pwz1997 发表于 2019-1-29 20:35


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(原标题:PC Building Simulator is leaving Early Access on the 29th January!)
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PC Building Simulator 将于 1 月 29 日离开 Early Access!
1 月 11 日上午 12:34-WIZZYWIGG
嘿 PC 建设者!

如果你仔细聆听,你可以听到整个 The Irregular 公司的声音在努力工作,为 PC Building Simulator 1.0 版添加最后润色。准备好在 1 月 29 日 PC 机模拟器离开早期访问时吹掉灰尘并启动。

当我们在 2018 年 3 月推出 PC Building Simulator 进入早期访问时,我们几乎不知道是否有人想要玩一个关于构建 PC 的游戏,更不用说以社区现在的方式来爱它。这种持续的支持意味着我们需要更多的时间来添加更多的部件,引入新的合作伙伴并添加我们(和您)相信游戏所需的所有显而易见的功能,这是我们以来一直在做的事情。


我们现在已经达到了这样一个地步:游戏的核心功能集在我们认为可以摆脱早期访问皮肤并将 PC 建模模拟器的世界带到更大的社区的地方。这并不意味着发展已经结束,远非如此。我们在未来有更多的零件,合作伙伴和功能计划。

1 月 29 日推出的 PC Building Simulator 1.0 版将包含许多来自 PC 组件世界中的大品牌的新零件,Steam 成就以及我们可能会挤出的许多错误修复!还有一些不错的惊喜。

特别感谢所有 Early Access 测试人员,到目前为止您的反馈非常宝贵。今天我们发布了一个新的预告片,其中包括去年我们提出要求时提交的一些令人惊叹的 PC 版本,我们收到了数百份提交内容并且没有办法将它们全部包括在内但是谢谢大家花时间分享你的和我们一起创作。

YouTube™视频:社区构建 -PC 构建模拟器
观看:13,074 次
PC Building Simulator 将于 1 月 29 日离开 Early Access!这是我们社区庆祝的一些我们最喜欢的构建的展示!

我们希望大家在 1 月 29 日加入我们,共同庆祝 PC Building Simulator 的下一章!

PC 建筑模拟器团队



问:目前的 Career 会在 v.1.0 中保存游戏吗?

问:v.1.0 之后更新的频率是多少?

问:Mac 版?
答:希望如此。我们已经在 Mac OS 版本上运行了一些内部测试,如果我们能够正常运行一个版本,我们会在准备好后发布它。尽管在这个阶段没有承诺!

pwz1997 发表于 2019-1-29 20:35


PC Building Simulator is leaving Early Access on the 29th January!
1月11日上午12:34        - WIZZYWIGG
Hey PC Builders!

If you listen closely you can hear the sounds of the whole of The Irregular Corporation hard at work adding the finishing touches to version 1.0 of PC Building Simulator. Get ready to blow out the dust and boot up on January 29th, when PC Building Simulator leaves Early Access.

When we launched PC Building Simulator into Early Access back in March 2018 we had little idea if anyone would even want to play a game about building a PC, let alone love it in the way the community does right now. This ongoing support meant we needed more time to add further parts, bring on new partners and add all the obvious features we (and you) believed the game needed which is what we have been doing ever since.

These updates have included hundreds of new licensed parts from current and new partners alike, alongside big features such as overclocking and custom loop water cooling. In addition, we also took the time to improve the career mode based off plenty of feedback from our wonderful community.

We have now reached the point where the core feature set of the game is at a place where we feel we can shed our Early Access skin and bring the world of PC Building Simulator to an even larger community. This doesn’t mean development has ended, far from it. We have plenty of plans for more parts, partners and features in the future.

Version 1.0 of PC Building Simulator that launches on the 29th January will include lots of new parts from big names in the PC component world, Steam Achievements and as many bug fixes as we can possibly squeeze in! Plus some nice surprises as well.

A special thanks to all our Early Access testers, your feedback has been invaluable so far. Today we have released a new trailer that includes some of the amazing PC builds that were submitted when we asked for them last year, we had hundreds of submissions and had no way of including them all but thank you all for taking the time to share your creations with us.

YouTube™ 视频: Community Builds - PC Building Simulator
观看:13,074 次
PC Building Simulator is leaving Early Access on January 29th! Here's a showcase of some of our favourite builds from our community to celebrate!

We hope you will all join us on the 29th January to celebrate the next chapter of PC Building Simulator!

The PC Building Simulator Team


Q: So the game is dead now?
A: Not at all, development is going to continue as we still have lots of new parts we want to add and some exciting new features. This just marks the point at which our original core feature set is now complete.

Q: Will current Career save games work in v.1.0?
A: Yes, there are no plans to force players to restart their career saves.

Q: How often will updates occur after v.1.0?
A: As regularly as content creation allows, it is hard to provide exact timings but expect them to be slower than during Early Access so we can have bigger updates and allow for more testing before they go live.

Q: Mac version?
A: Hopefully. We have been running some internal tests on a Mac OS version and if we can get a version running properly we will look to release this when ready. No promises at this stage though!

阿_飘、 发表于 2019-1-30 13:32


阿_飘、 发表于 2019-1-30 13:32

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查看完整版本: 装机模拟器即将在今天(1月29日)发布正式版!