dashslash 发表于 2018-3-1 18:36

xv2patcher 2.0出了,墙外的哪位搬一下

xv2patcher updated to 2.0


- Added support for game version 1.09, which is actually the smaller version needed for the patcher to run.
- Added support for new stages.
- Added a patch to enable cpu enemies (AI) to use awaken skills. This patch is disabled by default. You can enable it with the ini setting "ai_extend". Additional parameters can be configured in the AIextend section.
- Added a patch to show the enemy portrait in any battle, not just few enemies like in vanilla game. This patch is disabled by default.
You can enable it with the ini setting "ui_enemy_portrait".
- Added a patch that allows to hide the battle UI. Disabled by default, you can use the "hide_battle_ui" ini setting to enable or you can just use the XV2Patcher UI extensions.
- Added a patch to allow Freezer siege events to happen offline. This patch is disabled by default. You can enable by setting ini variable "fs_event_offline = true".
Note that the patch also requires "offline_mode = true". The FS_OFFLINE section allows you to customize the probability, duration and other parameters of the event.
- Added the XV2Patcher UI extensions. This is the folder " XV2Patcher UI Extensions". These are extension to some iggy files like pause menu.
Read the readme there for more details. (Current functions: being able to dump autogen portrait in the pause menu, and toggle the battle hud).
- The ini setting "dump_auto_gen_portrait" has been removed. With the XV2Patcher UI extensions, the same functionality can be achieved in a more stable way.
- The dumping of auto-generated portrait will now dump to ".bmp" instead of portrait.bmp.
- pre-baked.xml file now have a new field called "BEHAVIOUR_66", which allow skills to be identified as one of the original ones, regarding to the value of CUS_AURA in bcm files.
- If iggy_warning ini setting is true, the message "Cannot maintain framerate specified in SWF file" won't longer be shown in log, as it is a expected and normal warning, to avoid cluttering.


Added "Pack of Internal stages" file. You can find it below xv2patcher. This is a pack of some stages that are usually non-selectable or playable, now you can play them.

Read more: http://animegamemods.net/thread/701/tools-eternity?page=103#ixzz58UZxVbJW

qq767819436 发表于 2018-3-1 18:57

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dashslash 发表于 2018-3-1 20:09


a272080865 发表于 2018-3-2 21:54


evafans 发表于 2018-3-2 22:04


zakesd 发表于 2018-7-17 22:31

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查看完整版本: xv2patcher 2.0出了,墙外的哪位搬一下