《洛克人X:遗产合集1-4(Mega Man X Legacy Collection)》CE修改器(更新)!
本帖最后由 3dm438 于 2018-8-5 14:23 编辑Mega Man X
Inf health regular mode health may go down a few bits of health but it will never go past a certain point also for hadoken after you have max health from the heart tanks the value is 32 but it will go down by 1 health point i dont know why it does that so to avoid this set it to 33 to never have the health bar go down because you need full hp for the hadoken but beware if you press start menu you will freeze and get a black screen and need to reset the game via the select button
inf lives regular mode
Mega Man X2
inf health regular mode
inf lives for both regular/rookie hunter mode
- Infinite Health X1-X2
- Infinite Ammo X1-X2 warning as most of the inf ammo codes usually work for 2 weapons instead of one you may need to disable it before you beat a boss for example i enabled the code for infinite Fire Wave on x1 on armored armadillo stage but since it also effected the rolling shield which you obtain from that stage it acts as if i never beat the stage after beating it with the code on but i stiil had the heart and sub tank i beat from the stage so i recommend disabling the code before delivering the final blow to the boss to be safe
- Infinite Lives X1-X2 code values for max lives are in code description
- Infinite Health X1-X4 and X-challenge mode vol 1
- Infinite Ammo X1-X4 warning as most of the inf ammo codes usually work for 2 weapons or more instead of one you may need to disable it for X1-3 before you beat a boss for example i enabled the code for infinite Fire Wave on x1 on armored armadillo stage but since it also effected the rolling shield which you obtain from that stage it acts as if i never beat the stage after beating it with the code on but i stiil had the heart and sub tank i beat from the stage so i recommend disabling the code before delivering the final blow to the boss to be safe
- Infinite Lives X1-X4 code values for max lives are in code description
使用方法???? 感谢分享 测试无效!!成功的出个声? 都没做指针~也就自己电脑好使 RXC2.CT可以用,來支持一下!!! 本帖最后由 carnivorous 于 2018-8-5 13:56 编辑
洛克人X1,打倒BOSS前,若有開特殊武器 能量不減的 金手指
inf Shotgun Ice/Boomerang Cutter
inf Storm Tornado/Electric Spark
inf Homing Torpedo/Chameleon Sting
inf Fire Wave/Rolling Shield,
請關掉,不然 得不到此BOSS的 特殊武器!!!