.Hack GU 1 (SLUS_212.58)901300D0 0C04BFDC2094E194 3F400000Tested with ps2rd
Has some graphic glitches on start menu and
in game web browser
.Hack GU 2 (SLUS_214.88)9012FED0 0C04BF5C20A0CD94 3F400000Tested with ps2rd
Has some graphic glitches on start menu and
in game web browser
.Hack GU 3 (SLUS_214.89)9012FB90 0C04BE8C20A87C94 3F400000Tested with ps2rd
Has some graphic glitches on start menu and
in game web browser
.Hack Part 1 Infection SLUS_202.679011bfd0 0c046f9c20A31E90 3F400000ps2rd compatible2/1/2013
.Hack Part 2 Mutation SLUS_205.629011c050 0c046fbc20A763D0 3F400000ps2rd compatible2/1/2013
.Hack Part 3 Outbreak SLUS_205.639011a4d0 0c0468dc20A750C0 3F400000ps2rd compatible2/1/2013
.Hack Part 4 Quarantine SLUS_205.649011a290 0c04684c20971C40 3F400000ps2rd compatible2/1/2013
Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia
SLUS_214.4590347838 0c0d1db6Widescreen
203440bc 3c013f40
203440c0 44810000
203440c8 4600c602
battle fix
20a8edd4 44400000
20a8eddc c4400000
2D scenes
201a363c 3c014440
201a3640 44810800
201a3644 46010042
201a3648 e6810090
201a364c 3c014480
201a3650 44810800All tested from disc and opl/usb and the 2d models in the Ar games during talking look stretched still (looks very fan service-ish with a certain character in 2) but everything else is perfect.2/5/2013
Ar tonelico II: Melody of Metafalica SLUS_217.88902c06e0 0c0b0160Widescreen
202bc554 3c013f40
202bc558 44810000
202bc560 4600c602
battle fix
20a008a4 44400000
20a008ac c4400000
2D scenes
201a9ffc 3c014480
201aa004 44811800
201aa008 3c014a00
201aa00c 44812000
201aa010 e7a40044
201aa014 e7a3004c
201aa018 3c01c480
201aa01c 44811000
201aa020 3c0e00a0
201aa024 25ce148c
201aa028 e7a40040
201aa02c 46020882
201aa030 c5c00000
201aa034 e7a00048
201aa038 46030842
201aa03c 46051082
201aa040 46050842
201aa044 e7a20038
201aa048 e7a10024
201aa04c 3c013f40
201aa050 44813000
201aa054 46060842All tested from disc and opl/usb and the 2d models in the Ar games during talking look stretched still (looks very fan service-ish with a certain character in 2) but everything else is perfect.2/5/2013
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II SLUS_206.75902F0818 0C0BC1AE201ed388 3c013f1f
201ed38c 342149f1
201ed39c 3c014440
2023fc24 3c013f1f
2023fc28 342149f1
2023fc34 3c014440
2027f854 3c013f1f
2027f858 342149f1
2027f864 3c014440
202c8698 3c013f1f
202c869c 342149f1
202c86a8 3c014440
202c456c 3c014288
Bard's Tale, The SLUS_208.0390152330 0C054874Widescreen
2011c594 3c023f40
2012ed8c 3c033f40
201447a8 3c053f40
20144824 3c033f40
20144874 3c023f40
render fix
2013e080 3c023f2b
Bouncer, The SLUS_200.6990307BE0 0C0C1EA0203923BC 3F400000
Bujingai - The Forsaken City SLUS_208.959010BC78 0C042EC6204B4580 3F400000
2035C5F8 3F990000
205cdb30 3F400000
Castlevania Curse of Darkness
SLUS 211.6890404088 0C1D51B020771758 3C014455
20771778 3c013ac0
20443eb8 00000000
20775398 24056e40
207753a4 24072380
Castlevania Lament of Innocence
SLUS 207.33906EA264 0C1BC63720712378 3C014455
20712398 3c013ac0
204511d0 24057300
204511d4 24062000
204511dc 24071b00
Champions of Norrath SLUS_205.65902d76b8 0c0b5d5620480074 3F3FFFFF
204800E4 3F3FFFFF
204800C4 3FE2FC95
204801B8 3FE2FC95
204801C0 3FE2FC95
204801C8 3FE2FC95
204801CC 3FE2FC95
204801D4 3FE2FC95ps2rd compatible2/1/2013
Crash Bandicoot Wrath of Cortex (SLUS-20238) (Version 1.0)90279A78 0C09E646Widescreen Code
20113500 3c013f11
2011207c 3c013f2a
201124c8 3c013f2a*contains widescreen fix, hud fix, and pause screen fix*2/26/13
Crazy Taxi /ID
SLUS_202.02901bf298 0c06fc4e2047B2A8 3FE2FC93A) Crazy Taxi /ID SLUS_202.02
B) ps2rd
C) SWAPMAGIC (hdloader does not recognize the disc as readable....)
