本帖最后由 kirkbaldwin 于 2018-12-7 23:47 编辑A MESSAGE FROM THE JUST CAUSE 4 TEAM
Hello Everyone,
In good news, we are already planning to release the first wave of improvements and aiming to have these available to everyone in the next couple of weeks. Here is an overview of some of the updates we are working on:
[*]Improvements to menu navigation for mouse and keyboard users
[*]Support for remapping of movement keys
[*]Improved vegetation rendering and asset updates
[*]Fixes to some texture mapping issues
[*]Increased mouse sensitivity range
[*]Corrected specialised vehicle support for mouse and keyboard players
[*]Fixed issue with steering flying vehicles with keyboard
[*]Numerous stability fixes
[*]游戏制造商Avalanche Studios保证下月推出修复补丁,那个画质设置选项是真的有BUGS,他们会修复植物等材质的BUG问题,到时画面,画质会非常好的,正版有福了
其实这游戏可玩性不错,玩了一晚上,很爽,画面再修正下就更好了 画面简直爆炸,完全不像18年的游戏 早就怀疑过这游戏画质设置有问题了...只是这么一来岂不是要我等到下个月修复后再玩? 下个月一准5折,参考古墓暗影 玩的是挺爽,就是有时闪退卡死比较无语,刚爽的不行,强行退出{:3_132:} 下月,所以为何那么快未加密,是因为需要有人测试