lixleon 发表于 2008-12-22 23:03

多种出生背景选择---Alternate Start - Roleplayers


强推:Ultimate Perk Pack---终极perk包(增加很多有趣perk)

What this mod does

It has been brought to my attention a few times already so I'm going to address it here, and in the future ignore all comments on this subject. Certain history choices add you to a new faction. Some of these makes the main quest and many other quests UNPLAYABLE. This is intended. These histories are meant to give different play styles/enemies/whatever each time you start a new character. If you want to ensure all quests are available DO NOT choose a history that will add you to a new faction. ALL histories that change factions state so both here and in-game. Sufficient warning is given, if you do not read the descriptions fully it's your own fault.

Alternate Start - Roleplayers is now compatible with mods such as Real Injuries and Hunger/Thirst/Sleep. Any other mod that is enabled after the Vault 101 Tutorial quest (Escape!) will also be fully working.

After the initial Birth scene (I couldn't figure out how to skip this completely, I'm still working on it) you are teleported into an empty shack, fully grown. Simple activate the nearby terminal and choose/edit your Name, Race, Tag Skills, SPECIAL and a new History. After that, simply activate the nearby mattress.

Each History grants special starting items and it's own starting location.

It's very likely that future versions won't be adding too many more history choices. 16 histories, all with descriptions, unique starting points, unique starting gear, and unique perks is rather hard to think of. That, and I'm running out of 'safe' locations to start the player. I'll probably just be focusing on fixing bugs (if any remain) and spelling/grammar errors as I catch them or they're pointed out to me. However, feedback and ideas are always welcome.

Futhermore, I'm still debating whether or not to have side quests tied in with each history which will most likely be narrated purely through text (I hate working with dialogue, it's just as bad in Fallout 3 as it is in Oblivion). Thoughts, ideas, and comments on this subject are welcome. Everyone's feedback will probably be the deciding factor as to whether or not I implement this, though I feel that doing this will take the mod 'too far' out of my original view. I actually never planned on having special history-related perks but it all just worked out that way. We'll see.

一旦你完成出生场景后,你将不会再在Vault 101了。你被你爸抛弃在了荒郊野外,你在荒野中长大。游戏伊始,你落脚在一个不知道什么地方的小房子里面,小房子里面有一台电脑:以供你再次选择你的名字、性别、属性、特长、当然还有本mod最重要的---还有你一直成长的环境背景。电脑旁边还有一个你爸爸留给你的遗物---BB小子纪念公仔。当你完成所有信息以后,然后在旁边的软垫上睡上一觉,会根据你的选择的阵营,从不同的地方完全开始游戏!而且不同背景有不一样的初始道具。

The History Choices(可选背景)

Escaped Slave


You've lived a life of slavery and as a result you have increase strength (+2), but a lower intelligence (-2) from the lack of schooling.

Other Bonuses: Slavers will shoot on sight. Unremovable Disarmed Slave Collar.




Living the life of a scavenger you've learned to find parts and pieces in the most obscure locations. You are also slightly better with Small Guns (+10) due to the need of defending yourself from Raiders and wild animals.

Other Bonuses: Starts with the Scrounger Perk.




For your entire life you've had horrible luck (-2). You've been constantly attacked by Super Mutants, Raiders, and Slavers alike. However, you have become quite proficient at hiding from them and gain a bonus to your Sneak skill (+15)

Other Bonuses: None

你一生都没碰到过好事情(Luck -2),总是碰到变异人啊、土匪啊、奴隶贩子什么的临幸你。不管怎样,你还是从中学到了点什么,经常把自己掩饰得很好(Sneak +15),渡过每次的倒霉事。



You were once part of the mighty Brotherhood of Steel but defected with your comrades. Due to the training you received you gain a bonus to your Strength (+2) and Energy Weapon skill (+10)

Other Bonuses: Can use Power Armor. In the Outcast Faction (their enemies are your enemies). Access to Fort Independence.

你曾经参加过兄弟会组织,因此你受到过相当良好的训练,以至于你的膂力很不错(+2 strengh),当然你的能量武器的能力也不耐(+10)



Humans and Ghouls are nothing more than a commodity and the world is full of commodities. Years of haggling for the best price for a slave has granted you a substantial increase to your barter skill (+15). Furthermore, using runaway slaves as target practice has increased your Small Guns slightly (+10).