Dark Cloud
(SCUS-97111)9AC4449B 18161F9F0012df78 3c023f40ps2rd12/2712
Dark Cloud 2 NTSC
(SCUS-97213)9ADC44BF 180EAE8F00138d78 3f023f40ps2rd11/24/12
Dawn of Mana
(SLUS_215.74)9050B6E0 0083202120A13280 3F400000Tested with ps2rd OPL
slight problem seeing changes from 4:3 to 16:9
Dead or Alive 2 (SLPS_250.02)90334E20 0C0CD32E203B0400 3F400000
203B0C20 3F400000
203B1440 3F400000compatilble with both Codebreaker 9 and ps2rd
Dead or Alive 2 - Harcore
(SLUS_200.71)9039B1BC 0C0E9662203B0400 3F400000
203B0C20 3F400000
203B1440 3F400000compatilble with both Codebreaker 9 and ps2rd
Dead or Alive 2 - Hard*Core (SLPS_250.26)903BEA60 0C0EFA40204588D0 3F400000
20459140 3F400000
204599B0 3F400000
2045A220 3F400000compatilble with both Codebreaker 9 and ps2rd
Devil May Cry
(SLUS 202.16)90204698 0C08114E2010338c 3c013f40
20103390 44810000
20103394 4613AD43
20103398 4600c602ps2rd2/10/13
Devil May Cry 2 Disc 1 SLUS_204.849010d478 0c0434c6Widescreen
2017e08c 3c013f1a
hor aspect value
2017e094 44810000
2017e0b4 468008a0
2017e0b8 00041840
2017e0bc 00641821
2017e0c0 44830800
2017e0c4 3c013f6e
2017e0c8 3421eeee
2017e0d4 44810000
201fad50 4600a003
201fad54 8f85aeb4
201fad58 3c04457f
201fad5c 3c034000
201fad60 3484f000
201fad64 44841800
201fad68 e4a001c0
201fad6c 44830800
201fad70 8f84aeb4
201fad74 8f83aeb8
201fad78 c48201c0
201fad7c c4600030
201fad80 3c014030
hor render fix value
201fad84 44813000
201fad88 00000000
201fad8c 46001002
201fad90 e4800040
201fad94 8f84aeb8
201fad98 8f83aeb4
201fad9c c4800034
201fada0 46001002
201fada4 e4600054
201fada8 c4800030
201fadac 46060002ps2rd compatible2/1/2013
Devil May Cry 2 Disc 2 SLUS_206.279010d478 0c0434c6Widescreen
2017e08c 3c013f1a
hor aspect value
2017e094 44810000
2017e0b4 468008a0
2017e0b8 00041840
2017e0bc 00641821
2017e0c0 44830800
2017e0c4 3c013f6e
2017e0c8 3421eeee
2017e0d4 44810000
201fad50 4600a003
201fad54 8f85aeb4
201fad58 3c04457f
201fad5c 3c034000
201fad60 3484f000
201fad64 44841800
201fad68 e4a001c0
201fad6c 44830800
201fad70 8f84aeb4
201fad74 8f83aeb8
201fad78 c48201c0
201fad7c c4600030
201fad80 3c014030
hor render fix value
201fad84 44813000
201fad88 00000000
201fad8c 46001002
201fad90 e4800040
201fad94 8f84aeb8
201fad98 8f83aeb4
201fad9c c4800034
201fada0 46001002
201fada4 e4600054
201fada8 c4800030
201fadac 46060002ps2rd compatible2/1/2013
Devil May Cry 3 - Special Edition (SLUS_213.61)90122A14 0C04A0B421D0DEA0 3F400000(synce provided the hack for the japanese version. IIRC it's even the exactly same adress.)
