家提出建议你也是卡那你说按照你说的去做还是卡,我还是退款吧之类的还行 phantomhfb 发表于 2019-9-16 09:39
楼主打通关后想白嫖退款,肯定卑微的表达了自己的机器不达标,玩的很痛苦,EPIC就根据楼主的问题进行了解答 ...
再看EPIC客服对楼主这态度,我觉得买得不亏。。 这么细致得人工服务竟然被喷,哈哈哈哈我笑了 你表达的不清楚吧? shabizhy 发表于 2019-9-16 12:25
人家重视用户反而被大爷看成委曲求全,哎,看来被国内的垃圾客服虐的不轻,都虐成Stockholm了 ...
企鹅的客服就是瞎J8对应 ,问题得不到解决,和客户交流的时候还不如一个聊天机器人来的亲切,要是你不是个心悦3,都懒得鸟你,最后还问你 满意请按1 很常满意请按2 非常满意请直接挂机