我在官方论坛了解了下,无限宇宙版其实是发行商在北美以外的地区发行的独立资料片合集,基本属于发行商额外赚钱的一个版本,官方的说法:We've been getting a number of questions lately concerning Kalypso's recent release of GC2: Endless Universe. Here are some of the most common ones, and their answers.
1) What is GC2: Endless Universe?
GC2EU is a standalone retail bundle of the Dark Avatar and Twilight of the Arnor expansions. GC2: Dread Lords is neither included nor required. GC2EU is also translated into a number of languages for the areas that Kalypso covers.
2) The box/press release seems to imply there is new content?
There is no additional content in GC2EU beyond that already present in DA and TA. So if you have already purchased DA and TA direct, you do not need to get GC2EU unless you want a second copy of the game or the translations.
3) Will GC2EU be released in North America?
No, we have no plans to do that or anything similar. Since credit cards are much more common here than internationally, and the translations are not needed, interested GC2 owners should be able to purchase DA and TA directly from Stardock. DA is also available at US/Canada retail as part of GC2 Gold.
而终极版才是正统的发行版本,可以切换到三个不同版本进入游戏(无限宇宙版只能进入DA和TA版本,无法进入原版游戏),建议讨论游戏也应该以终极版为准为好。 的确...终极版出了那么久了... 就是,终极版听名字就知道是正统最强版了。支持改版名为终极版。 多谢楼主解疑
18你个头 很好,坚定了我下终极版的决定。
要不然我还准备下 无限宇宙 之类的。。。 现在找不到终极版的下载啊····· thx for sharing 看你们讨论我是不太懂 BT 没种 EMUEL没源 RAY没连接啊啊啊啊