Test with codebreaker HDL patched
by xnamkcor
Digital Devil Saga 1 (SLUS_209.74)902F225C 0C0BFFFB203245E4 3FD3A06Dps2rd
Digital Devil Saga II (SLUS_211.52)9034B104 0C0D6CB72037F5E4 3FC00000ps2rd
Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII (SLUS_214.19)90442DC8 0C111B1F204FB248 3FB092C916:9 credit go's to Hyakki / Tested on CB9.2 HDL modified
Disgaea: Hour of Darkness
(SLUS-20666)F0112C4C 00112C4FWidescreen Fix
2014d6ac 3c033f40
2014d6b4 e7a000dc
2014d6b8 46000003
2014d6bc e7a000d8
201051d4 3c013f40
201051d8 44810000
201051e0 4600c602Credit of course goes to nemesis2000 for his .pnach files and pelvicthrustman for his maskfix.1/18/13
DragonBall Z - Infinite World SLUS_218.4290105298 0C04144E2052E6B0 3f23d706
2049C054 3f23d706
Drakengard (SLUS_207.32)902FA874 0C0C45F5203AD6E0 3F400000ps2rd
Drakengard 2 SLUS_213.73903ae3b8 0c0eb896204cf458 3FE38E32
20560f94 44550000ps2rd compatibile2/1/2013
Dual Hearts (NTSC-U) (SLUS-20475)F0200008 0038799F206EF4E0 41400000
206C9EB0 42C00000
206C9EF0 41400000**Confirmed working on PS2**
A)Dual Hearts (NTSC-U) (SLUS-20475)
B) Codebreaker 9.3 (HDL patched)
C) HD loader
Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2 SLUS_218.7390132AC8 0C04027C204D9EB8 3F2AAAABps2rd compatibile2/1/2013
Dynasty Warriors 4
SLUS 206.53902062D0 0C04928000136f30 3c0243d6
00183dc0 3c023f2bAll testing was done with ps2rd v0.5.4 version 2 unofficial on a PS2 slim running Free Mcboot with the real game disc1/5/13
Dynasty Warriors 4 Empires
SLUS 209.3890214240 0C049C5800139b54 3c0243d6
00188da0 3c023f2bAll testing was done with ps2rd v0.5.4 version 2 unofficial on a PS2 slim running Free Mcboot with the real game disc1/5/13
Dynasty Warriors 4 Xtreme Legends
SLUS 208.1290216530 0C049CAC001396c0 3c0243d6
0018e0f0 3c023f2bAll testing was done with ps2rd v0.5.4 version 2 unofficial on a PS2 slim running Free Mcboot with the real game disc1/5/13
Enthusia - Professional Racing/ID SLUS_209.679030d458 0c0c34be20383708 3F400000Enthusia widescreen code, thanks No.47
A) Enthusia - Professional Racing/ID SLUS_209.67
B) ps2rd
Fahrenheit SLES_535.399010d49c 1040ff9e20836500 3FE38E38ps2rd compatibile
was tested with the 60hz option.2/1/2013
Final Fantasy NTSC-J International Edition (SLPS_250.88)902DDF14 0C0BBAEB20313F80 3F2AAAAAps2rd
Final Fantasy X NTSC-U (SLUS_203.12)902DB32C 0C0BAFF1
(dropping the mastercode below will make it work best in Codebreaker)
0C08E7C3 F8A9A29720311340 3F2AAAAATested with ps2rd
on Real Game DVD
Final Fantasy X-2 NTSC-U
(SLUS_206.72)9032165C 0C0CFA8B203670C0 3F2AAAAATested with ps2rd
to OPL boot
Full Metal Alchemist and the Broken Angel (SLUS-20994)901169E4 0C046FEC202D8BE0 3f9e859f
20A96994 3f400000
2092A0EC 3f400000
2092A108 3f400000
20A968EC 3f400000
20A96940 3f400000
20A96A20 3f400000
20A969E8 3f400000
20A969CC 3f400000
20A96B70 3f400000Codebreaker 9.3 HDL patched
launched using HDloader
The code fixes the widescreen as well as the stretching on the HUD.
God Hand
SLUS 215.0390397D48 008320210030b8f0 3c013f9f
0030b8f4 342149f1All testing was done with ps2rd v0.5.4 version 2 unofficial on a PS2 slim running Free Mcboot with the real game disc1/5/13
God of War SCUS_973.99902969F8 0C0A5A26201692a0 3c013fab
201692a4 44811000
201692a8 46020883
201692ac 46010034
201692b0 3c020033
201692b4 c445f1b0
201692b8 46051002
God of War 2 SCUS_974.81902D2560 0C0B490020234A48 46000406
Grandia 3 NTSC9A2C442C 18FE8924
2AE322A4 240200012013b450 3c033f27
2013b4a0 3c013f40
2013b4a4 4481a000
2013b4a8 46146d83
2013b4ac 46007546
2013b4b0 46007e86I haven't tested this as I don't have the actual game, but perhaps you can test it for us, Ichisuke and give us the results. Thanks.11/5/12
Hitman - Blood Money NTSC-U
(SLUS_211.08)9041A308 00832021205965C8 3F400000
21A0A414 3FBAAAAAWidescreen hack by No.47
Tested with ps2rd
Phat PS2 Console
Hitman 2 - Silent Assassin
(SLUS_20374)90416E84 0C1070C5215606B8 3FBAAAAA
215607E0 3F400000
21560D88 3FBAAAAA
21560EB0 3F400000Widescreen hack by No.47
Tested with ps2rd
Phat PS2 Console
Indigo Prophecy
SLUS 211.969020F46C 0C084CA420836500 3FE38E38Tested with real game discs using CodeBreaker.
The codes are RAW from PNACH.
