InitialD Arcade Stage Launcher/Card Editor 2.13.1
本帖最后由 cailei110 于 2019-2-22 17:11 编辑InitialD Arcade Stage Launcher/Card Editor 2.13.1 (TP 1.34b-1.69) Stable
This Launcher will automatically put InitialD 6 AA, InitialD 7 AAX and InitialD 8 ∞ card while starting specific game. With this launcher you no longer required to Run the game from TeknoParrot.
- Card Management System - Let you can have more than 1 card and easily manage it.
- Time Attack Submission & Leaderboard System - Let you compare your Time with your friends.
- Card Editor - Let you Change your Profile Avatar and Change your name and Gender.
- Cheating - Unlocks Level, Game Points, Mileage, Editing Car's Color, Engine, etc.
- Teknoparrot 1.34B - 1.69, might work for higher version(s)
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 or above
- Game files
* InitialD 6 AA1.2+E
* InitialD 7 AAX 1.0+C
* InitialD 8 ∞ 1.2+D
1. Unblock IDASL_X.X.rar/IDASL_X.X (launcher only).rar How to Unblock?
2. Place the Launcher, Thumbs.dll, Thumbs2.dll, PluginContract.dll and the folders to your TeknoParrot folder.
3. Start Launcher with Administrator Rights (if require).
4. Click on 'Card Selection' then click 'Scan Card'.
- minor bugs fixes.
- Added Seat Number editor.
- Improved UI Theme Behavior.
- Added Settings for Plugins.
- Bugs fixes and improvements.
- Removed Video background since it doesn't do any good rather than making launcher lag.
- Removed Card Perfer option, now it reads value directly from Game Settings.
- Added Game Settings in Settings.
- Added TeknoParrot Emulation Settings.
- Bugs fixes and improvements.
Older Changelog can be found within the archive.
支持一下 太好了支持一下
支持一下 66666666666666
好东西支持哈~~ 66666666666666666666:)
谢谢提供 。。。。。。。。。。。
InitialD Arcade Stage Launcher/Card Editor 2.13.1
RE: InitialD Arcade Stage Launcher/Card Editor 2.13.1 [修改]
RE: InitialD Arcade Stage Launcher/Card Editor 2.13.
nitialD Arcade Stage Launcher/Card Editor 2.14.1 (TP 1.34b-1.80) Stable
感谢分享! 22222222223333333333344444444444
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