Other Bonuses: Added to the Slaver Faction (their enemies are your enemies)

人类、僵尸都是你的商品,这个世界充满了货物!你经常为了一个奴隶能卖个好价钱而跟人婆婆妈妈,导致你在杀价上有不俗的表现(+15)。除此之外,你还经常拿逃犯来练练枪法(Small Guns +10)。



You've spent your life plundering and pillaging to your heart's content. Years of using force to get what you want has resulted in a penalty to your Charisma (-3), however due shooting people that flee you gain a bonus to your Small Guns (+10) and being forced to fix your own weapon you gain a bonus to Repair (+5)

Other Bonuses: Added to the Raider Faction (their enemies are your enemies)

你醉心于抢这抢那的生活。为了抢劫,你经常诉诸于暴力,导致你的魅力直线下降(-3)。但是由于你经常开枪射杀无辜,所以你的枪法还不错(small guns +10),为此你的枪械也需要经常摆弄(repair +5)。

Vault Dweller


You've lived your life underground in Vault 101. The comforts of the Vault have caused you to be slightly weaker than most (-1 Strength) but you spent your time studying and learning and are granted bonuses to your Science (+10) and Medicine (+5) skills. Due to training the mind instead of the body you also receive a penalty to your Unarmed and Melee Skills (-10)

Other Bonuses: Starts with Vault 101 jumpsuit?

长期生活在地面下,让你弱不禁风(strength -1)。你把大把无聊的时间打发在了书本上,你了解更多的战前科技(science +10),而且有些医疗的知识(medicine +5);正因如此,缺乏锻炼的你,让你不善于和人争斗(unarmed 和 melee -10)。

Talon Company Mercenary


You were raised by the rutheless Talon Company Mercenaries. Due to the harshness of the life you have gained a bonus to your Strength (+2) and a bonus to your Small Guns (+5) from the extensive training, but due to the lack of proper teaching you suffer penalties to your Charisma and Intelligence (-1)

Other Bonuses: Added to the Talon Company Faction (their enemies are your enemies). Start with Contract Killer Perk.

你受雇于鹰爪公司。经常处理公司那些棘手的买命卖命生意,让你练就了一副好身骨(strength +2)和一手好枪法(small guns +5)。可这种生活并没有能够很好训练你的大脑,你显得粗鲁(charisma -1)和蠢笨(intelligence -1)。



You've spent most your life tracking and hunting evil throughout the Wastelands. Due to the long distances you've been required to travel your endurance is higher than most (+2) and you've gotten quite proficient with your laser pistol (+10 Energy Weapons).

Other Bonuses: Added to the Regulator Faction (their enemies are your enemies). Start with the Lawbringer Perk.

你一生都在追求心中的正义,你把大把时间耗费在猎杀那些在废土中的不安份子上。因此,你有惊人的忍耐力(endurance +2),经常使用能量武器让你对它们得心应手(energy weapons +10)。


You are viewed as a walking corpse (-50 Disposition). And rightly so, as your body has been mutated due to severe radiation exposure. However, while humans see you as a Ghoul your mutations aren't as severe and other Ghouls still refer to you as being a 'smoothskin.' On the positive side, radiation will heal you.

Note: Ghoul history requires the Ghoul race. Disposition Modifier only applies to humans. Ghouls will have normal Disposition toward you.

你一看就是个丧尸的德性(-50 Disposition)!弥漫在废土上的大量辐射,把你摧残得不成年人形。人人见你都会把你当成僵尸,但是僵尸却认为你还是一个“人”。好在,辐射对你不但无碍,而且有益了!


You were raised by a rather accomplished Wasteland surgeon, granting you a bonus to your Medicine skill (+15) and Intelligence (+1). However, due to the time spent looking at patients or wielding a Scalpel your strength has suffered a slight penalty (-1)

Other Bonuses: None

你经常在废土中帮助那些需要动手术的人,你的医术越来越高明(medicine +15)而且大脑也越来越好使(intelligence +1)。但你实在是太缺乏锻炼了(strength -1)。


You are a mechanically engineered bio-form known as an Android. You feel, think, breathe and eat just like a human but you are far from it. Due to damage to your leg motors you suffer from reduced agility (-3), however you have higher Strength than humans (+1), you can carry more weight (+50) and are more resistant to all weapons (+5 Damage Resistance)

Other Bonuses: Start with Rank 1 Cyborg Perk.

被你爸抛弃之后不久,无法适应废土生活,你挂在了废土的某个角落。又被不知道哪个科学家,用你的尸体做成了个机器人,一个完美的机器人:呼吸、触觉、思想都和人类无异!但你毕竟是个机器人,一旦你的机器腿有点故障,结果是会比人类伤腿更加严重(agility -3)的后果。但你比人类强壮(strength +1)而且能携带更多东西(weight +50),而且子弹弹在身上似乎没那么痛(+5 Damage Resistance)。

Enclave Refugee

Colonel Autumn has gone mad and declared you a Traitor to the Enclave. You've managed to escape but your former comrades will now shoot you on sight. Due to training you receive before being declared a traitor you receive a bonus to your Energy Weapons (+10) and Strength (+2)

Other Bonuses: Can use Power Armor. Enclave is hostile.