I have no idea how to use ps2rd, because I'm a n00b, but I assume it'll work with that too from what I've read.12/17/2012
James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing SLUS_207.5191F128F8 0C7C49E62043376c 3faaaaaa
Katamri Damacy SLUS_210.08901a2358 0c06887eWidescreen
2016878c 3c014370
20167e50 3c013f9f
20167e54 342149f1
FMV fix
2027c1a8 42600000
2027c1b0 3faaaaabps2rd compatible2/1/2013
Kingdom Hearts
(SLUS-20370)90263228 0C09291FWidescreen Code 201103ac 3c0143d6
20110898 3c013f19
2011089c 3421999a
FMV fix
202a0d88 70007000
201061f4 3c071900
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (SLUS_217.99)903143A0 0C0C5090203328BC 3F19999AOPL tested
Kingdom Hearts II (SLUS_210.05)902FD330 0C0C42BD203B223C 3F19999A
20378100 43C00CCD
2037F484 3F19999A
203B233C 3F19999A
by cassidy1991This is as far as I can tell a perfect 16:9
Tested with ps2rd
OPL R640
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+ (SLPM_666.75)903088E0 0C0C21E0203A7BBC 3F19999A
2036A0B8 43C00CCD
2037153C 3F19999A
2036A0F0 3F19999A
by cassidy1991
Optional Code for text 4:3
2036CE98 3F39999A
By VIRGIN KLMThis is as far as I can tell a perfect 16:9
Tested with ps2rd
OPL R640
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+ (SLPM_666.75)903088E0 0C0C21E0203A7BBC 3F19999A
(use a 16:9 FoV)
203487EC 3FE8F5C3
(Zoom camera out some)Codebreaker 9.25 HDL Patched (Slightly modified)
Launched game with OPL 0.8r589 from HDD (Also works in PCSX2, and on the English patch in PCSX2)
Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil
SLUS-20151FA7A006E 32A0C711
9032A638 0C0CA936 (untested)Widescreen Code
2030536c 3c013f40
20305370 44810000
20305378 4600c602
Partial HUD fix
2051A000 3f400000
2051B000 3f400000
2051C000 3f400000
2051D000 3f400000
SLUS_210.0790110170 0C044004001380a4 3c023f19
001380a8 3443999a
Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen 2
(SLUS 200.24)9048a750 0c12297cWidescreen
20312b08 3C013FE3
20312b0c 34218E38
202eb280 240575e0
202eb298 240a1440Nemesis2000 made the codes for the PAL version and I got them working on the NTSC version
tested with ps2rd2/10/13
Legacy of Kain: Defiance
(SLUS 207.73)90255c30 0c0956b42011a33c 00000000
2028cfe0 00000001
2013d108 3c013b30
20151ef8 3c01bf80
20151f04 3c013f80
2011972c 3c01c340
20119748 3c014340
2013ba0c 3c013f40
2013ba38 e422f400
2013ba68 46021083
2013ba6c e422f3ec
2023be84 3c013b40
20212f2c 24070140contains a widescreen fix, Cutscenes black border's fix, Cutscenes render fix, Subtitles black background's fix, HUD fix and FMV's fix2/10/13
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2
(SLUS 201.65)90208058 0c081fbe201705fc 24020001
20170600 3C010024
20170604 AC22e920
2017061c 46001146
20170620 00000000
20170624 00000000
201144a0 3c0143c0
20112dcc 3C013F40
2013db5c 3C01BF80
2013db64 3c013f80
201d3bf8 24057544
201d3c10 240A1580
Legaia 2: Duel Saga
(SLUS 204.14)9A8C233B 18559DAF0010FEF0 3C013F40
0010FF7C 3C013F40widescreen code by sergx12
Codebreaker 9.3 HDL patched
launched using backup dvd09/12/2012
Legend of Kay SLUS_212.48903f00b8 0c0fbfd62063D9C0 3FAE8BA3
2063D9C4 401B26CA
206E6814 3FBBBBBBps2rd compatible2/1/2013
Marvel Ultimate Alliance (SLUS_213.74)90119CA0 0083202120979AC8 3FE6DB6E
20979ACC 3FE38E32widescreen code by sergx12
Codebreaker 9.3 HDL patched
launched using hdloader09/12/2012
Maximo - Ghosts to Glory (SLUS-20017)9A244BEB 18F6F1B5201D7314 3FEEEEEE
2025BAE0 43870000widescreen code by No. 47
Codebreaker 9.3 HDL patched
launched using HDloader
Maximo vs Army of Zin (NTSC-U) (SLUS_20722)Codebreaker RAW:
F012DA10 0012DA13
ps2rd RAW:
9012DA10 0C0495CC202C43D0 3FE58BF0
202CFB54 3FEEEEEE**Confirmed working on Ps2** widescreen code courtesy of No.47
A) Maximo vs Army of Zin (NTSC-U) (SLUS_20722)
B) Codebreaker 9.3 (HDL patched)
C) HD loader
Mega Man X8 SLUS_209.6090129698 0C13EF1A20b46730 3f400000ps2rd compatible2/1/2013
Metal Gear Solid 2 - Substance (NTSC-U) SLUS_205.54901673EC 0C05BE4E
