授人以鱼不如授人以渔,求大佬出个制作方法吧,万分感谢。论坛里不是有吗 iloverobinna 发表于 2019-3-16 12:15
Unpack DOA6.exe using - https://github.com/atom0s/Steamless
Download x64dbg debugger - https://sourceforge.net/projects/x64dbg/files/snapshots/
Run release\x64\x64dbg.exe with Administrator rights
Go to Options - Preferences
Uncheck "System Breakpoint"; "TLS Callbacks"; "Attach Breakpoint" and save settings
File - Open - DOA6.exe
Click RMB and select "Search for - Current Module - Constant" - 3FE38E39
Change all found values - 3FE38E39 to your aspect ratio value (4017B426 - for 2560x1080; 4018E38E - for 3440x1440 etc...)
Click RMB and select "Search for - Current Module - Pattern" - C7 44 24 58 80 07 00 00 C7 44 24 5C 38 04 00 00
Change all found values - 780 to the value calculated by this formula: 1080 * ( width / height )
For example:
1080 * ( 2560 / 1080 ) = 1080 * 2.37037 = 2560 (dec) = A00 (hex)
1080 * ( 3440 / 1440 ) = 1080 * 2.38888 = 2580 (dec) = A14 (hex)
Click RMB and select "Search for - Current Module - Pattern" - FF E1 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? C7 44 24 30 20 03 00 00 C7 44 24 34 C2 01 00 00
Click RMB on jmp rcx and select "Binary - Fill with NOPs"
Change - 320 and 1C2 to your resolution value (A00 and 438 - for 2560x1080; D70 and 5A0 - for 3440x1440 etc...)
File - Patch file
Make copy of DOA6.exe, and select it for patch
wsgf上 某大佬的。。 http://www.wsgf.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=64&t=33019&sid=8edf78cc5272e5ed14dc14ea8b0d2fd1&start=30
Click RMB on jmp rcx and select "Binary - Fill with NOPs"
Change - 320 and 1C2 to your resolution value (A00 and 438 - for 2560x1080; D70 and 5A0 - for 3440x1440 etc...)
我就是这两步不会。。最后弄出来21:9的画面压缩在16:9 下。。如果你成功的话麻烦给下这两个步骤的图
CHRNOW 发表于 2019-3-16 15:13
Unpack DOA6.exe using - https://github.com/atom0s/Steamless
Download x64dbg debugger - https://sourc ...
本帖最后由 tracosong 于 2019-3-17 11:58 编辑