RT 怎么才能在公寓里开酒吧咖啡馆之类的,要先修改地段类型,但是是灰色的修改不了,想知道怎么才能修改,谢谢! 求解!!! 有没有大大解答一下TT 不行的。。。家庭用地都不能开店,公寓用地更不可能了。。。 wood021 发表于 2019-1-6 22:04不行的。。。家庭用地都不能开店,公寓用地更不可能了。。。
胡萝卜大棒 发表于 2019-1-29 23:54
家庭用地可以用在家开店MOD(LittleMsSam大大的LiveInBusiness)可以开夜店酒吧瑜伽馆健身房托儿所狗狗寄 ...
给个下载地址呗 。。。我比较担心的是,这种对游戏大改的mod,万一哪天不更新,游戏里不起效就算了,存了档的话,存档读不了崩坏怎么办 。。。以前玩3代就被坑过。。。 wood021 发表于 2019-1-30 00:16
给个下载地址呗 。。。我比较担心的是,这种对游戏大改的mod,万一哪天不更新,游戏里不起效就算了,存了 ...
LMS的mod真的很细节 而且用她的mod十分放心 胡萝卜大棒 发表于 2019-1-30 00:30
发布地址https://littlemssam.tumblr.com/post/17 ...
LMS耕耘小能手 原谅挖坟 是中文的吗?
墙外产品虽好但难 胡萝卜大棒 发表于 2019-1-30 00:30
发布地址https://littlemssam.tumblr.com/post/17 ...
suncoolr 发表于 2019-10-8 22:50
Live in Business
This Mod adds Lot Traits to the Game which let’s you run Businesses at Home
General Info:
You’ll find New Options on Doors, Arches & Gates when one of the Lot Traits is used to Open and Close your Business. (More Info in the Lot Trait Details)
After opening a Live in Business it will autonomously be closed after 12hrs if you don’t close it manually before that.
Guests that spawn are based on the NPCs that get spawned on the actual Lot. The Behaviour of those are the same as those on the original Community Lot.
Make sure to lock other Doors if you don’t want your Guests to go into your Home etc! I personally have a fence around my Lot with a Gate which is locked for all others when i open my Business. I also have the Business in a secured Area on my Lot so they can go only in there.
This will spawn NPCs on your Home Lot. Depending on your Household Size, Lot Size, Pets, Objects on the Lot, Neighborhood etc pp. it could cause Lags if your PC can’t handle everything! I used this on my very good PC were it runs very smoothly as well as on my Gaming Laptop were it was just a tiny bit laggy here and there.
Technically you could use several Lot Traits of this on one Lot. Like a Cáfe at Day and Club at Night. But i don’t recommend to open more than one Business at the same Time!
Install the Main Mod and the following Lot Traits you want ingame:
这mod要能用,完整的套装是什么? https://littlemssam.tumblr.com/post/175385330458/more-buyable-venues-and-new-venue-types-this
Recommended Mods to use with this Venue:
Send to Bedhttp://littlemssam.de/send-sims-to-bed/
Unlock Doors http://littlemssam.de/unlock-doors-for-chosen-sims/
Ask to Cook http://littlemssam.de/ask-to-cookbakegrill-including-cupcakes-and-experimental-food/
Better Mattress http://littlemssam.de/buy-a-better-mattress-better-energycomfort-on-beds/
Call to Meal http://littlemssam.de/choose-who-you-call-to-meal/
Faster Spawning Mod by weerbesu http://modthesims.info/d/568849
喜剧的是,我头一次开张自营商店,顾客没有买,而是“偷”走了我的考古文物,然而更喜剧的是,我还没有任何办法让她“吐出来(还回来)”,这尼玛眼睁睁看着东西被偷却拿人家毫无办法,这模拟人生的世界,真是气死仙人的世界。 再次研究表明,这家伙的mod还真是“细心”,除了工作服特别申明只能装一种,别的除了减少收入的都装了,遂开了自营商店,结果没发现,有一个mod是专门给“偷窃狂”方便盗窃的addon,结果害我在游戏内戕害了不少该特征成员,游泳池高效杀死6名男的(墓碑进入家庭清单),特造监狱关押4名女的,最后结果发现没有客户来买东西了?说老实话,玩过1、2、3代,截至4代这个mod之前,都没安心杀过小人,如果没有发现这个瘪门,不知道还会不会杀下去{:3_105:}?