B0000001 00000000
E0038C86 000802E6
200802E8 00050C02
200802EC 00C13021
200802F4 A4C500000011FEE0 3C013F40All testing was done with ps2rd v0.5.4 version 2 unofficial on a PS2 slim running Free Mcboot with the real game disc
this will also work in Codebreaker91/5/13
Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence (SLUS_213.5990177138 0C062470
E0072882 000802CC
200802CC 8C860000
200802D0 10C00033
200802D4 00050C02
200802D8 00C13021
200802DC 10000030
200802E0 A4C50000
100800BC 00000083
200C0220 3C01000C
200C0224 25CF0158
200C0228 03E00008
200C022C AC2F0000
200C0230 3C01000C
200C0234 3C040026
200C0238 8C843F10
200C023C 50800008
200C0240 AC200000
200C0244 8C85370C
200C0248 8C260260
200C024C 54A60004
200C0250 AC200000
200C0254 3C050803
200C0258 34A50088
200C025C AC85370C
200C0260 03E00008
200C0264 00000000
20177184 0803008C202050AC 3F400000(Not tested yet on a PS2)
OK here it the master but people may want to convert to day1 file / (synce provided the hack for the japanese version of Snake Eater, so here is the code for the definitive version. If you feel like it you can also manipulate the vertical fov at the adress 202050F0 )
Midnight Club 3 DUB Edition Remix
SLUS_213.55"903983EC 0C06833C00527e14 3c013fe3
00527e18 34218e34Notes:
1. Cutscenes are streched
2. Tested with ps2rd1/17/13
Mister Mosquito 2
KA 2 - Let's Go Hawaii
SCPS_150.459010DCF8 0C0436E6203DF6BC 3F400000ps2rd + OPL = perfect in-game widescreen2/14/13
Mortal Kombat - Shaolin Monks (SLUS_21087)F02068CC 002068CFWidescreen Fix
204F4B38 3F400000
black border fix
00322f2c 3c013f80
00322f2d 003c013f
00322f2e 00003c01
00322f2f 0000003c
FMV's fix
00272210 24030256
00272211 00240302
00272212 00002403
00272213 00000024
00272498 240B0256
00272499 00240B02
0027249a 0000240B
0027249b 00000024Credit of course goes to nemesis2000 for his .pnach files and pelvicthrustman for his maskfix.1/18/13
Nightshade SLUS_208.109039F0F8 0C0E7BE620183124 3c023f24
20183128 34428b44
2018314c 3c023f40
20183100 3c014280
2018310c 44815800
202e1b40 e48b0070
Okage Shadow King SCUS_971.29901e6408 0c0798aa201FE2E4 3F400000ps2rd compatible2/1/2013
(SLUS-21115)F03EDA9C 003EDA9FWidescreen Fix
2015c33c 3c0143a8
2033ec38 3c013f9f
2033ec3c 4481a800
2015c360 3c013f9f
2015c364 44817000
2015c3ac 00000000Credit of course goes to nemesis2000 for his .pnach files and pelvicthrustman for his maskfix.1/18/13
SLUS 200.64902B12D0 0C0AECCE00134bb8 3c013f40All testing was done with ps2rd v0.5.4 version 2 unofficial on a PS2 slim running Free Mcboot with the real game disc1/5/13
Persona 3 FES
SLUS 216.219019398c 0c14896a207CAD1C 3FE38E39
2010afd0 1462000a
2010afd8 3c02c294
2010afdc 10000008
2010afec 00000000
2010affc 3c02c1a8
2010b010 00000000
20106e30 3c043f40
20106e38 00701821
20106e3c 24632bac
20106e44 00000000
20106e48 24630004
20106e4c 3c043f80
2010afd0 1462000a
2010afd8 3c02c294
2010afdc 10000008
2010afec 00000000
2010affc 3c02c1a8
2010b010 00000000
Partial HUD fix
20106e30 3c043f40
20106e38 00701821
20106e3c 24632bac
20106e44 00000000
20106e48 24630004
20106e4c 3c043f80All testing was done with ps2rd v0.5.4 version 2 unofficial on a PS2 slim running Free Mcboot with the real game disc
Partial HUD fix for Persona 3 FES, adapted from Nemesis2000's code with maskfix (that's what I named the tool...hehe...tool)2/10/13
Persona 3 FES SLES_553.54ps2rd:
90508898 0C1421CE
F0199C88 00199C8Bwidescreen
207CD01C 3FE38E39
Partial HUD fix
20106EA0 3C043F40
20106EA8 00701821
20106EAC 24634F2C
20106EB4 00000000
20106EB8 24630004
20106EBC 3C043F80
Font fix, so far (5 minutes gameplay) no errors:
203B55DC 2415000C
203B55F4 3C0241A8
203B5620 01154018
203B5624 00084103
203B5628 0100A82D
203B3134 00118903
203B3138 02338818
203B3140 8E93001C
203B3204 82970003
203B3350 24130015Worked with OPL via SMB.2/15/13
Persona 4 NTSC-U (SLUS_217.82)Codbreaker:
F042FE10 0042FE13
ps2rd Raw:
90424CD8 0C1092DE2076111C 3FE374BCcodebreaker 9
