RX480 8G显存,I5 4590前段时间在隐秘之城卡到爆,昨天更新了一百多兆的补丁,变流畅了,
你好,再见 本帖最后由 王人杀 于 2018-9-23 11:33 编辑
PC Patch Notes for patch (Patch #2)
We have just released the second PC patch for Shadow of the Tomb Raider, build This patch focuses primarily on compatibility issues related to performance, game controllers, and stability.
This patch will be applied by Steam automatically when you next start the game. If your game does not update, please restart the Steam client. If your game does not start properly after downloading this update, please verify the integrity of your Steam game files.
For those having issues with their controllers, we have also provided a guide ( found here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/7 ... 734339624806450129/ ) related to some Steam settings that influence controller behavior.
Fixes included in this patch:
A variety of fixes for issues that could cause framerate stutters on specific PC setups.
Added warning message for when the game does not have access to the ‘Documents’ folder to write save data.
One common reason for failures is Windows Defender ‘Protected Folders’ feature. If you have problems with your game not being saved, please consider disabling ‘Protected Folders’.
Changes to make Exclusive Fullscreen more robust. This specifically relates to problems that occur when other applications or tools like overlays hook into the game.
For best stability we recommend that you play without enabling any 3rd party tools that influence the game.
Added native support for PS4 controllers connected to your PC via Bluetooth.
When using Steam Input:
Game now provides default configurations for Xbox, PS4, and other controllers.
Updates to Steam Controller configuration.
Rumble support for Steam Controller.
Changes to ensure BitDefender and other AV products are less likely to block the game.
A variety of smaller fixes related to functionality, performance, and stability.
不能全收集的BUG估计下次更新修复,13号-21号存在较严重的问题昨天更新修复:帧数突然下降导致卡顿;RX480 8G直接用18.9.1或18.9.2深红驱动。
我好久没关注显卡了 请问RX480 8G好还是R9之类的好啊 数学必修5 发表于 2018-9-23 11:44
我好久没关注显卡了 请问RX480 8G好还是R9之类的好啊
数学必修5 发表于 2018-9-23 11:44
我好久没关注显卡了 请问RX480 8G好还是R9之类的好啊
R9、RX400系列已退市,目前A主流型号是RX580 8G、RX570 8G、RX VEGA 56、64;你先去京东自营看价格后再考虑买那个型号,要说明文字量较大。
迪兰r9 390还可以继续奋战一两年吧 本帖最后由 王人杀 于 2018-9-23 17:43 编辑
shenzhen815 发表于 2018-9-23 17:13
迪兰r9 390还可以继续奋战一两年吧
8G R9 390应该能撑过19年,WIN10系统、1920*1080、部分中+部分高+SMAA,在深红驱动加成下和970 4G打成平手;AMD在19年推出一款定位RX X80级别的新型号,估计要第二季度才发布 使用台积电7NM制程。
王人杀 发表于 2018-9-23 17:35
8G R9 390应该能撑过19年,WIN10系统、1920*1080、部分中+部分高+SMAA,在深红驱动加成下和970 4G打成平手 ...
之前一直想换卡,但是有不想用N卡,480和580感觉没有比390升级多少性能,所以就忍住没换了。期待下一代A卡能够大发力! 我的蓝宝石480用18.6.1以后的驱动都会导致系统卡顿,好奇怪~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~