但那段经历使你受到了良好的能量武器的训练(energy weapons +10),而且力量(strength +2)也不赖。


You've spent your life wandering the Capitol Wasteland. Due to radiation exposure you've developed a slight resistance to Rads (+5 Rad Resistance). However, due to your paranoia of others you suffer a penalty to your Charisma (-2)

Other Bonuses: None.

你生活的土地能带给你的唯一好处就是,比别人对辐射的伤害影响要稍强一些(5%),但因此你付出了毁容的代价(charisma -2)。


You've always had an easy time with mechanical parts, earning a bonus to your repair skill (+10). However, due to staring at small and intricate machinery you eyes have suffered, result in a penalty to your perception (-2). Furthermore, you seem to possess an aura around you and robots will never fire upon you unprovoked.

Other Bonuses: Robots and RobCo Robots are friendly.

成天的摆弄机械玩意儿,你善于修理(repair +10)。但成天盯着冰冷的机械玩意儿,让你对周遭越来越麻木(perception -2)。一身的机油味,那些机器人还把你当成了同类,从不向你主动开火。


If the world hadn't been practically destroyed you probably would have been an amazing politician. You are more charismatic than most (+2) and possess amazing speech skills (+15). However, because you've talked you way out of most situations in life you've never been very good at fighting (-5 to all combat skills).

Other Bonuses: +10 Disposition for everyone you meet.

如果世界没有毁灭成这样的话,或许你在政坛上能叱咤风云。风度翩翩的你(charisma +2),谈吐之间往往能牢牢抓住别人的心(speech +15)。因为你经常用嘴巴来处理事情,所以很少与别人发生不愉快的事情,同时你缺乏战斗的经验(all combat skills -5)。
另外:人们都会对你一开始就产生好感(+10 Disposition)。

Known Bugs

There is only one I know of and it isn't really a bug. When trying to get the ShowRaceMenu to work my game would constantly crash. To fix this the Terminal is forced to close and after about five seconds the Race menu appears. DO NOT REACTIVATE THE TERMINAL UNTIL THE RACE MENU APPEARS!

I'm still trying to figure out a better way to handle this but no luck.

Future Versions

Future versions will add more History choices, and more choices to better define your character. Any and all serious ideas are welcome.

Currently I'm tossing around the idea of adding a Slaver and Raider History option, and adding the player to the respective Faction if they choose these (at the possible expense of being enemies with everyone else). Ideas and thoughts on this topic are indeed welcome.

nweiss 发表于 2008-12-22 23:08


GammaQin 发表于 2008-12-22 23:16


成哲 发表于 2008-12-22 23:18


lgstargang 发表于 2008-12-22 23:25

不错的MOD支持下通过剧情后就 玩玩

hea7ven 发表于 2008-12-22 23:42


tk1246483 发表于 2009-1-2 05:05


wf444 发表于 2009-1-2 05:19


白蔷薇 发表于 2009-1-2 06:40


赤色の瞳 发表于 2009-1-2 07:56



saiwohai 发表于 2009-1-2 08:48

好有新意哦~ 感谢楼主分享!!

myth999 发表于 2009-1-2 13:11


zaixzw 发表于 2009-1-14 19:00


zaixzw 发表于 2009-2-11 20:55


seabisuit 发表于 2009-2-12 22:13


arvinnan 发表于 2009-2-14 09:31


asssima1 发表于 2009-2-15 23:07

选不了 僵尸一选就出现一堆英文 本人英文不好 貌似说没有僵尸历史....让我重新选....不懂

54xm 发表于 2009-4-16 16:32

晕一堆英文 选择了 门出不了 怎么回事 开始不了 一直打转?

xiangting358 发表于 2009-4-16 16:45


susanjiak 发表于 2009-4-16 17:05


醉负空 发表于 2009-4-16 17:22


linjina 发表于 2009-4-21 23:48

进去选了Outcast背景,休息后直接出现在Outcast基地Fort Independence,一身Outcast红色动力装甲+一把激光来福枪

guowentao 发表于 2009-5-22 22:31

书堆里的书 发表于 2009-6-3 13:38


p3493849 发表于 2009-6-3 15:31


3114660 发表于 2009-6-25 10:48

wang13le 发表于 2009-7-7 15:30


zhaihengliang55 发表于 2009-9-1 17:16


dsadjak djsaklj号不哈哦扩大良好登记卡上回复

六千字好人卡 发表于 2009-9-1 18:05


l89t0906 发表于 2009-9-1 19:24

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