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time NTSC (SLUS-20743)9A6C4740 18BEEFD8004b50ac 3c023f10
004b5104 3c02402bps2rd11/24/12
Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones SLUS_212.879010c048 0c042fba205b872c 3c023f10
205b8788 3c02402bps2rd
tested with 480p on and they work great.1/2/2013
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within SLUS_210.2290010c048 0c042fba00544d6c 3c023f10
00544d6d 003c023f
00544d6e 00003c02
00544d6f 0000003c
00544dc8 3c02402b
00544dc9 003c0240
00544dca 00003c02
00544dcb 0000003cps2rd
tested with 480p on and they work great.1/2/2013
Ratchet & Clank SCUS_971.99903f00b8 0c0fbfd62016CAF0 3F570A3Fps2rd1/2/2013
Ratchet & Clank - Going Commando SCUS_972.68903f00b8 0c0fbfd6201A7BB0 01010100
201BD370 3F56FA72ps2rd1/2/2013
Ratchet & Clank 3 - Up Your Arsenal SCUS_973.53903f00b8 0c0fbfd6201439FC 01010100
201E76B0 3F53A063ps2rd1/2/2013
Ratchet Deadlocked SCUS_974.65908004B4 0C20005820171DE8 01000101
2023FEF0 3F53A063480p works but, do NOT turn on widescreen in game settings or it still crops the screen.2/26/2013
Resident Evil - Code Veronica X (SLUS_201.84)9011166C 0C048FF620132298 3c023f61
2013229c 34436893
20339c90 43f00000
20339c94 43e00000
202e29e8 3c014466
202e29ec 44810800
202cfeec 3c013f97
202cfef0 44811800
21e218c0 01AA0280
21e218c4 000C0000
21e218c0 01AA0280
21e218c4 000C0000
Render Fix
20339c90 43f00000
20339c94 43e00000
202e29e8 3c014466
202e29ec 44810800
202cfeec 3c013f97
202cfef0 44811800ps2rd2/10/13
SLUS_203.44901F8278 0C07E0462027E8C4 3F400000ps2srd
works but the alignment on a lot of objects is off and I personally wouldn't use the code but its up to you, just keep that in mind.2/1/2013
Ridge Racer V SLUS_200.02"90294978 0C0B574020332694 43C6C000
203326B4 43C6C000
20332EC4 3F1D0364
20332F80 3F199999Hook code = Master code, but a hook code starts with a "9", is that a correct assumption
RRV looks great in 16:9
Robot Alchemic Drive SLUS_204.459016c0f8 0c05afd620640370 3F400000ps2rd2/1/2013
Rogue Galaxy (NTSC-U) SCUS_974.909AD045D8 ED812BE1201C6AA4 24020001ps2rd12/27/12
SMT Nocturne SLUS_209.1190101C5C 0C0B4546202F59B4 3FC6C6E7
202F56B4 3FD3A06Dps2rd2/1/2013
Second Sight SLUS_210.3390100D08 0C105FF420500C14 3FC71C71
20500C94 3FC71C71ps2rd2/1/2013
Sega Rally Championship /ID SLPM_627.03901ccb58 0c07327e2030F990 43610000
2030F9E0 42E10000
2030FA94 43A8C000
20310340 43960000
203105D8 43960000
20310718 43960000
20310878 43834000
20311650 00000000A) Sega Rally Championship /ID SLPM_627.03
B) ps2rd
Shadow of Rome SLUS_209.0290112050 0C0447BC20146bc8 3c023f1f
20146bd0 344249f9
20146de4 3c023f1f
20146dec 344249f9
201e746c 3c044328
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga PAL (SLES_534.58)9030ED18 0C0C3AEE20328864 3FD3A06Dwidescreen hack by asmodean
Shining Force EXA (SLUS-21567)9011C000 0C048EF8210FD738 43c00000
210FD73C 43BB3333
210FD730 42800000
210FD734 41A80000widescreen code by paul_met
Codebreaker 9.3 HDL patched
launched using backup dvd09/12/2012
Shining Force NEO (SLUS-212061)9011B4A0 0C047B94210F5BB8 43C00000
210F5BBC 43BB3333
210F5BB0 42800000
210F5BB4 41A80000widescreen code by paul_met
Codebreaker 9.3 HDL patched
launched using backup dvd09/12/2012
Shinobi (SLUS_204.59)F0381124 0038112721BCCA48 3F400000
2044DA50 3F3851EC
2044DA54 3F851EB8
2044DA40 3F3851EC
2044DA44 3F851EB8
21C49CD0 41400000
21C49D10 41400000
21C49D50 41400000
21C49D90 41400000
21C49E10 41400000
21C49E50 41400000
21C49E90 41400000
21C49ED0 41400000
21C49F10 41400000
21C4AA88 42DC0000
21C4AAA0 42DC0000Codebreaker 9.3 HDL patched
Actual Game DVD
The above codes fixes the stretching of the onscreen HUD in Shinobi, but unfortunately I couldn't find the values which control the size of the text...
Does anyone know if PS2 games have values that control the size of the FMV's?
Cuz the FMV's are widescreen, so I was wondering if there was a way to stretch the FMV to fill the full 16:9.
Shinobi90381124 0C0D6FB600234a50 3c023f40All testing was done with ps2rd v0.5.4 version 2 unofficial on a PS2 slim running Free Mcboot with the real game disc1/5/13
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories SLUS_218.999042A360 0C10A880202c4524 3c013faa
202c4528 3421aaaa
202c4534 46036302
202c4538 460318c2
202c453c e7ac0000
202c4540 1480000f
202c4544 afa00004
202c4548 3c013faa
202c454c 3421aaa8
202c4550 44810800
202c4554 3c013eaa
202c4558 3421aaab
202c455c 44810000
Silent Hill 2
(SLUS-202.28)901fb7d8 0c07ed9ewidescreen
210DDF14 43A8F5C2
202a258c 3c027040
202a25bc 34068fc0
202a25d4 24100000
202a2730 34c60000
202a2640 34c60000
202a27ac 34c60000
202a26bc 34c60000All testing was done with ps2rd v0.5.4 version 2 unofficial on a PS2 slim running Free Mcboot with the real game disc
Tested with ps2rd2/10/13
Silent Hill 3 (SLUS_206.22)9011F5C0 0C04412C21E54570 3F400000
FMV fix
202b60b8 24112550
202b60a4 24106D50
202b61dc 24100000
202b61e4 24100000
202b60bc 24032000
202b60a8 24037000
202b61fc 24100000
202b6200 24100000Codes by Nemesis2000
Testing done on ps2rd with real game DVD2/10/13
Silent Hill 4
SLUS 208.739010f5b0 0c043d14Widescreen
2045a1b4 3F400000
2045a1b8 3F160000
202f7954 3c020380
202f7998 34021880All testing was done with ps2rd v0.5.4 version 2 unofficial on a PS2 slim running Free Mcboot with the real game disc
Tested with ps2rd. Note that when you run this the intro looks off-center, but when you see other FMVs in game they look spot-on. This is because the intro center.2/10/13
Simple 2000 Series Vol. 101: The Oneechanpon (SLPS_204.66)F01001B8 0000000E20495104 3F400000
20495104 3F400000codebreaker9
SCUS_973.55901126F0 0C04496420201718 3c023f40
Soulcalibur III SLUS_212.169018E254 0C10A3DE0012a118 3c013f40
0012a119 003c013f
0012a11a 00003c01
0012a11b 0000003c
0012a11c 34210000
0012a11d 00342100
0012a11e 00003421
0012a11f 00000034ps2rd2/1/2013
Space Channel 5 - Part 2 (SLUS_208.07)(Not tested yet on a PS2)202E84D4 3F400000(synce provided the hack for the japanese version.)
Star Wars - Bounty Hunter
SLUS_204.2090191D78 0C064706204509E0 3F400000
204509f8 bf800000
20450a04 3f800000
203CD7D0 3Fb00000
Steambot Chornicles SLUS_213.449024e950 0c0939fc201329c0 3c033f40
20132818 3c0643d6Tested with ps2rd with opl over smb. Played through the tutorial and everything was perfect. Almost forgot to mention, I got the code from the PCSX2 forums.
Suikoden III SLUS_203.8791919918 0c6465ee216c21c0 460d6502
216c21bc 460d6d42ps2rd2/1/2013
Suikoden IV SLUS_209.799049a598 0c12690eWidescreen
2048845c 3c013f40
20488460 44810000
20488468 4600c602
204b6b44 3c0143f0
FMV fix
204c4be4 24101e00
204c4d98 24110190had a 480p fix in it originally and I had to remove it otherwise only half the screen was rendered.2/1/2013
Suikoden V SLUS_212.91901f2550 0c07c8fcWidescreen
20237e18 3c033f40
20237e20 44830800
20237e24 46010003
20237e34 3c033f10
20237e38 44830800
20237e3c 46010002
FMV fix
20256dec 3c0143f0
20256df4 44816000
20256dfc 3c0143e0
20256e08 44816800ps2rd2/1/2013
SLUS 200.749024D7F8 0C09962B20330558 3F400000All testing was done with ps2rd v0.5.4 version 2 unofficial on a PS2 slim running Free Mcboot with the real game disc1/5/13
Tales of Legendia (SLUS_21201)9A9045E9 18423405203DAFA0 3F266666
203BFAB0 40133333widescreen code by Ilogis
Codebreaker 9.3 HDL patched
launched using actual game disc09/12/2012
Tales of the Abyss SLUS_213.8690106210 0c04182c2032e008 3c023fe3
2032dfa4 3c034307
Tekken 5
SLUS_210.59901001C4 0C07C1E4203FBC24 3F333333ps2rd
tested with 480p on and they work great.2/1/2013
The Thing SLUS_203.719010d464 0c0434ba2016ec34 3c023fe3
2016ec38 34428e38ps2rd2/1/2013
Time Crisis 2
SLUS_202.19902C86B8 0C0B2156203cd7fc 3f400000PS2 OPL + ps2rd
I don't recommend to use these hacks, as aiming won't work properly, however they provide true 16:9 aspect ratio.2/10/13
Time Crisis 3
SLUS_206.459025D4D8 0C0974DE2033976c 3f400000PS2 OPL + ps2rd
I don't recommend to use these hacks, as aiming won't work properly, however they provide true 16:9 aspect ratio.2/10/13
SLUS_200.90902D1338 0C0B83BE2027b3f4 3c014328
2027b3f8 44810000Tested with OPL + ps2rd,
Option 6 in OPL - IGR (In Game Reset) - must be disabled, otherwise game visuals will degrade.
In game screen adjustment setting: -10
.elf hack is available at ps2wide.net2/14/13
Timesplitters 2 SLUS_203.1490445878 0C1115C620598A08 3FC71C71
205995DC 3FC71C71
20599664 3FC71C71
2059CA10 3FC71C71Tested with OPL + ps2rd,
In-game screen adjustment setting: -102/16/13
TMNT 3 Mutant Nightmare NTSC (SLUS_211.84)9011E2A0 008320210028fd80 3c023f1e
0028fdb0 3c023fe3
0028fdb8 34428e38ps2rd11/24/12
SLUS_212.5590124e38 0c0493362042E0D0 3F400000
2042E0F8 BF400000Tested with ps2rd + PS2 OPL SMB Setup2/9/13
Viewtiful Joe
SLUS 209.51902CAC28 0C0B7DCA002b4904 3c01bf22
002bce28 3c013f22All testing was done with ps2rd v0.5.4 version 2 unofficial on a PS2 slim running Free Mcboot with the real game disc1/5/13
Virtua Fighter 4
SLUS 203.23902E0AF4 0C0BE111208CE268 3F400000All testing was done with ps2rd v0.5.4 version 2 unofficial on a PS2 slim running Free Mcboot with the real game disc1/5/13
Virtua Fighter 4 - Evolution (SLUS_206.16)90113A2C 0C048A8620924B9C 3F19999A
We Love Katamari SLUS_212.30901000C4 0C07676C20107b40 3c013f9f
20107b44 342149f1
2010856c 3c014370ps2rd2/1/2013
Wild Arms Alter Code F NTSC (SLUS_209.37)9AAC4788 18747B6800118e68 3c023f40
00118d9c 3c023f40
00118f44 3c023f40
00118f14 3c033f40
00118f58 3c0243d9
00118f28 3c034505
001191a0 3c064455
00118af0 3c024455*requires render fix, graphical pop-ins11/24/12
Wild Arms 3
(SCUS-97203)9A1C47F9 18C41CB320115bd0 3c023f40
20115be0 3c023f40
20115d8c 3c054455
201159b4 3c023f40
20115a28 3c024455
Wild Arms 4
SLUS_212.92901121d0 0c04481c201596d0 3c064500
2015976c 3c023f40
20159574 3c05442b
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009 NTSC (SLUS-21810)F016D940 0016D943002a4310 3c033f40codebreaker 911/24/12
SLUS_206.7790125154 0C04B906206EC728 3F400000Notes:
1. Tested with OPL + ps2rd
2. FMVs and in-game menu are stretched. To watch cinematic sequences in proper format you should switch your TV back to 4:3 mode.
I took widescreen codes from .pnach. Mastercode taken from codeseek didn't work, another one taken from ps2dis froze game during initial loading. That one, which works, is converted to RAW codebreaker enable code.1/21/13
X-Men Legends SLUS_206.56901E64B8 0C079924005cc888 3c023f34
005cc889 003c023f
005cc88a 00003c02
005cc88b 0000003c
20720920 3Fe38e38
2072094c 3f1ccccdps2rd2/1/2013
X-Men Legends II - Rise of Apocalypse SLUS_211.38903a0f98 0c0e83c40016080c 3c023f72
0016080d 003c023f
0016080e 00003c02
0016080f 0000003c
208985a4 3FE38E32
208985d0 3F199999ps2rd2/1/2013
X-Men Next Dimension SLUS_202.799021c030 0c086fb4201a5adc 3c014455
201a5af8 3c013fe3
201a5afc 34218e38
2019dae4 3c013f22ps2rd2/1/2013
Xenosaga - Der Wille zur Macht
SLUS 204.699020BCA4 0C0CBB3320942370 3f400000
20942380 44200000
209423a8 44200000
20942960 3f400000
20942970 44200000
20942998 44200000
20944d00 3f400000All testing was done with ps2rd v0.5.4 version 2 unofficial on a PS2 slim running Free Mcboot with the real game disc1/5/13
Xenosaga Episode II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse (Disc 1) SLUS_208.9290122b38 0c048a762069B784 4182e8ba
Xenosaga Episode II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse (Disc 2) SLUS_211.3390122b38 0c048a762069B784 4182e8ba
Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra (Disc 1) /ID SLUS_213.89902f2408 0c0bc8aa2054FF20 3fc1f080
Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra (Disc 2)
SLUS_214.17902f2408 0c0bc8aa2054FF20 3fc1f080
Ys: The Ark of Napishtim (SLUS_209.80)9011BC9C 0C04858C202E0A28 3F19999A
202E0A2C 3F80EEEFCorrections for Raw Code thanks to skiller
Zone of the Enders SLUS_201.48
9048b700 0c122d6800450e80 3c013f40tested with ps2rd1/11/13